
2.5 KiB



"To worship" means to honor, praise and obey someone, especially God.

  • This term often means literally, "bow down" or "prostrate oneself" to humbly honor someone.
  • We worship God when we serve and honor him, by praising him and obeying him.
  • When the Israelites worshiped God, it often included sacrificing an animal on an altar.
  • Some people worship false gods.

Translation Suggestions:

  • The term "worship" could be translated as "bow down to" or "honor and serve" or "honor and obey."
  • In some contexts, it could also be translated as "humbly praise" or "give honor and praise."

(See also: sacrifice, praise, honor)

Bible References:

Examples from the Bible stories:

*13-04 Then God gave them the covenant and said, "I am Yahweh, your God, who saved you from slavery in Egypt. Do not worship other gods." *14-02 The Canaanites did not worship or obey God. They worshiped false gods and did many evil things. *17-06 David wanted to build a temple where all the Israelites could worship God and offer him sacrifices. *18-12 All of the kings and most of the people of the kingdom of Israel worshiped idols. *25-07 Jesus replied, "Get away from me, Satan! In God's word he commands his people, 'Worship only the Lord your God and only serve him.'" *26-02 On the Sabbath, he (Jesus) went to the place of worship. *47-01 There they met a woman named Lydia who was a merchant. She loved and worshiped God. *49-18 God tells you to pray, to study his word, to worship him with other Christians, and to tell others what he has done for you.