
19 lines
940 B

## caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man ##
"caused the man to sleep intensely." A deep sleep is a time of sleeping in which a person is not easily disturbed or wakened.
## with the rib…he made a woman ##
"From the rib…he formed a woman." The rib was the material God made the woman from.
## This time, this one is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh ##
This can also be translated as "Finally this one's bones are like my bones, and her flesh is like my flesh." After looking among all the animals for a partner and not finding one, he finally saw someone who was like him and could be his partner. The man was probably expressing his feeling of relief and joy.
## flesh ##
This refers to the soft parts of the body like skin and muscle.
## She will be called 'woman', because she was taken out of man. ##
The translator may want to write a footnote saying "The Hebrew word for 'woman' sounds like the Hebrew word 'man'.