
2.4 KiB

Story 14: Wandering in the Wilderness

Comprehension Questions and Answers

  1. Where did God lead the Israelites after they left Mount Sinai? *He led them towards Canaan, the Promised Land. [14-01]
  2. What did God tell the Israelites to do to the Canaanites? *He told them to get rid of all of them, not to make peace with them, not to marry them, and to destroy all of their idols. [14-03]
  3. What did the twelve spies say about the land of Canaan? *The land is very fertile and the crops are plentiful. [14-05]
  4. Why did ten of the spies say the Israelites should not attack the people of Canaan? *They said, "The cities are strong and the people are giants. If we attack them, they will defeat us and kill us!" [14-05]
  5. What did Caleb and Joshua say about the people of Canaan? *The people are strong, but we can defeat them. God will fight for us! [14-06]
  6. What did the people want to do after they heard the report of the spies? *They wanted to choose another leader and go back to Egypt. [14-07]
  7. How did God say he would punish the people for their disobedience? *They would wander in the wilderness until everyone twenty years or older, except Caleb and Joshua, died. [14-08]
  8. Why were the Israelites defeated when they attacked the Canaanites? *Because God did not go with them into the battle. [14-10]
  9. How long did the Israelites wander in the wilderness? *Forty years. [14-11]
  10. How did God provide for the Israelites in the wilderness? *He gave them "manna," sent flocks of quail, and kept their clothes and shoes from wearing out. [14-11]
  11. How did God respond when the people complained and grumbled? *God was still faithful to his promises to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. [14-12]
  12. Why was God angry when Moses struck the rock? *Because Moses dishonored God by not speaking to the rock as he was told to do. [14-13]
  13. How did God punish Moses for his disobedience? *God said that Moses would not enter the Promised Land. [14-13]
  14. Who did God promise to send one day in the future? *Another prophet like Moses. [14-14]
  15. Who led the Israelites after Moses died? *Joshua. [14-15]
  16. What kind of leader was Joshua? *He was a good leader because he trusted and obeyed God. [14-15]

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