
58 lines
856 B

# πανήγυρις -εως, ἡ
<!-- Status: S2=NeedsEdits -->
<!-- Lexica used for edits: -->
## Word data
* Strongs: G38310
* Alternate spellings:
* Principle Parts:
* Part of speech:
* Instances in Scripture: 1
* All Scriptures cited: No
## Etymology:
[πᾶς]() + [ἄγυρας]() = [ἀγορά]()),
* LXX/Hebrew glosses:
* Time Period/Ancient Authors:
* Related words:
* Antonyms for all senses
* Synonyms for all senses:
[ἐκκλησία](../G15770/01.md) (q.v.), [συναγωγή](../G48640/01.md).
## Senses
### Sense 1.0:
#### Definition:
#### Glosses:
a national festal assembly;
#### Explanation:
festal assembly;
#### Citations:
prop., a national festal assembly in honour of a god; hence, generally, any festal assembly: [He 12:23](Heb 12:23) (for exx. in [π.](), v. MM, xviii).†