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\id 1TH - Translation 4 Translators 1
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\toc1 1 Thessalonians
\toc2 1 Thessalonians
\toc3 1Th
\mt2 The Apostle Paul wrote letters to the Christians at Thessalonica. We call this first letter
\mt1 1 Thessalonians
\c 1
\s1 1 Thessalonians 1:1
\s1 I, Paul, greet you believers who are in Thessalonica
\v 1 \add I\add*, Paul, \add am writing this letter\add*. Silas and Timothy \add are with me\add*. \add We(exc) are sending this letter\add* to \add you who are\add* the congregation \add of believers\add* in Thessalonica \add city\add*. We \add (inc)\add* all \add worship\add* (OR, \add trust in\add*) God \add our\add* Father [MET] and \add our\add* Lord Jesus Christ. \add We three desire/pray that God, our Father, and Jesus Christ, our Lord, will continue to\add* act kindly toward you and \add will continue to\add* cause you to have \add inner\add* peace.
\s1 We always thank God for you all. We continually remember the way you live as believers and we know that God chose you. The Holy Spirit enabled us to powerfully tell you the good message, and although people persecuted you greatly, you were joyful. As a result, you inspired all the believers who are in Macedonia and Achaia to trust in God firmly, as you do.
\sr 1 Thessalonians 1:2-10
\v 2 We always thank God for you all \add when\add* we mention you while we pray (OR, \add when\add* we pray \add for you\add*).
\v 3 \add We thank God because\add* we continually remember that you work \add for God because\add* you trust \add in him\add* and you earnestly/energetically help people because you love them. You also endure \add it when people cause you to suffer\add*. You endure it because you confidently expect that our Lord Jesus Christ \add will soon return from heaven to rescue you!\add*
\v 4 My fellow believers whom God loves, we \add also thank him because\add* we know that he chose you \add to become his people\add*.
\v 5 We know that he chose you because \add when\add* we told that message to you, we did not speak only words. The Holy Spirit \add helped us to speak\add* powerfully/effectively, and he strongly assured \add us that he was powerfully working in you by means of\add* the message \add about Christ\add* that we \add told to you. You yourselves know that\add*, because you know how we spoke and how we conducted ourselves when we were with you, in order that \add we might help\add* you.
\v 6 We also \add know that God chose you\add* because we have now heard that you have endured your troubles when \add people\add* caused you to suffer very much \add because you believed in Christ\add*. You endured just like the Lord \add Jesus Christ\add* endured, and just like we did \add when people caused us to suffer\add*. At that time you were joyful because the Holy Spirit caused you to be joyful.
\v 7 As a result \add of your joyfully enduring your troubles\add*, all the believers who live in Macedonia and Achaia \add provinces have heard how firmly you trust God. So they know that they should firmly trust in God\add* as you do.
\v 8 Other people have heard you tell the message \add from\add* the Lord \add Jesus\add*. Then they also have proclaimed the message to people who live throughout Macedonia and Achaia \add provinces\add*. Not only that, but \add people who live\add* in many far-away places [HYP] have heard that you trust in God. As a result, we do not need to tell people \add what God has done in your lives\add*.
\v 9 People \add who live far from you are telling others what happened when we were with you\add*. They also report that you stopped \add worshipping things that\add* ◄\add you/your ancestors\add*► \add considered to be\add* gods and now you worship God. \add As a result\add*, you serve the God who is all-powerful and who is the real God.
\v 10 They tell us that now you wait expectantly for his Son \add to return to earth\add* from heaven. You firmly believe that God caused him to live again after he died. You believe also that Jesus will rescue \add all of\add* us, \add who trust in him\add*, from \add God's\add* punishing us [MTY].
\c 2
\s1 You and God know that it is true that we behaved in a very virtuous, upright, and irreproachable manner toward you. You know also that we continually exhorted, encouraged, and urged that you behave in the way that God's people should.
\sr 1 Thessalonians 2:1-12
\v 1 My fellow believers, you know that our time with you was very worthwhile/effective [LIT].
\v 2 Although \add people\add* in Philippi \add city\add* previously mistreated us \add (exc)\add* and insulted us, as you know, our God caused us to be courageous. As a result, we told you the good message \add that originates/comes from\add* God, even though some \add people in your city\add* also strongly ◄opposed \add us/tried to prevent us from telling God's message\add*►.
\v 3 When we exhorted/urged (OR, tried to convince) \add you to obey God's message\add*, we did not speak to you an untrue message. Instead, we spoke a true message. We do not \add want to get something for ourselves\add* by immoral means. We do not try to deceive \add you or other people\add*.
\v 4 On the contrary, we tell God's message because he trusted us to do that, because he examined us and considered us \add to be acceptable to tell people\add* the message about Christ. As we teach people, we do not say what they like to hear. Instead, \add we say what\add* God \add wants us to say, because\add* he examines everything that we think and what we desire.
\v 5 We never ◄flattered you/said nice things about you insincerely►, as you know. We were never greedy, so we never needed to use words to ◄hide greediness \add from you/cause you to think that we were not greedy\add*►. God knows that this is true!
\v 6 We never tried to get people \add to honor us\add*,
\v 7 although we could have demanded \add that you should honor/respect us\add*, because we are apostles \add who represent\add* (OR, \add speak for\add*) Christ. On the contrary, we were gentle when we were among you, as a mother \add gently\add* takes care of her own children [SIM].
\v 8 So, because we love you, we were delighted to personally tell you the good message that God \add gave us\add*. But also we were delighted to lovingly do all that we could do to help you [SYN] because ◄you had become very dear to us/we had begun to love you very much►.
\v 9 My fellow believers, you remember that we worked very hard [DOU] \add in order to\add* ◄\add support ourselves/earn money to buy what we needed\add*► \add while we were with you\add*. We worked \add during the\add* day and \add also at\add* night in order that we would not have to ask any one of you to give us what we needed, \add while\add* we proclaimed to you the good message that God \add gave us\add*.
\v 10 You know that it is true, and God knows that it is true, that we conducted our lives in a very pure, right, and irreproachable/faultless [DOU] manner toward you believers.
\v 11 You know also that \add we lovingly behaved/acted toward\add* each one of you as a father \add lovingly behaves/acts toward\add* his own children [SIM].
\v 12 \add Specifically, we\add* kept strongly exhorting/urging and encouraging you that you conduct your lives in the way that God's people should, \add because\add* he has invited you to become his people over whom he will wonderfully rule [HEN].
\s1 We continually thank God also that you accepted as true a message that does not originate from human beings. Instead, you accepted as true the message that originates from God, and the result was that people caused you to suffer as Christ did.
\sr 1 Thessalonians 2:13-16
\v 13 We continually thank God also because when you heard the message \add that\add* we told to you, you accepted it as the true message, the good message that God \add gave to us\add*. We did not invent it. \add We also thank God\add* that he is changing your lives because you trust this message [PRS].
\v 14 My fellow believers, we \add know that you sincerely believed the message from God\add*, because the manner in which you acted was just like the manner in which \add the congregations\add* in Judea acted. They also \add worship\add* God, \add and they\add* ◄\add have a close relationship with/are united to\add*► Christ Jesus. Specifically, you endured it \add when\add* your own countrymen \add mistreated you because you believe the message from God\add*, in the same manner that those \add Jewish believers in Judea\add* endured it \add when\add* the Jews \add who do not believe in Christ mistreated them\add*.
\v 15 \add Unbelieving Jews are\add* the ones whom God considers guilty \add for\add* killing the Lord Jesus, as well as \add for killing\add* many prophets. Other unbelieving Jews forced us to leave \add many towns\add*. They really make God angry; and \add they are\add* opposed to \add what is best for\add* all human beings!
\v 16 \add Specifically\add*, when we tell \add the good message\add* to non-Jewish people in order that they can be saved {\add that God\add* will save them} \add spiritually\add*, these \add unbelieving Jews\add* try to stop/prevent us from doing that. Because they continually sin more and more, they are almost reaching the limit that has been \add set by God\add* [MET]! \add God\add* will soon punish them [MTY], at last, for all their sins!
\s1 It is because of you that we are pleased and joyful. So when people forced Silas, Timothy and me to be separated from you for a short time, we strongly desired to be with you.
\sr 1 Thessalonians 2:17-20
\v 17 My fellow believers, when for a short time [IDM] \add those people forced us to be separated\add* from you, \add we felt like parents\add* ◄who had lost all their children/whose children had died► [MET]. \add Although\add* we were far away from you, \add we were still\add* emotionally \add concerned about you\add*, and we strongly desired to be present with you.
\v 18 \add You can know that\add* we wanted to return to you. Indeed I, Paul, \add tried to return\add* twice [IDM]. But \add we did not return because\add* each time Satan \add prevented us from returning\add*.
\v 19 \add We were strongly desiring to be with you\add*, because truly you [RHQ] \add are the ones about whom we are proud and are joyful!\add* It is because we are confident that you \add will\add* ◄\add remain faithful/continue believing in God\add*► that we \add will be\add* joyful! You are the ones who we confidently expect \add will keep strongly trusting in God!\add* It is because you \add will\add* ◄\add remain faithful/continue believing in God\add*► that we \add will\add* be proud \add of the work that we have done\add* [MET, RHQ] \add when\add* our Lord Jesus \add examines what we all have done, at the time\add* when he comes back \add to earth!\add*
\v 20 Indeed, it is because of you that \add even now we\add* are pleased and are joyful!
\c 3
\s1 When I could no longer endure worrying about you, I sent Timothy to you in order to find out whether or not you were still trusting in God.
\sr 1 Thessalonians 3:1-5
\v 1 As a result of that, when I could no longer endure \add worrying about you\add*, I decided that \add Silas and I\add* would stay behind alone in Athens \add city\add*,
\v 2 and we two sent Timothy \add to you. You know that he is\add* our close associate and also works for God by \add proclaiming\add* the message about Christ. \add Silas and I sent him\add* in order that he would urge you to continue to strongly trust \add in Christ\add*.
\v 3 We wanted that none \add of you\add* would consider turning away from Christ as a result of \add people\add* causing you to suffer. You know that \add God has\add* planned that \add we who trust in him will suffer like that when people do that to us who trust in him\add*.
\v 4 Remember that when we were present with you, we kept telling you that we would be persecuted {that \add people\add* would cause us to suffer}. And because that is what happened, you know that \add what we said\add* was true!
\v 5 \add I was\add* afraid that \add Satan\add*, the one who tempts us, had caused you \add to stop trusting in Christ. If that had happened\add*, we would have worked uselessly \add while we were present with you! So\add* I sent \add Timothy to you\add* in order to find out whether or not you were \add still\add* trusting \add in Christ\add*. I sent him because I could no longer endure \add not knowing ◄about your spiritual condition/whether or not you were still trusting in Christ\add*►.
\s1 Now Timothy has just returned and has told us the good news that you still trust in Christ. As a result, we have been cheered up, and we cannot thank God adequately for what he has done for you. Very frequently we ask God that we will be able to visit you and help you to trust him more strongly.
\sr 1 Thessalonians 3:6-10
\v 6 Now Timothy has just returned to Silas and me from \add being with\add* you, and he has told us the good news that you \add still\add* trust \add in Christ\add* and that you love \add him\add* (OR, \add each other\add*). He told us also that you always happily remember us \add and that\add* you strongly desire that we visit you, just like we strongly desire to visit you.
\v 7 My fellow believers, \add even though\add* we are suffering very much [DOU] because of what people are doing to us here, we have been cheered up because \add Timothy told us about\add* your \add still\add* trusting \add in Christ\add*.
\v 8 Now we feel very encouraged [IDM] that you continue to strongly \add trust\add* in the Lord \add Jesus\add*.
\v 9 ◄We cannot thank God adequately for \add what he has done for\add* you!/How can we thank God enough for \add what he has done for\add* you?► [RHQ] We greatly rejoice concerning you \add when we pray to\add* our God!
\v 10 We constantly [HYP] and fervently/earnestly ask \add God\add* that \add we will be able\add* to visit you [SYN] and that \add we will be able\add* to help you to trust \add in Christ/God\add* more strongly!
\s1 We pray that God will help us to return to you and that the Lord Jesus will help you to love each other and other people more and more, just like we love you more and more.
\sr 1 Thessalonians 3:11-13
\v 11 We pray to God, our Father, and to our Lord Jesus, that they will ◄clear the way/make it possible► so that we can return to you.
\v 12 As for you, we pray that the Lord Jesus will help you to love each other and other people more and more, just like we continue loving you more and more.
\v 13 We pray that our Lord Jesus will strengthen your purpose/desire to do what pleases God (OR, strengthen you spiritually). We pray that God our Father will enable you to conduct your lives in a way that is pure and that no one can justly criticize so that when Jesus comes back to earth accompanied by all those who belong to him, he will be pleased with you.
\c 4
\s1 Just like we told you previously, we strongly urge you to increasingly behave in a way that will please God.
\sr 1 Thessalonians 4:1-2
\v 1-2 Now, my fellow believers, \add I want to write\add* about some other matters. Because we all have a close relationship with the Lord Jesus, we(exc) strongly urge you [DOU] to conduct your lives in a way that pleases God. We taught you to do that, and you know that we did that as a result of what the Lord Jesus \add told us to say\add*. We know that you are conducting your lives that way, but \add we strongly urge\add* that you do that even more.
\s1 God wants you, by your behaving in a sexually pure way, to show that you completely belong to him.
\sr 1 Thessalonians 4:3-8
\v 3 God wants you to live pure lives that will show that you completely belong to him. He wants you to avoid doing any sexually immoral acts (OR, avoid being sexually immoral in any way).
\v 4 \add That is, he wants\add* each one of you to know how to control your own sexual desires [EUP]. He wants you to live pure lives that all people will see as good.
\v 5 You must not lustfully desire \add to do\add* immoral acts as unbelievers [MTY] \add do\add* who do not obey God.
\v 6 \add God wants each one of you to control your sexual desires, in order that\add* no one of you sin against your fellow believer and take advantage of him or her by doing things like that. Remember that we strongly warned you previously [DOU] that the Lord \add Jesus\add* will punish all \add people who do\add* sexually immoral acts.
\v 7 When God chose us \add believers\add*, he did not want us to \add be people who\add* behave in a sexually immoral way. On the contrary, \add he wants us\add* to be \add people who\add* behave in a morally pure way.
\v 8 So I warn you that those who disregard \add this teaching\add* of mine \add are\add* not just disregarding a human being. On the contrary, \add they are disregarding\add* God, \add because God commanded it. Remember that\add* God sent his Spirit, who is holy, \add to live\add* in you!
\s1 We urge you to increasingly love each other, to strive to work at your own occupations, and not meddle in others' affairs.
\sr 1 Thessalonians 4:9-12
\v 9 \add I want to urge you\add* again \add that you should\add* love \add your\add* fellow believers [MET]. You do not really need that \add anyone\add* write to you about that, because God has already taught you \add how\add* to love each other,
\v 10 and because you already are \add showing that you love\add* your fellow believers [HYP] \add who live\add* in other places \add in your province\add* of Macedonia. Nevertheless, my fellow believers, we urge you to increasingly \add love each other\add*.
\v 11 \add We urge you\add* also to eagerly strive/try to attend to your own affairs and to not meddle/interfere with the affairs of others. We urge you also to work at your own occupations/jobs \add to earn what you need to live\add*. Remember that we taught you previously to live like that.
\v 12 If you do these things, unbelievers will acknowledge/see that you behave decently/properly, and you will not have to depend on others \add to\add* ◄\add supply/give to you\add*► \add what you need\add*.
\s1 God will cause to live again those believers who died and will bring them to the sky with Jesus. Encourage each other by telling this message.
\sr 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
\v 13 My fellow believers, we also want you to understand well [LIT] \add what will happen\add* to our fellow believers \add who now\add* are dead [EUP]. \add You must not be/do like\add* the unbelievers. They \add grieve deeply for people who die because\add* they do not confidently expect \add people to live again after they die\add*.
\v 14 We \add believers\add* know that it is true that Jesus died and that he rose \add to live\add* again. So \add we also know well that\add* God \add will cause\add* those \add believers\add* who died [EUP] \add to live again\add*. \add We know that he\add* will cause them to go \add to heaven\add* (OR, come) with Jesus as a result of God's \add commanding them to arise and\add* ◄\add go to/come with\add*► \add Jesus\add*.
\v 15 \add I write this\add* because the Lord \add Jesus\add* revealed \add to me\add* what I am now telling you. \add Some of you may think that\add* when the Lord \add Jesus\add* comes back, he will consider that we \add believers\add* who are still living will be superior to those \add believers\add* who have died [EUP], because \add we will meet Jesus first. That is certainly not true!\add*
\v 16 It is the Lord \add Jesus\add* himself who will descend from heaven. \add When he comes down, he\add* will command all of \add us believers to rise\add*. The chief angel will shout \add with a loud\add* voice, and \add another angel\add* will blow a trumpet for God. Then (OR, As a result), the first thing that will happen is that the people who \add trusted\add* in Christ before they died will live again.
\v 17 After that, \add God\add* will powerfully take up into the clouds all of us \add believers\add* who are still living \add on this earth\add*. \add He will take us\add* and those \add other believers who have died\add*, in order that \add we all\add* might together meet/welcome the Lord \add Jesus\add* in the sky. As a result of that, we \add all\add* will be with him forever.
\v 18 Because \add all this is true\add*, encourage/comfort each other by ◄sharing this teaching with each other/reminding each other of this teaching►.
\c 5
\s1 We believers should be prepared for the time when the Lord Jesus returns and not be as unbelievers who will be unprepared. We must not be like them. On the contrary, we must be vigilant and self-controlled.
\sr 1 Thessalonians 5:1-8
\v 1 My fellow believers, \add I want to tell you more\add* about the time or period \add when the Lord Jesus will come back. Really\add*, you do not need that I write to you about that,
\v 2 because you yourselves know accurately \add about it already! You know\add* that the Lord \add Jesus will return\add* [MTY] \add unexpectedly\add* (OR, \add when some people are unprepared\add*). \add People will not expect him, just like no one knows when\add* a thief \add comes unexpectedly\add* at night [SIM].
\v 3 \add At a future time\add* many people will say, “\add All is\add* peaceful and \add we are\add* safe!” Then suddenly he will come to punish them severely! Just like a pregnant woman who \add experiences\add* birth pains \add cannot stop those pains\add*, those people will definitely not \add have any way to\add* escape \add their punishment\add*.
\v 4-5 \add Just like people\add* in darkness \add are unaware of what is happening around them, most people are not aware of what is about to happen to them\add* [MET, PRS]. Just like a thief \add comes unexpectedly for people who are unaware, that time of punishment will come on people when they are not expecting it\add* [SIM]. But you, my fellow believers, are people who are very much aware [LIT] of what is going to happen. As a result, you will be expecting [LIT] those things [MTY] to happen [PRS] All of us \add believers\add* are people [IDM] \add who do what is right, as people usually do when it is\add* daytime [MET]. We are not \add people who do evil things, as some people do when it is\add* dark [MET].
\v 6 So we believers must be aware of what is happening. We must be watching carefully, \add as people who are awake are watchful for a thief\add* [MET]. We must be self-controlled, as people who are ◄sober/not drunk► are able to control what they do [MET]. People who sleep [MET] \add are unaware of what is happening, and unbelievers are like that\add*.
\v 7 It is at night when people \add are unaware of what is happening because they\add* are asleep, and it is at night when people become drunk \add and they do very wrong actions/things\add*.
\v 8 But we believers are people who \add should do what is right\add* [MET], so we must be self-controlled, \add as people\add* in the daytime \add are usually not drunk and are able to control what they do\add* [MET]. \add As Roman soldiers protect themselves by\add* putting on breastplates and helmets [MET], we \add believers\add* must \add protect ourselves by continuing to\add* trust and love \add the Lord Jesus\add* and by continuing to confidently expect that he will save \add us from God's punishing us at the time when he will punish other people\add*.
\s1 God has destined us believers to be saved from future punishment and to be able to live together with our Lord Jesus after he returns. Since this is true, encourage each other.
\sr 1 Thessalonians 5:9-11
\v 9 When God chose us, he did not plan for us to \add be people whom he will severely\add* punish [MTY]. On the contrary, \add he decided\add* that he would save us because of \add our trusting in what\add* our Lord Jesus Christ \add has done for us\add*.
\v 10 Jesus died \add to atone/pay\add* for our \add sins\add* in order that we might be able to live together with him, whether we are alive [MET] or whether we are dead [EUP] \add when he returns to earth\add*.
\v 11 Because \add you know that this is true\add*, continue to encourage/comfort each other, as indeed you now are doing.
\s1 Recognize as leaders those people who care for and instruct you; highly esteem and love them. Live peacefully with each other.
\sr 1 Thessalonians 5:12-13
\v 12 My fellow believers, we \add three\add* ask that you recognize/honor \add as leaders\add* those people who work hard for you. \add Specifically\add*, respect those who lead you as fellow believers who ◄have a close relationship with/are united to► the Lord \add Jesus\add*. They warn you \add to stop doing what is wrong\add* (OR, they teach you \add to do what is right\add*).
\v 13 That is, we \add ask that you\add* consider those leaders to be very important and that you love them, because they work \add hard to help you\add*. We also urge you to live peacefully with each other.
\s1 Warn believers who will not work, and encourage and help those who need it. Be patient with all people. Do good deeds to them all, including those who do evil deeds to you.
\sr 1 Thessalonians 5:14-15
\v 14 My fellow believers, we urge that you warn \add believers\add* who will not work \add in order to\add* ◄\add obtain/earn the money to buy\add*► \add things that they need to live. Tell them that they are behaving wrongly\add*. We urge you that you encourage \add believers\add* who are fearful (OR, discouraged), and that you help all people who are weak \add in any way\add*. We also urge you to be patient with everyone.
\v 15 Make sure that none \add of you\add* does evil deeds to anyone \add who has done\add* evil to you. On the contrary, you must always try to do good \add deeds\add* to each other (OR, to fellow believers) and to everyone else.
\s1 Always rejoice, pray, and thank God.
\sr 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
\v 16 Be joyful ◄at all times/always►,
\v 17 pray continually,
\v 18 and thank \add God\add* ◄in all \add circumstances/\add*regardless \add of what happens\add*►. God wants you \add to behave\add* like that \add because of what\add* Christ Jesus \add has done for you\add* (OR, because you have a close relationship with Christ Jesus).
\s1 Evaluate all messages that people claim that the Holy Spirit gave them. Accept authentic messages and obey them.
\sr 1 Thessalonians 5:19-22
\v 19 Do not \add refuse the urging from God's\add* Spirit \add when he is working\add* [MTY] \add among you. That would be like\add* throwing water on \add a fire\add* [MET]!
\v 20 \add Specifically\add*, do not despise messages that the Holy Spirit reveals to someone \add and reject them automatically\add*.
\v 21 On the contrary, evaluate all \add such messages\add*. Accept the \add messages that are truly from God, and obey them\add*.
\v 22 Do not obey any kind of evil \add message\add*.
\s1 We pray that God will cause you to be distinct people who behave right in every way, and I am sure that he will do this.
\sr 1 Thessalonians 5:23-24
\v 23 \add We pray to\add* God that he will change you to become more and more like his people should be. He is the one who causes \add his people\add* to have \add inner\add* peace. \add That is, we pray\add* that he will help you so that in all that you think, in all that you desire, and in all that you do, you will be without fault. We ask him that he will keep doing that \add until\add* our Lord Jesus Christ comes back \add to earth\add*.
\v 24 \add Because God\add* has invited you \add to be his people, you can\add* certainly trust him to keep on helping you in that way.
\s1 Pray for us. Affectionately greet all your fellow believers, and make certain that someone reads this letter aloud to all of them. May the Lord bless you.
\sr 1 Thessalonians 5:25-28
\v 25 My fellow believers, pray for me and for Silas and for Timothy.
\v 26 \add When you gather together as believers\add*, greet each other affectionately, as fellow believers \add should\add*.
\v 27 Make certain that you read this letter to all the believers who may be absent when you read it at first, \add knowing that\add* the Lord \add Jesus wants you to do it\add*.
\v 28 \add I pray that\add* our Lord Jesus Christ \add will continue to act\add* kindly toward you all.