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# Unlocked Greek Lexicon (UGL)
An important part of our Bible translation checking software is the ability for the translators and
editors to look up Greek words or phrases in a reliable lexicon. Again, we are faced with the
problem that Greek lexica in the public domain are very much out of date and modern lexica
are bound by copyright restrictions. In an effort to solve this difficulty we are developing our
own Greek lexicon.
* The lexicon will provide:
Glosses (English translation equivalents in one or a few words)
Definitions (explanation of what the word or phrases can mean)
Principal parts, irregular forms, etc.
Examples (examples of verses where this meaning is found in the NT or extra-biblical
Hellenistic Greek corpora)
Strong's numbers for all lexical entries
* The starting point for the lexicon will be G. Abott-Smith, *A Manual Greek Lexicon of the New
Testament* , 1922.
* The UGL will be released in versions:
The first version will be a digitized edition of Abbott-Smith, as originally published. This
effort is currently in progress (see
https://github.com/translatable-exegetical-tools/Abbott-Smith and
https://github.com/biblicalhumanities/Abbott-Smith ).
The next step will be to update the glosses and definitions in light of current Greek
lexica (enumerated below).
The long-term goal is to revise the lexicon so that it is a corpus-driven advanced
learner's Greek-English lexicon. For details about this approach, see Todd L. Price,
*Structural Lexicology and the Greek New Testament: Applying Corpus Linguistics for
Word Sense Possibility Delimitation Using Collocational Indicators*, Perspectives on
Linguistics and Ancient Languages 6 (Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias, 2015).
* The UGL will be linked to UGNT and UGG.
* Volunteers are needed to:
Proofread the digitized version of Abbott-Smith to ensure that it matches the printed
edition of 1922.
Proofread the digitized version of Abbott-Smith to ensure that it is properly formatted
and tagged according to digital standards to be determined (e.g., OSIS, TEI XML, etc.)
Work with the Project Coordinator to update Abbott-Smith through a comparison with
the corresponding lexical entry in the following lexica:
Bauer, Walter. *A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early
Christian Literature*. Edited by Frederick W. Danker. 3rd ed. Chicago: University
of Chicago Press, 2000
Friberg, Timothy, Barbara Friberg, and Neva F. Miller. *Analytical Lexicon to the
Greek New Testament*. Baker's Greek New Testament Library. Grand Rapids:
Baker, 2000
Liddell, Henry George, and Robert Scott. *A Greek-English Lexicon: With a
Revised Supplement*. Edited by Sir Henry Stuart Jones and Roderick McKenzie.
9th ed. Oxford: Clarendon, 1996
Louw, Johannes E., and Eugene A. Nida. *Greek-English Lexicon of the New
Testament: Based on Semantic Domains*. 2 vols. 2nd ed. New York: United Bible
Societies, 1989
Moulton, J. H., and G. Milligan. *Vocabulary of the Greek Testament*. London:
Hodder and Stoughton, 1930
Newman, Jr., Barclay M. *A Concise Greek-English Dictionary of the New
Testament*. Stuttgart: Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, 1993
* Requirements for contributors to the Unlocked Greek Lexicon:
Agreement with our Statement of Faith: https://unfoldingword.org/faith/
Agreement with Translation Guidelines: https://unfoldingword.org/guidelines/
Agreement that your work will be released under a CC BY-SA
( https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ ). See
Must have at least one year (two semesters) of NT Greek
Access to as many of the above mentioned lexica as possible (especially BDAG,
Louw & Nida)
* Preferences (though not required):
Attendance at workshop for training (5 days/1 week) how to proofread and edit
Access to biblical software highly recommended (preferably BibleWorks, Logos
or Accordance)
It is highly recommended that the volunteer be familiar with the following works
on lexicography, although this is not required for the stage of digitizing (not
updating) Abbott-Smith:
Ayto, J. R. “On Specifying Meaning: Semantic Analysis and Dictionary
Definitions.”Pages 89-98 in *Lexicography: Principles and Practice .
Edited by R. K. K. Hartmann.* ALS. London: Academic, 1983
Burkhanov, Igor. "Pragmatic Specifications: Usage Indications, Labels,
Examples; Dictionaries of Style, Dictionaries of Collocations.” Pages
102-13 in *A Practical Guide to Lexicography*. Edited by Piet van
Sterkenberg. TLRP 6. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2003
Chadwick, John. *Lexicographica Graeca: Contributions to the
Lexicography of Ancient Greek*. Oxford: Clarendon, 1996
Geeraerts, Dirk. "Meaning and Definition.” Pages 83-93 in *A Practical
Guide to Lexicography*. Edited by Piet van Sterkenberg. TLRP 6.
Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2003
Landau, Sidney I. *Dictionaries: The Art and Craft of Lexicography*. 2nd ed.
Cambridge: CUP, 2001
Lee, John A. L. *A History of New Testament Lexicography*. SBG 8. New
York: Peter Lang, 2003
Lee, John A. L. “The Present State of Lexicography of Ancient Greek.”
Pages 66-74 in *Biblical Greek Language and Lexicography: Essays in
Honor of Frederick W. Danker.* Edited by Bernard A. Taylor, John A. L.
Lee, Peter R. Burton, and Richard E. Whitaker. Grand Rapids, Mich.:
Eerdmans, 2004.
Louw, Johannes P. “The Analysis of Meaning in Lexicography.” *Filología
Neotestamentaria* 6, no. 12 (November 1993): 139-48
Oppentocht, Lineke, and Rik Schutz. “Design of Dictionaries.” Pages
215-27 in *A Practical Guide to Lexicography*. Edited by Piet van
Sterkenberg. TLRP 6. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2003.
Porter, Stanley E. “Linguistic Issues in New Testament Lexicography.”
Pages 49-74 in *Studies in the Greek New Testament: Theory and
Practice* Edited by Stanley E. Porter. SBG 6. New York: Peter Lang, 1996
Wendland, E., and Eugene A. Nida. “Lexicography and Bible Translating.”
Pages 1-52 in *Lexicography and Translation: With Special Reference to
Bible Translation*. Edited by Johannes P. Louw. Cape Town: Bible Society
of South Africa, 1985
* The Project Coordinator will provide the volunteers with the text of UGL to be edited
* To learn more about this project, see https://unfoldingword.org/ugl/ and
* For more information contact Todd Price at [todd@unfoldingword.org](http://) .