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# Story 45: Philip and the Ethiopian Official #
## Comprehension Questions and Answers ##
1. __What kind of person was Stephen?__
*_He had a good reputation and was full of the Holy Spirit and of wisdom. [45-01]_
1. __What was the false charge that some Jews brought against Stephen?__
*_They said Stephen had spoken evil things about Moses and God. [45-02]_
1. __What did Stephen say the people had done that was worse than their ancestors?__
*_They killed the Messiah. [45-03]_
1. __How did the religious leaders react to Stephen's accusation?__
*_They dragged Stephen out of the city and threw stones at him in order to kill him. [45-04]_
1. __What was the last thing Stephen said before he died?__
*_“Master, do not count this sin against them.” [45-05]_
1. __Who guarded the robes of the people who killed Stephen?__
*_Saul. [45-06]_
1. __What did the believers do when the persecution began in Jerusalem?__
*_They fled to other places and preached about Jesus wherever they went. [45-06]_
1. __Who did Philip meet on the desert road?__
*_An important official from Ethiopia. [45-07]_
1. __What was the Ethiopian official doing as Philip approached?__
*_He was reading what the prophet Isaiah wrote. [45-08]_
1. __Did the official understand the prophecy that he was reading?__
*_No, he needed someone to explain it to him. [45-09]_
1. __To whom did Philip say the prophesy of the lamb referred?__
*_It referred to Jesus. [45-10]_
1. __After Philip explained the prophecy and then the Ethiopian saw some water, what did he ask?__
*_The Ethiopian asked if he could be baptized. [45-11]_
1. __What happened to Philip after he baptized the Ethiopian official?__
*_The Holy Spirit carried Philip away. [45-12]_
1. __What did the Ethiopian official do after Philip left him?__
*_He continued traveling toward his home, happy that he knew Jesus. [45-13]_
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