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# ἀτιμότερος
<!-- Status: S2=NeedsEdits -->
<!-- Lexica used for edits: -->
<!-- Remove this comment block after initial editting -->
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<!-- This file was created from textual analysis by Alan Bunning. -->
<!-- It is here to support downstream UGNT processing -->
<!-- which will identify this particular lemma. -->
<!-- Since this was not derived from the Abbott-Smith lexicon, -->
<!-- your first round of edits can/should ignore this file -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Remove this comment block after initial editting -->
## Word data
* Strongs: G18215
* Alternate spellings:
* Principle Parts:
* Part of Speech:
* Instances in Scripture: 1
* All Scriptures cited: No
## Etymology:
* LXX/Hebrew glosses:
* Time Period/Ancient Authors:
* Related words:
* Antonyms for all senses
* Synonyms for all senses:
## Senses
### Sense 1.1:
#### Definition:
#### Glosses:
#### Explanation:
#### Citations: