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But as for younger widows, refuse to enroll them in the list

"But do not include younger widows in the list." The list was of widows aged 60 years and older whom the Christian community would help.

For when they give in to bodily desires against Christ, they want to marry

"For when they prefer to fulfill their sensual desires and get married, they go against their promise to serve Christ as widows"

revoke their first commitment

"do not keep their prior commitment" or "do not do what they promised before to do"


The commitment of the widows was their agreement to serve the Christian community for the rest of their lives if the community would supply the widows' needs.

learn to be lazy

"get into the habit of doing nothing"

talk nonsense and are busybodies, saying things they should not say

These three phrases are probably three ways of speaking of the same activity. These people should not be looking into other people's private lives and telling about them to others who are no better off after hearing.


words that do not help those who hear them


people who look into other people's private lives for their own good and not for the good of the other people
