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\id 2PE - Translation 4 Translators 1
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\h 2 PETER
\toc1 2 Peter
\toc2 2 Peter
\toc3 2Pe
\mt2 The Apostle Peter wrote letters to his fellow believers. We call this letter
\mt1 2 Peter
\c 1
\s1 2 Peter 1:1-2
\s1 I, Simon Peter, am writing this letter to you whom God has caused to believe in Christ just like we apostles believe in Christ. I pray that God will bless you greatly.
\v 1 I, Simon Peter, \add am writing this letter to you. I\add* serve Jesus Christ, and am an apostle \add appointed by\add* him. \add I am sending this letter to you\add* whom God has caused to believe \add in Christ\add* just like he \add caused us(exc) apostles to believe in Christ\add*. You and we have ◄equally been given the/both been given the same► privilege of believing in Jesus Christ. He \add is\add* God, he is righteous, he is the one whom we \add worship\add*, and he is our Savior.
\v 2 \add I pray that God\add* will continue to act very kindly towards you, and give you ◄a deep/very much► \add inner\add* peace, because you \add truly\add* know God and Jesus, who is our Lord.
\s1 God has given us everything that we need to receive eternal life and to live godly lives.
\sr 2 Peter 1:3-4
\v 3 \add God\add* [PRS] has given us everything \add that we need\add* in order that we might receive \add eternal\add* life and in order that we might \add conduct our lives\add* ◄in a godly way/in a way that pleases him►. He gives us that by the power that he has because he is God, and he has also given it to us as a result of our knowing him. He is the one who by his own glorious/wonderful and perfect \add nature\add* chose us \add to be his people\add*.
\v 4 By means of this \add glorious and perfect nature\add*, he has promised us \add that he will do\add* very great and ◄priceless/very precious► things \add for us\add*. \add He has also promised\add* to you that by \add believing what he has promised\add* you will be able to act \add righteously\add*, just like God acts \add righteously\add*, and that you will be free from being morally depraved/corrupted, and that you will not be \add like\add* those who do not believe in Christ and are morally depraved because of their desire to do what is evil.
\s1 Exert yourselves to the utmost to develop a stable Christian character.
\sr 2 Peter 1:5-11
\v 5 Because God has done all that, ◄by exerting yourselves strenuously/by trying very hard►, make sure that you not only believe \add in Christ\add*, but that you are also living morally good lives. And make sure that you are not only living morally good lives, but that you also know \add what God desires\add* (OR, behave wisely).
\v 6 And make sure that you not only know \add what God desires\add* (OR, behave wisely) but that you also control what you say and do. And make sure that you not only control what you say and do, but that you are also steadfast. And make sure that you are not only ◄steadfast/patient when you suffer►, but that you are also godly.
\v 7 And make sure that you not only ◄are godly/conduct your lives in a way that pleases God►, but that you also have a concern for your fellow believers, as brothers and sisters \add ought to have\add* for each other. And make sure that you not only have a concern for your fellow believers, but that you also love \add others\add*.
\v 8 If you do these \add things\add*, and if \add you do them\add* more and more, that demonstrates that knowing our Lord Jesus Christ ◄is very effective/produces good results► [LIT] in your lives.
\v 9 If these \add qualities\add* are not present in people, it means they are not aware \add that these things are important, just like a blind person is not aware of what is around him\add*. They \add think only about earthly matters, just like\add* [MET] a shortsighted person \add sees clearly only things that are near\add*. It seems that they have forgotten that God has forgiven them for their former sinful lives.
\v 10 Instead of \add acting like those people\add*, try to confirm/prove by the way you conduct your lives that you are among those whom \add God\add* has chosen [DOU] to be his people. If you do that, you will certainly never become separated from God,
\v 11 and \add God\add* will very wholeheartedly welcome you into the place where our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ will rule \add his people\add* forever.
\s1 I intend to keep reminding you very frequently about these matters.
\sr 2 Peter 1:12-15
\v 12 I intend to keep on reminding you very frequently [HYP] about these \add matters\add*, even though you \add already\add* know them and are firmly convinced that they are true.
\v 13 I consider it right that I should help you \add to continually think about these matters\add* by reminding you \add about them\add* as long as I am alive [EUP],
\v 14 because I know that I shall die [EUP] soon, just like our Lord Jesus Christ clearly has revealed to me.
\v 15 Moreover, I will ◄make every effort/try hard► \add by writing these things down\add* to enable you to remember them at all times after I have died [EUP].
\s1 You can be sure that these matters are true, because we apostles ourselves witnessed that our Lord Jesus Christ is supremely great, and also because what the prophets say about him is completely reliable.
\sr 2 Peter 1:16-21
\v 16 We \add apostles\add* told you that our Lord Jesus Christ \add acts\add* powerfully and that he is coming back \add some day\add*. We were not basing \add what we told you\add* on stories that we had cleverly ◄invented/made up►. Instead, we told you what we ourselves saw with our own eyes, that \add the\add* Lord Jesus is supremely great.
\v 17 God, our Father, greatly honored him when God's great glory/brightness surrounded him, and God [MTY] said, “This is my Son, whom I love very much; I am very pleased with him.”
\v 18 We \add (exc)\add* ourselves heard \add God\add* [MTY] \add say\add* that from heaven, when we were with \add Christ\add* on that holy/sacred mountain.
\v 19 We also have what the prophets \add wrote about Christ long ago\add*, which is completely reliable/trustworthy. You should ◄pay attention to/think carefully about► \add what they wrote\add*, because \add what they wrote enables you to know whether what is taught to you is true or whether it is false\add* [SIM], like a lamp that is shining in a dark place \add enables people to see where they are going\add* [SIM]. \add You should\add* ◄\add pay attention to/think carefully about\add*► \add what they wrote\add* until \add our Lord Jesus Christ comes back and enables\add* you [SYN] \add to know God fully, which will be like when\add* [MET] ◄a day dawns/daylight comes► and the morning star rises \add and we can see it clearly\add*.
\v 20 It is important that you realize that no one can interpret/explain by himself \add the meaning of\add* what the prophets wrote \add in the Scriptures\add* without \add the help of God's Spirit\add* (OR, no \add part of the\add* Scriptures originated with the prophet himself),
\v 21 because no human beings decided \add to make those prophecies\add*. On the contrary, those who spoke \add messages from God\add* did that because it was the Holy Spirit who caused them to do \add it, and therefore the Spirit must help us to interpret/understand their meaning\add*.
\c 2
\s1 There will be false teachers among you who will behave wickedly and who will entice you to behave just like they do. God will certainly destroy them.
\sr 2 Peter 2:1-3
\v 1 Just like there were false prophets among the \add Israelite\add* people \add long ago\add*, so there will also be teachers of false \add teachings\add* among you. They will enter \add your congregations\add* without you realizing \add what/who they are\add*, and they will \add spiritually\add* injure some people by what they teach. Specifically, these teachers will even deny \add that\add* the Lord \add Jesus died to\add* pay \add for the guilt of our sins\add*. As a result, they will soon destroy themselves \add spiritually, and God will also punish them\add*.
\v 2 And many \add people\add* will behave in an extremely immoral manner, imitating the extremely immoral manner in which \add these teachers of false teaching\add* behave. As a result, \add unbelievers\add* will ◄discredit the true message/say the true message is false►.
\v 3 Because \add the teachers of false teaching\add* want a lot of things that other people have, \add they think that\add* by telling you stories that they themselves have ◄made up/invented►, they will get money from you. \add God decided\add* long ago \add that he would\add* punish them, and he has not fallen asleep [LIT]! \add He will certainly destroy them.\add*
\s1 It is certain that God knows how to rescue those who are godly, and that he knows how to keep those who are unrighteous until the time when he will punish them.
\sr 2 Peter 2:4-10c
\v 4 God destroyed [LIT] the angels who sinned. He threw them into the worst place in hell and imprisoned them \add there\add* in darkness in order to keep them there until he judges \add and punishes them\add*.
\v 5 He also got rid of [LIT] \add the people who lived in\add* [MTY] the world long ago. He saved \add only\add* eight of them, including Noah, who was a righteous preacher. God saved them when he destroyed by a flood \add all\add* ◄the ungodly people/the people whose lives were not pleasing to him► \add who were living then\add*.
\v 6 He also condemned Sodom and Gomorrah \add cities\add*; that is, he destroyed them by burning them completely to ashes. \add By doing that\add* he gave a warning to those who afterwards would live in ◄an ungodly manner/a manner that is displeasing to him►.
\v 7 But he rescued \add Abraham's nephew\add*, Lot, who was a righteous \add man. Lot\add* was ◄greatly distressed/very sad► because the people \add in Sodom\add* were doing very immoral deeds.
\v 8 That righteous \add man's\add* soul ◄was tormented/suffered great agony► day after day because he saw and heard those wicked people behave in a very lawless/wicked \add manner when he was\add* living among them.
\v 9 And since the Lord God \add rescued Lot, you can be sure that\add* he knows how to rescue ◄godly people/people whose lives please him► from their sufferings, and \add he is able\add* to keep ◄ungodly \add people/people whose lives do not please him\add*►, \add whom he has started to\add* punish even now, until the time when he will \add finish judging them and punish\add* them.
\v 10 \add He will punish especially severely\add* those \add ungodly teachers of false teachings\add* who do the things that their self-directed nature desires, things that ◄defile them/cause them to be impure in every way►. Those \add teachers of false teachings\add* despise \add all beings who\add* rule \add over them\add*.
\s1 Because those teachers of false doctrine will behave wickedly and will entice people to do the same things that they do, God will destroy them.
\sr 2 Peter 2:10d-16
\p Because \add those teachers of false teachings are\add* extremely arrogant/proud [DOU], they ◄are not afraid to insult/boldly speak evil about► glorious beings \add in heaven\add* (OR, glorious/wonderful beings \add who rule over people\add*).
\v 11 In contrast, angels do not insult \add those teachers\add* when those teachers accuse the angels while the Lord God is watching, even though the angels are much more powerful [DOU] \add than the teachers of false teaching\add*.
\v 12 Because those \add teachers of false doctrines are\add* like animals that cannot think \add as humans do\add* [DOU], they say evil things about \add spiritual\add* things concerning which they know nothing. \add As a result\add*, God will destroy them like \add people\add* destroy \add animals\add*, \add animals\add* that are born only in order to be captured and destroyed {in order that \add people\add* should capture and destroy them}.
\v 13 God will punish \add those teachers\add* in return for the unrighteous actions/things that they have done. It even pleases them ◄to carouse/to drink and revel noisily► in the daytime \add as well as at night\add*. And as they indulge/enjoy themselves just like they want to while they are feasting with you, they ◄\add defile you greatly/cause you to become impure\add*►, \add as\add* [MET] stains and blotches [DOU] \add defile a clean garment\add*.
\v 14 They \add want to commit\add* [MTY] adultery \add with every woman\add* whom they look at. They never stop seeking opportunities to sin. They entice/persuade those who are \add spiritually\add* unstable \add to join them in doing the sinful things that they do\add*. \add Because of\add* their ever-increasing ◄greed/desire to have more and more things►, they are doomed \add to eternal punishment\add*.
\v 15 They have ◄rejected good moral standards/quit doing what everyone knows is right►. They have imitated \add what the prophet\add* Balaam, the son of Bosor, \add did long ago\add*. He, \add acting very\add* unrighteously, wanted \add the enemies of the Jews\add* to pay him if he \add asked God\add* ◄\add to curse/to do bad thing to\add*► \add the Jews\add*.
\v 16 But God rebuked him for having done that which was wrong \add and for\add* behaving very foolishly. And even though donkeys do not speak, \add God used\add* a donkey to hinder Balaam \add by enabling it to\add* speak to him with a human voice.
\s1 Because those teachers of false doctrine will entice people to behave wickedly, God has reserved darkest hell for them.
\sr 2 Peter 2:17-22
\v 17 These \add teachers of false teachings mislead/deceive people by promising what they cannot do\add*, as [MET] dried-up springs \add mislead/deceive people by causing them to expect to get water from them\add*. They \add mislead/deceive people\add* [MET] just like clouds that are blown along by strong winds \add mislead/deceive people by causing them to expect rain, but no rain falls. Therefore\add*, God has reserved the darkness of hell \add for those teachers of false teachings\add*.
\v 18 By boasting proudly as they make speeches that are worthless, they entice people who have recently \add become believers and\add* have ceased to do the things that wicked people do. They entice them \add into sin\add* by encouraging them to \add do the\add* evil deeds that their self-directed nature \add urges them to do\add*.
\v 19 \add The false teachers\add* tell people that they are free \add to do whatever they want to do, even though\add* they themselves are \add like\add* slaves [MET] \add because their own self-directed nature forces them to do\add* sinful deeds. \add Think about these well-known words: “Whenever a person is controlled by something\add* {\add something controls a person\add*}, \add it is as though\add* that person has become a slave of what controls him.”
\v 20 Those \add teachers of false teachings\add* learned about our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. As a result, they stopped doing those deeds that ◄defile \add people/cause people to become impure\add*► \add spiritually\add*. Since they have begun to do \add those evil deeds again\add*, with the result that they are unable to stop doing such deeds, they are in a worse condition than \add they were in before they knew Jesus Christ\add*.
\v 21 \add Because God will severely punish them\add*, it would have been better for them if they had never known what it means to conduct their lives in a righteous manner. It is too bad that although they knew \add how to conduct their lives in a righteous manner\add*, they rejected the things that God commanded people to do, the things that \add were\add* taught to them ◄\add by us apostles/by Christ\add*► {that ◄\add we apostles/Christ\add*► taught to them}.
\v 22 \add The way in which they are behaving again\add* is just like ◄the proverbs/what people often say►: \add They are like\add* dogs that return to \add eat\add* their vomit, and \add they are like\add* pigs that have washed and then roll \add again\add* in the mud.
\c 3
\s1 I am writing this letter to you in order to stimulate you to remember what the holy prophets said and what our Lord and Savior commanded.
\sr 2 Peter 3:1-2
\v 1 This letter that I am now writing to you whom I love, is the second \add letter\add* that I have written to you. \add I have written both\add* these \add letters to you in order that\add* by reminding you \add about the things you already know, I may\add* stimulate/cause you to think sincerely \add about those things\add*.
\v 2 \add I want you\add* to remember the words that were spoken by the holy prophets {that the holy prophets spoke} long ago, and also to remember what our Lord and Savior commanded, things that we, your apostles, told you about.
\s1 Although certain people will ridicule the idea that the Lord Jesus Christ is going to come back, the reason why he has not yet come back to judge people is that God is being patient with people; but Jesus will certainly come back and judge people.
\sr 2 Peter 3:3-10
\v 3 It is important for you to understand that in the time \add immediately\add* before Christ comes back, there will be people who will ridicule \add the idea of his coming back. Those people will do whatever\add* evil deeds they wish to do.
\v 4 They will say, “\add Although it was\add* promised \add that Christ\add* will come back, ◄\add nothing has happened that would indicate\add* that he is coming back./\add what happened to the promise\add* that he is coming back?► [RHQ] We say that because ever since the \add Christian\add* leaders \add who lived\add* long ago died [EUP], everything \add has remained the same\add*. Things are as \add they always have been\add* since God created \add the world!\add*”
\v 5 \add They will say that because\add* they ◄deliberately overlook \add the fact/have decided to ignore what they know\add*► that God, by commanding \add long ago that it should be so\add*, caused the heavens to exist, and he caused the earth to come up out of water and to be separate from the water.
\v 6 And God, by \add commanding that it should be so\add*, later destroyed the world \add that existed\add* at that time, by causing the earth to be flooded with water {water to flood the earth}.
\v 7 Furthermore, \add God\add*, by commanding \add that it should be so\add*, has set apart the heavens and the earth \add that exist\add* now, and they are being kept {\add he\add* is keeping them} until the time when \add he\add* will judge ◄ungodly people/people whose lives are not pleasing to him►. And at that time \add he\add* will destroy the heavens and the earth by burning them.
\v 8 Dear friends, I want you to understand well that the Lord \add God is willing to wait a long time to judge the people in the world! How much time passes before\add* the Lord God \add judges the people in the world does not matter to him! He considers\add* that one day \add passes no more quickly than\add* a thousand years, and \add he also considers\add* that a thousand years \add pass as quickly as\add* one day passes \add to us!\add*
\v 9 \add Therefore, you should not think that because Christ has not yet come back to judge people\add*, the Lord God is ◄delaying/slow to do► what he promised. Some people think that this is so, \add and they say that Christ never will come back\add*. But \add you should understand that the reason why Christ has not yet come back to judge people is that\add* God is being patient towards you, because he does not want anyone to be lost \add eternally\add*. Instead, he wants everyone to turn away from their sinful behavior.
\v 10 Although \add God is being patient, at\add* the time [MTY] \add that he has appointed\add*, the Lord \add Jesus Christ\add* will \add certainly\add* come back \add to judge people\add*. He will come back \add unexpectedly\add*, like a thief [SIM] \add comes unexpectedly\add*. At that time there will be a great roaring sound. The heavens will cease to exist. ◄The elements/The parts \add of which the universe consists\add*► will be destroyed by fire, and the earth \add that God made\add* and everything on it \add that people have made\add* will disappear (OR, will be burned up).
\s1 You certainly ought to behave in a godly manner, because God will destroy everything and because only those people who are righteous will live in the new heavens and on the new earth.
\sr 2 Peter 3:11-13
\v 11 Because God will certainly destroy all these things like \add I just said\add*, ◄you certainly know how you should behave./do you know how you should behave?► [RHQ] You should behave ◄in a \add godly manner/\add*in a \add manner that pleases God\add*►
\v 12 while you \add eagerly/expectantly\add* wait for \add Christ\add* to return on the day that God \add has appointed/planned\add* [MTY], and you should try to make that day come soon. Because of what \add God\add* [PRS] \add will do on that day\add*, the heavens will be destroyed. ◄The elements/The parts of which the universe consist► will melt and burn up.
\v 13 Although \add all those events/things will happen, we rejoice because\add* we are waiting for the new heavens and new earth that \add God\add* has promised. The \add only people who will be\add* in the new heavens and on this new earth will be \add people who are\add* [PRS] righteous.
\s1 Do all you can to conduct your lives in a godly manner. Guard against those who would entice you to doubt what you now firmly believe.
\sr 2 Peter 3:14-18a
\v 14 Therefore, dear friends, because you are waiting for these things \add to happen\add*, do all that you can \add to conduct your lives\add* ◄in a \add godly manner/\add*in a \add manner that pleases God\add*►, \add in order that Christ\add* will see that you \add are\add* completely pure [DOU] \add and that you are living\add* peacefully \add with each other\add*.
\v 15 And think about this: Our Lord \add Jesus Christ is\add* patient \add because he wants\add* people to be saved. Our dear ◄brother/fellow believer► Paul also wrote wise words to you \add about these same matters\add*, because God enabled him to understand \add these\add* ◄\add events/things that will happen\add*►.
\v 16 In the \add letters\add* that Paul wrote there are certain things that are difficult for people to understand. People \add who are spiritually\add* ignorant and ◄unstable/do not believe firmly in Christ► interpret these things wrongly, as they also ◄interpret/explain the meaning of► the other parts of the Scriptures wrongly. The result is that they will destroy themselves \add spiritually\add*, and \add God\add* will punish them.
\v 17 Therefore, dear friends, \add since you already know about these teachers of false teachings\add*, ◄guard against them/beware►. Do not let these wicked people deceive you by telling you things that are wrong, with the result that you yourselves begin to doubt \add what you now firmly believe\add*.
\v 18 \add Instead, live in such a manner that you\add* experience more and more our Savior Jesus Christ acting kindly \add towards you\add*, and that you get to know him \add better and better\add*.
\s1 I pray that Jesus Christ will always be honored.
\sr 2 Peter 3:18b
\p \add I pray/desire that Jesus Christ\add* will be honored both now and forever!\f + Amen./So be it. at the end.\f*