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\id JHN - Translation 4 Translators 1
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\toc1 John
\toc2 John
\toc3 Jhn
\mt2 The Gospel that was written by
\mt1 John
\c 1
\s1 John 1:1-18
\s1 This book is about Jesus, who was eternally with God but also became a human being to reveal God to mankind.
\v 1 The one who expresses [MET] ◄\add God's character/what God is like\add*► has always existed ◄from the beginning [MTY] \add of everything/before everything began\add*►. He has always existed with God, and he has God's nature.
\v 2 He always existed with God \add before\add* he began [MTY] \add to create anything\add*.
\v 3 He is the one by whom \add God\add* caused everything to exist. He is the one who created absolutely everything [LIT].
\v 4 He is the one who \add caused everything to\add* live. He, who caused us people to live, \add revealed to us the truth about God as\add* a light [MET] \add reveals what is in the darkness\add*.
\v 5 People do not want him to reveal \add that what they do is evil\add* [MET], just \add like\add* darkness \add is evil\add*. But \add just like\add* darkness cannot put out light [MET], \add evil people have never prevented the one who was like a light from revealing God's truth\add* (OR, \add evil people have never\add* understood the \add one who was like\add* a light.)
\v 6 A man whose name was John was sent by God {God sent a man whose name was John}.
\v 7 He came to tell people \add about the one who was like\add* [MET] a light. He came to show that everything that the \add one who was like a light\add* [MET] said was true, in order that he could enable all people to believe \add in the one who was like a light\add*.
\v 8 John himself was not the \add one who was like a\add* light [MET]. Instead, he came to tell others about that \add one who was like a\add* light.
\v 9 \add While John was doing that\add*, the one who was truly \add like\add* a light was about to show himself to the world. He was the one who enables all people \add to know about God, as\add* a light [MET] enables \add people to know what is in the darkness\add*.
\v 10 Although the one \add who was like a light\add* was \add here\add* on the earth, and although he was the one whom \add God\add* caused to create everything, \add most\add* people [MTY, HYP] did not realize who he \add was\add*. (OR, although he was the one whom \add God\add* caused to create everything, \add most\add* people did not accept him.)
\v 11 Although he came to the land that belonged to him \add because he created it, most of\add* his own people, \add the Jews\add*, rejected him (OR, did not accept him).
\v 12 But those \add of us who welcomed him, God\add* authorized \add that we would have a relationship with\add* him [MET] \add like\add* children \add have a relationship with their father\add*. We were people who believed \add that what he said\add* about himself [MTY] \add was true\add*.
\v 13 We became \add like God's children\add*, not because our ancestors \add belonged to God\add*, or because of someone's sexual desires, nor because some man desired to have children like himself. Instead, we were caused by God {God caused us} to become \add like\add* his children.
\v 14 The one who expresses [MET] ◄\add God's character/what God is like\add*► became a human being, and he lived among us \add for a while\add*. As a result, we saw how wonderful he is. He came from \add God\add* his father, and there was no other person as wonderful as he. He was wonderful because he always acted ◄kindly toward us/in ways we did not deserve►, and he always \add spoke\add* truthfully to us \add about God\add*.
\v 15 \add One day\add* when John was telling people about him, \add he saw Jesus\add*. Then he shouted to them, “I told you \add previously\add* that someone will come later who is more important than I am, since he existed \add long\add* before me. This \add is the man I was talking about\add*!”
\v 16 We have all benefited very much from what he has done. Again and again, he has acted in kind way toward us in ways we did not deserve.
\v 17 Moses proclaimed \add God's\add* laws \add to our ancestors\add*. But what Jesus Christ did for us \add was much better\add*. He acted in kindness toward us in ways we did not deserve and told us the truth \add about God\add*.
\v 18 No one has ever seen God. But God's only Son, \add Jesus\add*, who has always had a very close relationship with God, has told us about God.
\s1 When religious authorities asked John about his identity, he said he was preparing people for the coming of the Messiah, who was much more important than himself.
\sr John 1:19-28
\v 19 The Jewish \add leaders\add* [SYN] in Jerusalem \add city\add* sent some \add Jewish\add* priests and ◄Levites/men who worked in the temple► to where John was to ask him some questions. They said to him, “What do you \add claim about\add* yourself?”
\v 20 So John told them the truth, and he told them clearly [DOU]. He said, “\add I\add* am not ◄the Messiah/God's chosen king►!”
\v 21 Then they asked him, “Then what \add do you say about yourself\add*? Are you \add the prophet\add* Elijah \add that was prophesied to return\add* {◄\add someone/another prophet\add*► \add prophesied would return\add*} \add before the Messiah\add*?” He replied, “No, \add I\add* am not.” Then they asked him, “Are you the prophet \add like Moses that\add* ◄\add we are waiting for/God promised to send\add*►?” He replied, “No.”
\v 22 So they asked him, “Then who do you \add claim to be\add*? \add Tell us\add* so that we can \add go back and\add* report to those who sent us. What do you say about yourself?”
\v 23 John replied, “\add I\add* am the one \add the prophet Isaiah said\add* would proclaim \add this new message\add* loudly \add to the people who would pass by\add* in this desolate area: ‘Prepare \add yourselves to receive\add* the Lord when he comes [MET], \add just like people prepare\add* a road \add for an important official.’\add*”
\v 24 Some of those people \add who were questioning\add* John were ones who had been sent by the Pharisee \add religious group\add* {whom the Pharisee \add religious group\add* had sent}.
\v 25 They asked John, “Since \add you say\add* you are not the Messiah, nor \add the prophet\add* Elijah, nor the prophet \add like Moses\add*, \add what authority\add* do you have? \add Furthermore\add*, why are you baptizing \add Jews, treating them as though they were non-Jews who wanted to become Jews\add*?”
\v 26 John replied, “I am \add just\add* baptizing people with water \add to prepare them to welcome the Messiah\add*. But \add right now\add* someone is among you whom you people do not know. \v 27 He \add will preach to you\add* after I \add am gone\add*. \add He is so important that\add* I am not worthy to \add serve him as a slave\add* [MET] \add by\add* untying his sandals.”
\v 28 Those things happened at \add a place called\add* Bethany, on the \add east\add* side of the Jordan \add River\add*, where John was baptizing people.
\s1 John the Baptizer announced that Jesus was the one who would become a sacrifice to remove guilt for sin, and how God had confirmed that Jesus was the Son of God.
\sr John 1:29-34
\v 29 The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him. He said to the people, “Look! Here is the \add man whom\add* God \add has appointed to be a sacrifice\add* [MET], \add like\add* the lambs \add that the people of Israel sacrificed! By sacrificing himself\add* he will \add make it possible for everyone in\add* the world to be no longer \add guilty for having\add* sinned.
\v 30 He is the one about whom I said \add before\add*, ‘Someone will come later who is more important than I am, since he existed \add long\add* before me.’
\v 31 I myself did not \add previously\add* recognize that he \add was the Messiah\add*. But \add now I know who he is\add*, and I have baptized people with water to enable \add you people of\add* Israel to recognize who he is.”
\v 32 John spoke clearly \add what God had shown him about Jesus\add*. He said, “I saw \add God's\add* Spirit as he was descending from heaven in the form of a dove. The Spirit remained on Jesus.
\v 33 I myself did not know \add previously\add* that he \add was the Messiah\add*. However, \add God\add* sent me to baptize people with water, \add people who said they wanted to turn from their sinful ways. While I was doing that\add*, God told me, ‘The man on whom you will see my Spirit descend and remain is the one who will put the Holy Spirit within you \add (pl) to truly change your lives\add*.’
\v 34 I saw \add the Spirit descend on him\add*, and I tell you that he is ◄the Son of God/the person who is both God and man►.”
\s1 After John declared again that Jesus would be a sacrifice to remove guilt for sin, four men decided to become Jesus' disciples.
\sr John 1:35-42
\v 35 The next day John was at the same place again ◄with two of us/with two of his disciples►.
\v 36 When he saw Jesus passing by, he said, “Look! There is the man God \add has appointed to be a sacrifice, like\add* the lambs [MET] \add the people of Israel have sacrificed!\add*”
\v 37 ◄When we/those two disciples► heard John say this, we/they went with Jesus.
\v 38 Jesus turned around and saw us/them coming behind him. So he asked us/them, “What do you want?” We/They replied, “Teacher, \add tell us\add* where you are staying, \add because we want to talk with you\add*.”
\v 39 He replied, “Come \add with me\add*, and you will see \add where I am staying\add*!” So we/they went with him and saw where he was staying. We/They stayed with him until about 4 o'clock (OR, from about 4 PM until the next day).
\v 40 ◄One of us/One of the two men► who heard what John had said and who went with Jesus was Andrew, Simon Peter's \add younger\add* brother.
\v 41 \add After Andrew left Jesus\add*, the first thing he did was to find his own \add older\add* brother Simon and say to him, “We have found the Messiah!”
\v 42 Then he took Simon to Jesus. Jesus looked intently at him, and then said, “You are Simon. Your father's name is John. You will be given {\add I\add* will give you} the name Cephas.” \add Cephas is an Aramaic name that means ❛solid rock❜. It\add* means \add the same in Greek as the name\add* Peter.
\s1 Jesus told Nathaniel that he knew about him supernaturally, but that he would do things that were more surprising than that.
\sr John 1:43-51
\v 43 The next day \add Jesus\add* decided to leave \add the Jordan River valley\add*. He went to Galilee \add district\add* and (OR, on the way there he) found a man named Philip. Jesus said to him, “Come with me!”
\v 44 Philip and Andrew and Peter were all from Bethsaida \add town\add*.
\v 45 Then Philip \add searched for\add* Nathaniel and found him, and said to him, “We have met \add the Messiah\add*, the one Moses \add wrote about!\add* The prophets also \add prophesied that he would come\add*. He is Jesus, from Nazareth \add town\add*. His father's name is Joseph.”
\v 46 Nathaniel replied, “Nazareth? ◄Nothing good can come from \add such an unimportant place\add*!/Can anything good come from \add such an unimportant place\add*?► [RHQ]” Philip replied, “Come and see!”
\v 47 When Jesus saw Nathaniel approaching, he said about Nathaniel, “Here is an example of a good Israelite! He never deceives anyone!”
\v 48 Nathaniel asked him, “How do you know what I \add am like\add*?” Jesus replied, “I saw you before Philip called you, when you were \add by yourself\add* under the fig tree.”
\v 49 Then Nathaniel declared, “Teacher, you \add must be\add* ◄the Son of God/the person who is both God and man►! You are the King of Israel \add we have been waiting for\add*!”
\v 50 Jesus replied to him, “You [RHQ] believe \add those things about me\add* because I told you I saw you when you were under the fig tree. \add I was able to see you supernaturally even though I was far away from you\add*. But you will see \add me do\add* things that are more surprising than that!”
\v 51 Then Jesus said to him, “This is the absolute truth: \add Just like what your ancestor Jacob saw long ago in a vision\add*, some day you \add (pl)\add* will see heaven opened up, and you will see God's angels ascending from me and descending on me, the one who came from heaven.”
\c 2
\s1 In Cana Jesus did his first miracle, turning water into delicious wine.
\sr John 2:1-11
\v 1 Two days later there was a wedding \add celebration\add* in Cana \add town\add*, in Galilee \add district\add*. Jesus' mother was there.
\v 2 Jesus and \add we\add* his disciples \add were also there, because\add* we had been invited {someone had invited us} also.
\v 3 When the guests had drunk all the wine \add that was there\add*, Jesus' mother said to him, “The wine is all gone; \add can you do something about that\add*?”
\v 4 Jesus said to her, “Ma'am/Woman, ◄do not \add tell \add* me \add what to do \add*!/why do you \add tell \add* me \add what to do \add*?► [RHQ] It is not yet time [MTY] \add to show \add* that I am \add the Messiah by working miracles \add*.” \v 5 Then Jesus' mother said to the servants, “Do whatever he tells you!”
\v 6 There were six \add empty\add* stone jars there. The Jews \add habitually put water in them\add* to use for washing things \add to make them acceptable to God\add*. Each jar held ◄20 to 30 gallons/80 to 120 liters►. \v 7 Jesus said to the servants, “Fill the jars with water!” So they filled the jars to the brim.
\v 8 Then he told them, “Now, ladle out some \add of it\add* and take it ◄to the head waiter/to the master of ceremonies►.” So the servants did that.
\v 9 ◄The head waiter/The master of ceremonies► tasted the water, which had now become wine. He did not know where the wine had come from, but the servants who had ladled out the wine knew. \add The wine was delicious\add* So he called the bridegroom over,
\v 10 and said to him, “Everyone \add else\add* serves the best wine first. Then when the guests have drunk so much \add that they cannot tell the difference\add*, \add they serve\add* the cheap wine. But you \add have not done what others do\add*. You have kept the best wine until now!”
\v 11 That was the first miracle that Jesus did. He did it in Cana \add town\add*, in Galilee \add district\add*. By doing it he showed how awesome he is, and as a result, \add we\add* his disciples believed that he \add truly was the Messiah\add*.
\s1 Jesus and others went to Capernaum and stayed there several days.
\sr John 2:12
\v 12 Jesus then went down to Capernaum \add city\add* with his mother and \add younger\add* brothers and \add us\add* his disciples. We stayed there several days.
\s1 After Jesus expelled the merchants from the temple, the Jewish leaders wanted him to do a miracle to show by what authority he did that. He told them metaphorically that he would become alive again three days after he died.
\sr John 2:13-25
\v 13 Later, when it was almost time for the Jewish Passover \add celebration\add*, Jesus \add and we his disciples\add* went up to Jerusalem.
\v 14 There, in the Temple \add courtyard\add*, he saw some men who were selling cattle, sheep, and pigeons \add for sacrifices\add*. He also saw men who were sitting at tables, \add making a big profit as they\add* gave people \add Temple tax\add* coins in exchange for \add their Roman\add* coins.
\v 15 Then Jesus made a whip from some cords and \add used it to\add* chase out the sheep and cattle from the Temple \add courtyard\add*. By overturning their tables he scattered the coins of the men who were exchanging them.
\v 16 He said to those who were selling doves, “Take these doves away \add from here\add* Stop \add defiling\add* my Father's Temple \add by\add* making it a market!”
\v 17 Then \add we\add* disciples remembered that these words had been written {that \add someone/David\add* had written \add these words\add*} \add in the Scriptures prophesying what the Messiah would say\add*: “Others [PRS] will strongly oppose me because I greatly desire that \add people respect\add* your Sacred Tent.”
\v 18 So \add one of\add* the Jewish \add leaders\add* [SYN] replied to him, “What miracle will you perform to show us that \add you have authority from God\add* to do these things?”
\v 19 Jesus replied to them, “If/When you destroy this temple, I will build it again within three days.”
\v 20 So the Jewish \add leaders\add* [SYN] said, “We have been building this Temple for forty-six years \add and it is not finished yet\add* So ◄there is no way you will build it within three days!/how will you build it within three days?► [RHQ]”
\v 21 But when Jesus said that about the temple, \add he was really talking about\add* his own body.
\v 22 \add Later\add*, after Jesus had \add died and had\add* become alive again, \add we\add* his disciples remembered the words he had said. As a result, we believed \add what had been prophesied in\add* the Scriptures \add about the Messiah becoming alive again\add*, and we believed that what Jesus said \add was true\add*.
\v 23 While Jesus was in Jerusalem at the Passover celebration, many people came to believe \add that he was the Messiah\add* because they saw the miracles he was performing.
\v 24 But he did not let them tell him what he should do \add as the Messiah\add*, because he knew within himself what they were all \add thinking\add*.
\v 25 He did not need anyone to tell him what others were thinking, because he already knew what they were \add thinking and wanting\add*.
\c 3
\v 1 There was a man named Nicodemus, who was a member of the Jewish religious council. He belonged to the Pharisee \add religious sect\add*.
\v 2 He went to see Jesus at night, \add to talk to him about God's kingdom\add*. He said to Jesus, “Teacher, \add we believe that\add* you are a teacher who has come from God. \add We believe this because\add* we know that someone could perform the miracles you are doing only if God were helping him.”
\v 3 Jesus replied to him, “Listen to this carefully: Unless people are born again and \add have a new life from God\add*, they cannot even see the place where God rules [MET]!”
\v 4 Then Nicodemus said to him, “◄No one can be born when he is old!/How can anyone be born when he is old?► [RHQ] ◄There is no way he can enter his mother's womb and be born a second time!/How can he enter his mother's womb and be born a second time?► [RHQ]”
\v 5 Jesus answered, “Note this: Being born naturally is not \add enough\add*; people need to also be born \add spiritually\add* by God's Spirit. If that does not happen, they cannot experience God ruling [MET] \add their lives\add*.
\v 6 Humans give birth to humans. But those who are born \add again \add* as a result of what \add God's \add* Spirit \add does receive a new \add* spiritual \add nature from God \add*. \v 7 Do not be surprised about my telling you that you must be born again \add and have a new life from God\add*.
\v 8 \add Let me illustrate\add*: The wind blows wherever it wants to blow. You hear its sound, but you do not know where the wind comes from or where it is going. Similarly, those \add who do not know God cannot understand/control/predict\add* how people are born again as a result of what God's spirit \add does\add*.”
\v 9 Nicodemus replied to him, “How can that happen?”
\v 10 Jesus replied to him, “You \add (sg)\add* are a \add well-known\add* teacher among \add us\add* Israelite people, so ◄I am surprised that you do not understand these things!/how is it that you do not understand these things?► [RHQ]
\v 11 Listen to this carefully: ◄My disciples and I/I► tell you \add (pl)\add* about the things that my disciples and I have seen and know \add are true\add*, but you \add (pl)\add* do not admit that what my disciples and I are saying \add is true\add*.
\v 12 I have told you about the things \add that happen here\add* on earth that are true, but you \add (pl)\add* do not believe me. So if I tell you \add (sg)\add* about things \add that happen\add* in heaven, ◄you certainly will not believe me!/how will you believe me?► [RHQ]
\v 13 I am the only one who has gone up to heaven; no one else has gone up there. I am also the one who came down from heaven. \add So I know what happens there\add*.
\v 14 \add Long ago when the Israelite people rebelled against God\add* in the desolate area, \add God sent poisonous snakes to bite them\add*. But when Moses lifted up \add on a pole\add* the \add model of a\add* poisonous snake, \add everyone who looked at that model was healed from their snake bites\add*. Similarly, \add even though I\add* am the one who came from heaven, \add some day people\add* will lift me up \add on a cross to kill me\add*.
\v 15 As a result, everyone who believes/trusts in me will have eternal life.”
\s1 God sent his Son into the world to save everyone who trusts in him.
\sr John 3:16-21
\v 16 God loved us people [MTY] in the world so much that he gave his only Son \add as a sacrifice for us\add*, in order that everyone who believes in him would not be separated from God forever. Instead, they would have eternal life.
\v 17 When God sent his Son into the world, his purpose was not to punish the \add people in\add* [MTY] the world for their sins. Instead, he sent him in order that they might be saved by him {he might save them} \add from being\add* ◄\add guilty/punished\add*► \add for their sins\add*.
\v 18 Everyone who trusts in his Son, \add God says that they\add* will not be punished {that he will not punish them}. But God has already \add said that\add* everyone who does not trust in his Son will be punished {that he will punish everyone who does not trust in his Son}, because they have not trusted in what his only Son \add has done for them\add*.
\v 19 The \add one who was like a\add* light [MET] \add to reveal God's truth to us\add* came into the world. But people loved doing what was \add evil, like\add* darkness [MET] \add is evil\add*, instead of loving the \add one who was like a\add* light. That is the reason \add God will\add* judge people \add and condemn them\add*.
\v 20 Everyone who does what is evil hates the \add one who is like a\add* light, and they will not come to the \add one who is like a\add* light, because it would be shown {\add the one who is like a light\add* would show} that their deeds \add are evil, and he would rebuke them\add*.
\v 21 But those who live according to \add God's\add* truth come to the \add one who is like a\add* light, in order that it may be seen clearly {that people may see clearly} that the things they have done they did them because \add they have depended\add* on God.
\s1 When many people began to become Jesus' disciples, and John the Baptizer declared that Jesus was greater then he, the Jewish leaders rejected John's and Jesus' testimony that Jesus was equal to God.
\sr John 3:22-36
\v 22 Some time later Jesus and we disciples went to Judea district. He stayed with us there and \add directed us as we\add* baptized people.
\v 23 John \add the Baptizer\add* was also baptizing people. He was doing that at Aenon \add village\add* near Salim \add town in Samaria district\add*, because there were many springs in that area. \add Many\add* people kept coming \add to John\add* and were being baptized {he was baptizing them}.
\v 24 That happened before John was put {they put John} in prison.
\v 25 Then some of John's disciples and a certain Jew started arguing about the Jewish rituals of washing things \add to make them acceptable to God\add*.
\v 26 Then those disciples went to John and said to him, “Teacher, \add do you remember\add* the man who was with you when you were baptizing people on the other side of the Jordan River? He is the one you were telling us about. Well, now he is baptizing people, and many people are going to him \add instead of coming to us\add*!”
\v 27 John replied, “A person can become \add important\add* only if God [MTY] permits it. \add So\add* we \add should not be jealous about Jesus being popular\add*
\v 28 You yourselves can verify what I said. I told you that I am not ◄the Messiah/God's promised king►. Instead, I \add told you that\add* I was sent {that \add God\add* sent me} to prepare the way for him.
\v 29 \add Let me illustrate\add* [MET]: \add He is like a\add* ◄\add bridegroom/man who is being married\add*►, \add and I am like his friend\add*. The friend of the bridegroom stands there and waits \add for him to come\add*. That friend is very happy when he hears the bridegroom's voice \add when he arrives\add*. Similarly, I am very happy \add about what you have told me\add*.
\v 30 It is necessary for Jesus to become more important \add by making more disciples than I have\add*, and for me to become less \add important\add*.”
\v 31 \add Jesus\add* came from heaven. He is more important than anyone else. Those who are born from \add parents here\add* on earth [MTY] are just humans, and they speak about things \add that happen here\add* on the earth. But since Jesus came from heaven, his \add words are\add* more important than anyone else's. \v 32 He tells people what he has seen and what he heard \add in heaven\add*, but very few people [HYP] listen to what he says.
\v 33 Those who have accepted what he has said verify that what God has said is true.
\v 34 \add We know it is true\add* because \add Jesus\add*, the one God sent, speaks the message of God. \add That is also true\add* because God causes his Spirit to live \add in Jesus\add* to completely \add direct everything he says and does\add*.
\v 35 God loves his Son, and has caused him to have control/power over everything.
\v 36 Those who trust in \add God's\add* Son have eternal life. But those who reject God's Son will never have \add eternal\add* life. Instead, God is angry with them \add and he will surely punish them\add*. \c 4
\s John 4:1-30
\s While Jesus talked with a Samaritan woman, he showed by his God-given knowledge of her personal life that he is the life-giving Messiah.
\v 1-2 \add At that time, many people were asking\add* Jesus to baptize them. He did not baptize people; it was \add we\add* his disciples who were doing the baptizing. But when some of the Pharisee \add religious group\add* heard \add people say that\add* Jesus was making more disciples than John \add the Baptizer\add* and was baptizing them, \add they became very jealous\add*.
\v 3 When the Lord \add Jesus\add* heard about that, \add so that the Pharisees would not cause trouble for him\add*, he left Judea \add district\add*, and went again \add with us disciples\add* to Galilee district.
\v 4 \add He\add* knew that God wanted him to travel through Samaria \add district\add*.
\v 5 So we arrived at a town named Sychar in Samaria \add district\add*. That was near the plot of ground that \add our ancestor\add* Jacob had given to his son Joseph \add long ago\add*.
\v 6-8 The well that \add used to\add* belong to Jacob was on that plot of ground. Jesus was tired from walking. So while \add we\add* disciples went into the town to buy some food, he sat down alongside the well. It was about noontime. A woman who \add lived there\add* in Samaria came to get some water \add from the well\add*. Jesus said to her, “Will you give me \add from the well\add* some water \add to drink\add*?” The \add woman knew that\add* Jews did not like ◄\add to touch things that belong to\add* Samaritans/\add to\add* come near Samaritans►, (OR, Jews did not like to associate with Samaritans,)
\v 9 so the woman said to him, “You are a Jew, and I am from Samaria. Furthermore, I am a woman. So ◄\add I am surprised\add* that you are asking me for a drink \add of water\add*!/how is it that you are asking me for a drink \add of water\add*?► [RHQ]”
\v 10 Jesus replied to her, “If you \add (sg)\add* knew what God \add wanted to\add* give you, and if you knew who I am, the one who is asking you for a drink, you would have asked me, and I would have given you water that gives life.”
\v 11 She \add thought he was talking about\add* ordinary \add water. So she\add* said to him, “Sir, you do not have a bucket \add or a rope with which to get water from the well\add*, and the well is deep. So \add since you cannot get water from this well\add*, where can you get that life-giving water?
\v 12 Our ancestor Jacob left us this well. He drank water from it, and there was \add enough good water\add* so that his sons and his flocks \add of sheep\add* and goats drank from it also. \add Do you claim that\add* you are greater than Jacob, \add and because of that you can give us life-giving water\add*?”
\v 13 Jesus replied to her, “Everyone who drinks water from this \add well\add* will later become thirsty again.
\v 14 But those who drink the water that I will give them will never be thirsty again. On the contrary, the water that I give them will become in their inner beings like a spring of water that will enable them to have eternal life.”
\v 15 The woman \add did not understand that Jesus was speaking figuratively about something that would sustain her spiritually. So she\add* said to him, “Sir, give me that kind of water so that I will not get thirsty again, and so that I will not have to keep returning here to get water!”
\v 16 \add Jesus knew that she did not understand, but he wanted to show her by his God-given knowledge of her personal life that because he was the Messiah he could supply her spiritual need. So\add* he said to her, “Woman, go and call your husband, and bring him here!”
\v 17 She replied, “I do not have a husband!” Jesus said to her, “You said that you do not have a husband, and that is true.
\v 18 It is also true that you have had five husbands \add one by one\add*. And the man you are living with now is not your husband! What you have said is very true.”
\v 19 The woman said to him, “Sir, I perceive you must be a prophet \add because you are\add* able \add to know people's secrets\add*.
\v 20 But \add let me ask you a different question\add*: Our ancestors worshipped God here on \add Gerizim mountain\add*, but you \add Jews\add* say that Jerusalem is the place where we must worship \add God. So who is right\add*?”
\v 21 Jesus said to her, “Woman, believe me \add when I say that\add* there will be a time when it will not \add matter whether\add* you worship \add God our\add* Father on this mountain or in Jerusalem \add or somewhere else\add*.
\v 22 You \add people from Samaria\add* do not know the one you are worshipping. But we \add (exc) Jews\add* know whom we worship, because it is from \add us\add* Jews that \add God has sent the one who\add* will save people \add from the guilt of their sins\add*.
\v 23 However, there will be a time when those who genuinely worship God will worship him as \add God's\add* Spirit \add directs\add* and according to \add God's\add* truth. In fact, that time is now. Those are the kind of worshipers my Father seeks.
\v 24 God is a spiritual being. So it is necessary that those who worship him must worship him as his Spirit \add directs\add* and \add according to God's\add* truth.”
\v 25 The woman said to him, “I know that the Messiah is coming. When he comes, he will tell us everything \add we need to know\add*.” ('Messiah❜ and ❛Christ❜ \add both mean ❛God's promised king\add*❜.)
\v 26 Jesus said to her, “I, the one speaking to you, am \add the Messiah\add*!”
\v 27 Just then \add we\add* disciples returned \add from town\add*. \add Since it was contrary to our custom for Jewish religious teachers to converse with a woman they did not know\add*, we were surprised that he was talking to a woman. However, none of us asked her, “What do you want?” and none of us asked him, “Why are you talking with her?”
\v 28 The woman left her water jar there and went into the town. She said to the people there,
\v 29 “Come and see a man who \add was able to\add* tell me all about my past life [HYP], \add even though I never met him before\add* Could this man be the Messiah?”
\v 30 So \add many people\add* left the town and started going where Jesus was.
\s1 Jesus told his disciples that what sustained him was doing his Father's will, which meant convincing non-Jewish people to believe in him.
\sr John 4:31-38
\v 31 Meanwhile, we disciples were urging him, “Teacher, eat \add some of the food we brought\add*!”
\v 32 But he said to us, “I have food to eat that you do not know anything about!”
\v 33 So we started saying to each other, “◄Surely no one has brought him any food \add when we\add* were not \add here\add*!/Has anyone brought him any food \add when we\add* were not \add here\add*?► [RHQ]”
\v 34 Jesus said to us, “Doing what \add my Father\add* who sent me wants \add me to do\add* and finishing the work he \add gave me to do\add* is ◄\add what sustains me/like\add* my food► [MET].
\v 35 \add At this time of the year\add* you are saying (OR, your ancestors used to say), ‘There are four months left before we harvest \add the crops\add*.’ But I say to you, look carefully \add at the non-Jewish people around here. God says, ‘They are ready to accept my message\add* [MET], \add like crops in\add* fields that are ready for people to harvest.
\v 36 \add If you help them to accept my message\add*, I will reward you [MET], \add as an owner of a field\add* pays those who harvest the crops. Because of your work, people will gain eternal life.’ \add I have been telling people God's message. That is like\add* [MET] a man who plants seeds. \add You will help people to accept my message. That will be like\add* [MET] harvesting crops. \add When that happens\add*, both you and I will rejoice. \v 37 As a result, this saying will become true: One person plants \add seeds\add*, but others harvest \add the crops\add*.
\v 38 I am sending you \add to enable people to accept my message, but you will not be the first ones who tell them God's message\add*. Others \add previously\add* worked hard \add to tell people God's message\add*, and now you will be harvesting the results of their work.”
\s1 Many Samaritans believed that Jesus was the Messiah.
\sr John 4:39-42
\v 39 Many of the Samaria \add district\add* people who \add lived\add* in that town believed that Jesus \add was the Messiah\add* because they heard what that woman said \add about Jesus\add*, “That man \add was able to\add* tell me all about my past life [HYP]!”
\v 40 So when those people of Samaria came to Jesus, they urged him to stay with them. So we stayed there two days.
\v 41 Many more of those people believed ◄\add in Jesus/that he was the Messiah\add*► because of what he said. \v 42 They told the woman, “We believe in Jesus \add now \add*, but not \add just \add* because of what you told us. Now we have heard him ourselves. And now we know that this man truly is the one who \add can \add* save \add people\add* [MTY] \add from the guilt of their sins \add*.” \s1 After Jesus healed an official's son, the official and his family believed that Jesus is the Messiah. \sr John 4:43-54 \p \v 43-44 Jesus had said \add previously\add* that people did not honor prophets \add like himself when they tried to teach people\add* in their own home area. So, two days later, Jesus and \add we\add* disciples left that area and went to \add his own area in\add* Galilee \add district, because he knew that people there would not think very highly of him, and as a result the Jewish leaders would not be jealous\add*.
\v 45 However, when we arrived in Galilee \add district, many\add* of the people there welcomed him, because they had been in Jerusalem during the \add Passover\add* celebration and had seen all the things he did there.
\v 46 Jesus went again to Cana \add town\add* in Galilee \add district\add*. That was where he \add previously\add* turned water into wine. There was one of the king's officials who lived in Capernaum \add city\add*, whose son was very sick.
\v 47 When that man heard \add others say\add* that Jesus had returned to Galilee \add district\add* from Judea \add district\add*, he went to Jesus \add in Cana\add* and pleaded with him, “Please come down \add to Capernaum\add* and heal my son, who is about to die!”
\v 48 Jesus said to him, “You people will believe my message only if you see me perform \add more\add* miracles!”
\v 49 But the official said to him, “Sir, ◄\add I\add* believe \add in you/I believe that you came from God\add*►. \add So please\add* come down \add to my home\add* before my son dies!”
\v 50 Jesus said to him, “Then you may go \add home\add*. Your son ◄will live/not die►!” The man believed what Jesus said, and left.
\v 51 \add The next day\add* while he was on the way home, his servants met him. They told him, “Your child is going to live!”
\v 52 He asked them, “At what time did my son start to become well?” They said to him, “His fever ceased yesterday \add afternoon\add* at one o'clock.”
\v 53 Then the boy's father realized that this was the time Jesus told him, “Your son will ◄live/not die►.” So he and all the people in his house believed \add that Jesus was the Messiah\add*.
\v 54 That was the second miracle that Jesus performed in Galilee \add district\add*, after he had returned from Judea \add district\add*.
\c 5
\s1 The Jewish leaders did not like the fact that Jesus healed a paralyzed man on the Sabbath day.
\sr John 5:1-13
\v 1 Some time later, Jesus went up to Jerusalem when the Jews were having \add another\add* celebration.
\v 2 At one of the gates \add into the city\add* called the Sheep Gate, there is a pool. In our language we call it Bethzatha. \add Around the pool\add* were five open areas with roofs over them.
\v 3-4 Many people were lying there. They were people who were blind, lame, or paralyzed.\f + send down an angel, and the angel would stir the water. Then the first person who got down into the water after the water was stirred would be healed of whatever disease that person had.\f*
\v 5 One of those who was there had been paralyzed for thirty-eight years.
\v 6 Jesus saw him lying there and found out that the man had been like that for a long time. He said to the man, “Do you want to become well?”
\v 7 The paralyzed man replied to him, “\add Yes\add*, sir, \add I want to get well, but\add* there is no one to help me get down into the pool when the water is stirred {stirs}. While I am trying to get \add to the pool\add*, someone else always gets there before me.”
\v 8 Jesus said to him, “Get up! Then pick up your mat and walk!”
\v 9 The man immediately was healed. He picked up his mat and started walking!
\p The day on which this happened was a Jewish day of rest.
\v 10 So the Jewish \add leaders\add* said to the man who had been healed, “Today is ◄the Sabbath/our rest day►, and \add in our Jewish\add* laws \add it is written that people should not work on our\add* ◄\add Sabbath/rest day\add*►, so you should not be carrying your mat!”
\v 11 The man replied to them, “The man who healed me, he himself said to me, ‘Pick up your mat and walk!’”
\v 12 They asked him, “Who is the man who said to you, ‘Pick it up and walk!’?”
\v 13 But since Jesus had disappeared in the crowd \add without telling the man his name\add*, the man did not know who it was \add who had healed him\add*.
\s1 The Jewish leaders became very angry with Jesus for saying that he was the Son of God.
\sr John 5:14-18
\v 14 Later, Jesus found the man in the Temple \add courtyard\add*. He \add told the man his name, and\add* said to him, “Listen! You are healed! So stop sinning! If you do not stop sinning, something will happen to you that will be worse \add than the illness you had before\add*!” \v 15 The man went away and told the Jewish \add leaders\add* [SYN] that it was Jesus who had healed him.
\v 16 So the Jewish \add leaders\add* [SYN] started to harass Jesus, because Jesus was doing these things ◄on the Sabbath/on the Jewish rest day►.
\v 17 Then Jesus replied to them, “My Father has always been working every day, \add including\add* ◄\add the Sabbath/the day of rest\add*►, up until now. I am doing the same thing!”
\v 18 The Jewish leaders [SYN] considered that he was disobeying their rules about ◄the Sabbath/the day of rest►, and that by saying that God was his Father, he was making himself equal with God. And they considered that both these things were grounds for killing him. So they sought even harder for a way to kill him.
\s1 Jesus replied to their objections by stating five reasons why they should believe that he is the Son of God.
\sr John 5:19-45
\v 19 Jesus replied to them by saying, “You need to know this: I can do nothing by my own \add authority\add*. I do only the \add kind of\add* things that I see \add my\add* Father doing. Whatever kinds of things my Father is doing, those are the things I am doing.
\v 20 \add My\add* Father loves me, and he shows me everything that he is doing. He will show me \add the miracles\add* that \add he wants me to do\add* that will be greater than the ones that \add you have already seen me do\add*, so that you may be amazed.
\v 21 \add For example\add*, just like \add my\add* Father causes people who have died to become alive again, I will give \add eternal\add* life to everyone that I want to. \v 22 Furthermore, \add my\add* Father is not the one who judges people \add concerning their sins\add*. Instead, he has given to me the work of judging people,
\v 23 in order that all people may honor me, just like they honor \add my\add* Father. \add My\add* Father \add considers that\add* anyone who does not honor me is not honoring \add him\add*, the one who sent me.
\v 24 Listen to this carefully: Those who hear my message and believe that \add God\add* is the one who sent me have eternal life. \add God will\add* not ◄condemn them/say that he will punish them►. They are no longer separated from God. Instead, they have \add eternal\add* life.
\v 25 Listen to this carefully: There will be a time when those who are ◄spiritually dead/separated from God► will hear the voice of me, ◄the Son of God/the man who is also God►. In fact, it is that time already. Those who hear \add and pay attention to my message\add* will have \add eternal\add* life.
\v 26 \add My\add* Father has \add power to\add* make things live. Similarly, he has given me the \add power to enable\add* people to live \add eternally\add*.
\v 27 Because I am the one who came from heaven, he has given me the authority to judge people \add concerning their sins\add*.
\v 28 Do not be surprised about that, because there will be a time when all people who have died will hear my voice
\v 29 and they will become alive again. Those who have lived good \add lives\add* will rise \add from their graves\add* and live forever. But those who have lived evil lives will rise, and I will ◄condemn them/declare that I will punish them \add for their sins\add*►.
\v 30 I do not do anything \add like that\add* by my own authority. I judge people only according to what I hear \add my Father tell me\add*. I will judge people fairly, because I do not want to please only myself. Instead, I want to please \add my Father\add*, who sent me.
\v 31 If I were the \add only\add* one to tell people about myself, \add people could rightly say that\add* what I say is not true.
\v 32 But there is someone else who tells people about me. And I know that what he tells people about me is true.
\v 33 As for you, when you sent messengers to John \add the Baptizer to ask about me\add*, he told the truth \add about me\add*.
\v 34 I do not \add need that\add* people tell others \add about me\add*. But instead, I am reminding \add you about what John told people about me\add*, in order that you will \add believe it and\add* be saved {\add God\add* will save you}.
\v 35 \add John's message about me\add* (OR, \add John\add*) [MET] was \add like\add* a lamp that shines brightly. For a short while you were willing to be made happy \add by that message\add* {to let \add that message\add* make you happy}.
\v 36 But there is something else that tells you about me. \add It should prove who I am\add* more than what John \add said about me\add*. The miracles [PRS] that \add my\add* Father told me to do, the miracles that I am performing, show (OR, prove) to people that my Father sent me.
\v 37 Furthermore, \add my\add* Father, who sent me, tells people about me. You have never heard his voice or seen him.
\v 38 Furthermore, you have not believed in \add me\add*, the one he sent. So you have not \add believed\add* his message in your inner beings.
\v 39 You carefully study (OR, Study) the Scriptures, because you think that by \add studying\add* them you will \add find the way to\add* have eternal life. And those Scriptures tell people about me!
\v 40 But you refuse ◄to come to me/to believe my message► in order that you may have \add eternal\add* life.
\v 41 It does not \add matter to\add* me whether people praise me.
\v 42 But you \add want people to praise you\add*. I know that within yourselves you do not love God.
\v 43 Although I have come to earth with my Father's authority [MTY], you do not accept me. But if someone else comes with his own authority [MTY], you accept him!
\v 44 You accept your praising each other, but you do not try to do things that will result in God himself praising you. So ◄there is no way you can believe \add in me\add*!/how can you believe \add my message\add*?► [RHQ]
\v 45 But do not think that I am the one who will accuse you while \add my\add* Father is listening! No, it is Moses who will accuse you! You thought that he would \add defend you\add*.
\v 46 Moses wrote about me, so if you had believed what he \add wrote\add*, you would have believed what I \add said\add*
\v 47 But because you did not believe what he wrote \add about me\add*, ◄you will certainly not believe what I say!/how will you believe what I say?► [RHQ]”
\c 6
\s1 Jesus miraculously fed more than 5,000 people.
\sr John 6:1-15
\v 1 Some time later, when Jesus was in Galilee district, near the time of the Jewish Passover celebration, Jesus went \add with us disciples by boat\add* and crossed to another place along Galilee Lake. This lake is \add also called\add* Tiberias Lake.
\v 2 A large crowd of people kept following Jesus \add on land\add* because they had been seeing the miracles he performed \add by healing\add* sick people. \v 3 Jesus went up on the hillside and sat down with \add us\add* disciples \add to teach us\add*.
\v 4 Then he looked up and saw a great crowd of people coming toward him.
\v 5 He said to Philip, “Where will we buy food for all these people to eat?”
\v 6 He asked this only to find out if Philip believed what \add Jesus could do\add*, because Jesus already knew what he himself was going to do.
\v 7 Philip replied to him, “\add Even if we had\add* the amount of money a man earns in eight months, that would not be enough to buy bread so that each person could have a little bit!”
\v 8 Another one of \add us\add* disciples, Andrew, who was Simon Peter's \add younger\add* brother, said to Jesus, \v 9 “There is a boy here who has five small barley loaves and two \add cooked\add* fish. But ◄they will not help much among so many people!/what good will that do among so many people?► [RHQ]”
\v 10 Jesus said, “Tell the people to sit down!” There was plenty of grass there, so they all sat down \add comfortably\add*. There were about five thousand men \add among the crowd\add* . \v 11 Then Jesus took the small loaves and the fish and thanked \add God\add* for them. Then he \add gave them to us, and we\add* distributed the small loaves and the fish to all the people sitting on the ground. \add Because God caused the food to keep increasing\add*, everyone ate as much as they wanted.
\v 12 When everyone had all the food they wanted, he said to \add us\add* disciples, “Gather up the pieces that are left over. Do not let anything be wasted!”
\v 13 So we gathered up the pieces of the small loaves that were left over by those who had eaten. We filled twelve baskets with those pieces!
\v 14 After the people saw that miracle that Jesus had performed, \add many of\add* them started to say, “Surely this is the prophet \add like Moses\add* that \add God promised\add* to send to the world!”
\v 15 So, because Jesus realized that they were about to come and seize him to make him \add their\add* king, he left them again and went up into the hills by himself.
\s1 Jesus miraculously walked on the water.
\sr John 6:16-24
\v 16 When it was evening, \add we\add* disciples went down to \add Galilee\add* Lake.
\v 17 When it became dark and Jesus had still not joined us, \add we\add* got into a boat and went across the lake towards Capernaum \add city\add*.
\v 18 A strong wind started to blow and caused the water ◄to become very rough/to have high waves►.
\v 19 After we had rowed ◄three or four miles/five or six kilometers►, we saw Jesus coming near the boat; he was walking on the water! So we were terrified!
\v 20 But he said to us, “Do not be afraid! It is I!”
\v 21 We were glad to take him into the boat. As soon as \add we\add* did that, the boat reached the shore where \add we\add* were going!
\v 22 The next day the crowd of people that had stayed on the other side of the lake \add were perplexed about how Jesus had left that area\add*. They knew that there had been only one boat there \add the previous day\add*. They knew that we had gone away in it by ourselves. They knew that Jesus had not gone with us.
\v 23 Then some \add men came\add* from Tiberias \add city\add* in boats. \add They were hoping to take some of the crowd back to Tiberias\add*. They arrived near the place where the people had eaten the food after Jesus had given thanks \add and caused it to multiply\add*.
\v 24 When the crowd realized that neither Jesus nor we disciples were there, \add some of\add* them got into those boats and they sailed to Capernaum to find Jesus.
\s1 Jesus taught them figuratively of the need for them to take for themselves the benefits of his sacrificing himself and shedding his blood to atone for their sins.
\sr John 6:25-59
\v 25 When they found him \add in Capernaum\add* further around the lake, they asked him, “Teacher, \add since you(sg) did not come in a boat\add*, when \add and how\add* did you get here?”
\v 26 Jesus replied to them, “Listen to this carefully: Do you know why you are looking for me? It is not because you saw \add me perform\add* miracles \add and as a result have realized who I really am\add*. No! You are looking for me \add only\add* because you had plenty of bread to eat \add after I provided it for you by performing a miracle\add*.
\v 27 Stop desiring food that will soon spoil! Instead, desire to get \add spiritual\add* food that will last forever! Yearn for eternal life! That is what I, the one who came from heaven, will give you. God \add my\add* Father has shown that he approves of me \add doing that\add*.”
\v 28 Then the people asked him, “What things should we do \add to please\add* God?”
\v 29 Jesus replied, “What God \add wants you\add* to do is this: He wants you to believe that \add I am\add* the one he has sent.”
\v 30 So they said to him, “Then perform \add another\add* miracle so that we may see it and believe that \add you came from God\add*. What miracle would you like to perform?
\v 31 Our ancestors ate the \add food called\add* manna \add that God provided for them by a miracle\add* in the desolate area. This is written {\add The Psalmist\add* wrote this} \add in the Scriptures\add* about \add what Moses caused to happen:\add* ‘He gave them food from heaven to eat.’ \add Will you perform a miracle like that\add*?”
\v 32 So Jesus said to them, “The truth is that it was not Moses who gave your \add ancestors\add* that food from heaven. No, it was my Father \add who gave it to them. And my Father is the one\add* who gives you the true food from heaven.
\v 33 The true bread from God came down from heaven, and he is the one who will give \add eternal\add* life to \add the people of\add* the world [MTY].”
\v 34 \add Not understanding what he meant\add*, they said to him, “Sir, give us that kind of bread all the time!”
\v 35 Jesus said to them, “\add Just like\add* food [MET] \add sustains physical life\add*, I am the \add one who enables you to have spiritual\add* life. Those who \add eat ordinary food and drinks will later be hungry and thirsty\add*. But those who come to me \add to receive that life\add* will never again \add lack anything spiritually\add*.
\v 36 I told you before that you have seen my \add miracles, but after seeing them, instead of understanding who I am\add*, you have not believed in me.
\v 37 All the people that \add my\add* Father entrusts to me will come to me, and I will certainly ◄welcome/never send away► [LIT] anyone who comes to me.
\v 38 When I came down from heaven, it was not to do what I want. Instead, I came to do what ◄\add God/my Father\add*►, who sent me, wants.
\v 39 What the one who sent me wants is that I ◄keep forever all/never lose any► [LIT] of those whom he has entrusted to me. He wants me to cause all of them to become alive again ◄on the last day/on the day \add when I judge everyone\add*► [MTY].
\v 40 \add Long ago in the desolate area when those who were bitten by snakes looked at the bronze replica of a snake, they were healed\add* [MET]. What my Father wants is that \add similarly\add* everyone who looks at \add what\add* I \add have done\add* and believes in me will have eternal life. I will cause them to become alive again ◄on the last day/on the day \add when I judge everyone\add*► [MTY].”
\v 41 The Jewish \add leaders\add* [SYN] began to grumble about him because he said, “I am the one who is \add like\add* true bread who came down from heaven.”
\v 42 They said, “◄This man is Jesus, the son of Joseph!/Isn't this man the son of Joseph?► [RHQ] We know \add the names of\add* both his father and his mother. \add He certainly did not come from heaven\add*, so ◄he is \add lying\add* by saying ‘I came from heaven.’/why is he now saying, ‘I came from heaven?’► [RHQ]”
\v 43 Jesus replied to them, “Stop grumbling among yourselves \add about what I just said\add*
\v 44 \add My\add* Father, who sent me, makes people want to come to me. No others will come to me \add to receive eternal life\add*. Those who come to me are the only ones who will believe in me. I will ◄cause them to be alive again/raise them \add from the dead\add*► ◄on the last day/on the \add judgment\add* day►.
\v 45 It was written ◄\add by one of the prophets/by the prophet Isaiah\add*► {◄\add One of the prophets/The prophet Isaiah\add*► wrote} \add about all those who will trust in me\add*, ‘God will teach them all.’ Everyone who listens to what \add my\add* Father \add says\add* and learns from him will ◄come to/believe in► me.
\v 46 I came from God. I am the only one who has seen \add my\add* Father. No one else has seen him.
\v 47 Listen to this carefully: Everyone who believes ◄\add my message/in me\add*► has eternal life.
\v 48 \add Just like\add* food [MET] \add sustains your physical life\add*, I am the \add one who enables you to have spiritual\add* life.
\v 49 Even though your ancestors ate the manna \add while they were traveling\add* in the desolate area, they died \add anyway\add*.
\v 50 But the bread \add I am talking about\add* is something that came down from heaven. If people eat that bread, their \add spirits\add* will never die.
\v 51 I am the one who came down from heaven to enable people to have \add spiritual\add* life. If people take what I will give them, they will live forever. What I will give them is my flesh, which I will give to \add all the people in\add* [MTY] the world in order that they may have \add spiritual\add* life.”
\v 52 Then the Jewish \add leaders\add* [SYN] began to argue among themselves. They said, “◄There is no way this man can give us his flesh to eat!/How can this man give us his flesh to eat?►” [RHQ]
\v 53 So, \add speaking figuratively of the need for them to accept for themselves the benefits of his sacrificing himself and shedding his blood to atone for their sins\add* [MET], Jesus said to them, “Listen carefully to this: \add Although\add* I am the one who came from heaven, if you do not eat my flesh and drink my blood, you will not have eternal life.
\v 54 Those who eat my flesh and drink my blood have eternal life, and I will cause them to become alive again at ◄the last day/the \add judgment\add* day►,
\v 55 because my flesh and my blood are truly spiritual food.
\v 56 Those who eat my flesh and drink my blood will have a close relationship with me, and I will have a close relationship with them.
\v 57 \add My\add* Father, who is the \add source of everything that\add* lives, sent me, and I live because \add my\add* Father has \add given me life\add*. Similarly those who eat my \add flesh\add* will live \add eternally\add* because of what I \add do for them\add*.
\v 58 \add I am\add* the true bread that came down from heaven. Although our ancestors ate \add manna\add*, they \add later\add* died \add anyway\add*. But those who eat this bread will live forever.”
\v 59 He said this while he was teaching people in ◄the synagogue/the Jewish meeting place► in Capernaum.
\s1 Some of Jesus' disciples left him because of this teaching.
\sr John 6:60-71
\v 60 After they heard him say that, many of his disciples said, “What he is teaching is hard \add to understand\add*; ◄it is very difficult for anyone to accept it!/how can anyone accept it?► [RHQ]”
\v 61 Jesus was aware that his disciples were grumbling about it, so he said to them, “◄I am sorry that this is offending you./Is this offending you?► [RHQ]
\v 62 ◄\add Perhaps you will believe my message\add* if you see me, the one who came from heaven, ascending \add there\add* to where I was before!/\add (What will you think if you see me\add*, the one who came from heaven, ascending \add there\add* to where I was before)?► [RHQ]
\v 63 \add God's\add* Spirit is the one who gives people \add eternal\add* life. Human efforts are no help at all \add for giving people eternal life\add*. The message I have spoken to you \add gives spiritual\add* life (OR, \add comes from\add* God's Spirit \add and gives eternal\add* life.)
\v 64 But there are some of you who do not believe \add my message.” Jesus said that\add* because he knew from the time he started [MTY] \add his ministry\add* which of them would not believe his message. He also knew who would ◄betray him/enable his enemies to seize him►.
\v 65 Then he continued by saying, “That is why I told you that only those whom my Father has enabled \add to believe in me\add* will come to me \add and receive eternal life\add*.”
\v 66 From that \add time\add*, many of his disciples left him and no longer went with him.
\v 67 So he said to \add us\add* twelve \add apostles\add*, “You do not want to leave me also, do you?”
\v 68 Simon Peter replied to him, “Lord, \add we\add* will not \add leave you\add*, \add because\add* ◄there is no other person \add like you\add* to whom we can go!/what other person is there like \add you\add* to whom we can go?► [RHQ] You have the message about eternal life!
\v 69 We have come to believe for certain that you are the holy one \add who has come\add* from God!”
\v 70 Then Jesus replied to us, “\add You are saying that as though all\add* you twelve \add men\add* whom I have chosen [RHQ] believe that. But one of you is \add under the control of\add* Satan!”
\v 71 He was talking about Judas, the \add son\add* of Simon, from Kerioth \add village\add*. \add Even though\add* Judas was one of us twelve \add apostles\add*, he was about ◄to betray Jesus/to enable Jesus' enemies to seize him►.
\c 7
\s1 Jesus rejected his younger brothers' suggestion that he go immediately to Jerusalem.
\sr John 7:1-9
\v 1 After those things happened, Jesus went around in Galilee \add province\add*. He did not want to travel in Judea \add province\add*, because he knew that the Jewish \add leaders there\add* were wanting to kill him.
\v 2 But when the time of the Jewish celebration \add called\add* ❛Celebration of \add Living in\add* Shelters❜ was near,
\v 3 Jesus' \add younger\add* brothers said to him, “\add Since many people\add* here \add have left you\add*, you should leave and go to Judea \add province and perform\add* some miracles there, so that your disciples may see them!
\v 4 No one who wants to become famous does things secretly. \add You say\add* you are doing these miracles, \add so do some miracles there\add* so that everyone [MTY] can see them!”
\v 5 \add They said this critically\add*, because even \add though they were\add* his own \add younger\add* brothers, they did not believe he \add was from God\add*.
\v 6 So Jesus said to them, “It is not yet time for me [MTY] \add to go to the celebration\add*. For you, any time is right \add to go to the celebration\add*.
\v 7 \add The people\add* [MTY] \add who\add* ◄\add do not believe in me/do not belong to God\add*► cannot hate you, but they hate me because I tell them that what they are doing is evil.
\v 8 You \add (pl)\add* go ahead to the celebration. I am not going up \add to Jerusalem\add* to the celebration \add yet\add*, because now is not the right time for me \add to go\add*.”
\v 9 After he said that, Jesus stayed \add a little longer\add* in Galilee.
\s1 Jesus went to the celebration.
\sr John 7:10-13
\v 10 However, \add a few days\add* after his younger brothers left to go up to the celebration, he went also. He went, along with \add us\add* disciples, but no others went with us.
\v 11 At the celebration, the Jewish \add leaders\add* were looking for him. They were asking people, “Has Jesus come?”
\v 12 Among the crowds, many people were whispering about Jesus. Some were saying, “He is a good man!” But others were saying instead, “No! He is deceiving the crowds!”
\v 13 But no one was speaking so that others could hear them, because they were afraid of the Jewish \add leaders\add* [SYN].
\s1 After Jesus taught people, the Jewish leaders wanted to arrest him, but many others believed he was the Messiah.
\sr John 7:14-36
\v 14 In the middle of the days of the celebration, Jesus went to the Temple \add courtyard\add* and began to teach people.
\v 15 The Jewish \add elders\add* were amazed \add at what he was saying\add*. They said, “This man never studied \add in one of our religious schools!\add* So ◄how can he have learned \add so much about Scripture\add*?/it is difficult for us to believe that he has learned \add so much about Scripture\add*!► [RHQ]”
\v 16 Jesus replied to them, “What I teach does not come from myself. It comes from \add God\add*, the one who sent me.
\v 17 Those who choose to do what God wants will find out whether what I teach comes from God or whether I am speaking with \add only\add* my own \add authority\add*.
\v 18 Those who speak with \add only\add* their own \add authority\add* do that \add only\add* so that others will honor them. But I am \add doing things so that others\add* will honor the one who sent me, and I am someone who speaks the truth. I never lie.
\v 19 \add Think about\add* the laws that Moses gave you [RHQ]. None of you \add completely\add* obeys those laws. So why are you trying to kill me, \add saying I do not obey the laws concerning\add* ◄\add the Sabbath/the Jewish day of rest\add*►?”
\v 20 Someone in the crowd answered, “\add By saying this you show that\add* you are crazy (OR, A demon is controlling you)! Certainly no one is trying to kill you!”
\v 21 Jesus replied to them, “Because I did a miracle \add of healing someone\add* ◄on the Sabbath/on the Jewish rest day►, you are all shocked.
\v 22 Moses gave you \add a law that you must\add* circumcise \add the male children and that you must do that exactly seven days after they are born. Actually\add*, it was your ancestors, \add Abraham and Isaac and Jacob\add*, not Moses, who \add started that ritual\add*. But because of that law, you sometimes circumcise them ◄on the Sabbath/on the Jewish rest day►, \add but that is working, too\add*
\v 23 You \add sometimes\add* circumcise boys ◄on the Sabbath/on the Jewish rest day► so that the law of Moses is not disobeyed {\add you\add* do not disobey the law of Moses}, so ◄it is ridiculous that you are angry with me, saying \add I worked\add* ◄on the Sabbath/on the Jewish rest day► by healing a man!/why are you angry with me, saying \add I worked\add* ◄on the Sabbath/on the Jewish rest day► by healing a man?► [RHQ] \add Healing someone is far more helpful than circumcising a baby boy!\add*
\v 24 Stop deciding whether my healing this man is wrong according to what you see! Instead, decide according to what is really the right action \add to help people!\add*”
\v 25 Some of the people from Jerusalem were saying, “◄This is the man that they are trying to kill!/Isn't this the man that they are trying to kill?► [RHQ]
\v 26 He is saying these things ◄publicly/in front of many people►, but our \add Jewish\add* rulers are not saying anything to \add oppose\add* him. Is that because they have decided that he is truly ◄the Messiah/God's chosen king►?
\v 27 But \add he cannot be the Messiah, because\add* we know where this man came from. When the Messiah really comes, no one will know where he comes from.”
\v 28 \add They said that because they thought Jesus was born in Nazareth\add*. So while Jesus was teaching \add people\add* in the Temple \add courtyard\add*, he shouted, “Yes, \add you say that\add* you know me, and \add you think\add* you know [IRO] where I am from. But I have come here not ◄because I appointed myself/with my own authority►. Instead, \add God\add* is the one who truly sent me. You do not know him.
\v 29 But I know him, because I have come from him. He is the one who sent me!”
\v 30 Then they tried to seize him \add because he said that he had come from God\add*. But no one put their hands on him \add to do that\add*, because it was not yet the time [MTY] \add for him to die\add*.
\v 31 But many of the crowd believed that he \add had come from God\add*. They said, “When the Messiah comes, he certainly will not do more miracles than this man has done, will he?”
\v 32 The Pharisees heard them whispering these things about him. So they and the chief priests sent some Temple guards to seize him.
\v 33 Then Jesus said, “I will be with you for only a short time. Then I will return to the one who sent me.
\v 34 Then you will search for me, but you will not find me. And you will not be able to come to the place where I am.”
\v 35 So the Jewish \add leaders\add* [SYN] said to themselves, “Where is this man about to go with the result that we will not be able to find him? \add Some Jewish people have\add* dispersed \add and live\add* among Greek people. He is not intending to go \add and live among them\add* and teach them, is he?
\v 36 When he said ‘You will search for me, but you will not be able to find me,’ and when he said ‘You will not be able to come to the place where I am,’ what \add did he mean\add*?”
\s1 Many people were divided after Jesus said that the Spirit would produce eternal life within those who come to him.
\sr John 7:37-53
\v 37 \add On each of the seven days of the celebration, the high priest poured out some water on the altar in the Temple to remember how God provided water for the people in the desolate area long ago. But the water he poured did not help anyone who was thirsty. So\add* on the last day of the festival, which was the most important day, Jesus stood up \add in the Temple courtyard\add* and said with a loud voice, “Those who are thirsty should come to me to drink \add what I will give them\add*.
\v 38 Just like the Scriptures teach, streams of water shall flow out from the inner beings of those who believe in me, and that water will cause them to live \add eternally\add*.”
\v 39 When Jesus said that, he was referring to \add God's\add* Spirit, whom those who believed in Jesus would receive later. Up to that time God had not sent the Spirit \add to live within believers\add*, because Jesus had not yet \add died and returned to his\add* glorious \add home in\add* heaven, \add from where he would send the Spirit\add*.
\v 40 When some of the crowd heard those words, they said, “Surely this man is the prophet \add whom God promised to send who would be like Moses\add*!”
\v 41 Others said, “He is the Messiah!” But others, \add thinking Jesus was born in Galilee\add*, said, “The Messiah will not come from Galilee \add province\add*, will he?
\v 42 ◄Did \add a prophet\add* not write in the Scriptures that the Messiah will come from \add King\add* David's family, and be born in Bethlehem, where \add King\add* David lived?/\add It is written\add* in the Scriptures that the Messiah will come from \add King\add* David's family, and be born in Bethlehem, where \add King\add* David lived!► [RHQ]”
\v 43 So the people were divided because of \add what they thought about\add* Jesus.
\v 44 Some people wanted to seize him, but no one tried \add to do that\add*.
\p \v 45 So the Temple guards returned to the chief priests and the Pharisees, \add the ones who had sent them to arrest Jesus\add*. They said to the guards, “Why did you not \add seize him and\add* bring him \add here\add*?”
\v 46 They replied, “No one ever spoke such \add amazing things\add* as this man does!”
\v 47 Then the Pharisees replied, “Have you been deceived {Has \add he\add* deceived you}, too?
\v 48 ◄None of our rulers nor any of us Pharisees have believed that <he \add is the Messiah\add*!/he \add came from God\add*!>/Have any of our \add Jewish\add* rulers or any of us Pharisees believed that <he \add is the Messiah\add*?/he \add came from God\add*?>► [RHQ]
\v 49 Not one! But, on the contrary, some of this crowd \add have believed in him\add*. They do not know \add the true teachings of\add* our laws! They will go to hell \add for listening to him\add*!”
\v 50 Then Nicodemus spoke. He was the one who earlier went to Jesus \add at night\add*. He was also a member of the Jewish council. He said to \add the rest of the Council members\add*,
\v 51 “\add We\add* have not listened to what he says to find out what he is doing. ◄It is not permitted in our \add Jewish\add* law [PRS] for us to say, before questioning someone, that we must punish him!/Is it permitted in our \add Jewish\add* law [PRS] for us to say, before questioning someone, that we must punish him?► [RHQ]”
\v 52 They replied to him, “◄Are you another \add disgusting person\add* from Galilee?/\add You talk like\add* another \add disgusting person\add* from Galilee!► [RHQ] Read \add what is written in the Scriptures\add* You will find that no prophet comes from Galilee \add province, like he does\add*!” [\v 53 Then they all left and went to their own homes.
\c 8
\s1 Jesus evaded a trap about condemning a woman who had been caught committing adultery.
\sr John 8:1-11
\v 1 But Jesus went \add with us disciples\add* to Olive \add Tree\add* Hill \add and we stayed near there that night\add*.
\v 2 Early the next morning, we returned to the Temple \add courtyard\add*. Many people gathered around Jesus, so he sat down to teach them. \v 3 Then men who taught the \add Jewish\add* laws and some of [SYN] the Pharisee \add religious group\add* brought a woman to him. She was seized {\add They\add* had \add arranged to\add* seize her} while she was having sex with a man who was not her husband. They made her stand up in front of the group \add that was listening to Jesus\add*.
\v 4 Then they said to Jesus, “Teacher, this woman was seized {\add we\add* seized this woman} while she was having sex with a man who is not her husband.
\v 5 Moses commanded us in the laws that \add he gave us\add* that we should throw stones at such women \add and kill them\add*. So what do you say \add we should do\add*?”
\v 6 They asked this question as a trap so that they could accuse him. \add If he said that they should not kill her, they would shame him for disobeying the law of Moses. If he said that they should kill her, they could accuse him to the Roman governor\add*.
\p But Jesus bent down and wrote something on the ground with his finger.
\v 7 While they continued to question him, he stood up and said to them, “Whichever one of you has never sinned can be the first one to start throwing stones at her.”
\v 8 Then he stooped down and wrote \add some more\add* on the ground.
\v 9 After they heard what he said, those \add who were questioning him\add* went away, one by one, the older ones first \add and then the younger ones, knowing they were all sinners\add*. Finally only Jesus was there, along with the woman.
\v 10 Jesus stood up and asked her, “Woman, where are they? Has no one said you must die for your sin?”
\v 11 She said, “No, sir, no one.” Then Jesus said, “I do not condemn you either. Go \add home\add* now, and do not continue your sinful \add life\add* any longer!”]
\s1 Jesus replied to the Pharisees' objection to his claim to be like a light for the people of the world.
\sr John 8:12-20
\v 12 Jesus spoke to the people again. He said, “I am \add like\add* a light [MET] for \add all the people in\add* [MTY] the world. \add Just like a light reveals what has been in the darkness\add* [MET], \add I reveal God's truth to them\add*. Those who walk in the darkness \add are unaware of what is around them\add*. But those who become my disciples will always be aware \add of God's truth\add* [MET]. They will have my light \add which shows them how to have eternal\add* life.”
\v 13 So the Pharisees said to him, “You are just telling about yourself! \add Since there is no one else to verify these things that you say about yourself\add*, \add we\add* do not \add need to accept that\add* what you say is true.”
\v 14 Jesus replied, “Even if I were the \add only one to\add* say these things about myself, what I say is true, because I know that I came from \add heaven\add*, and I know that I am going \add back to heaven\add*. But \bd you\bd* do not know where I came from or where I am going.
\v 15 \bd You\bd* judge people according to human standards. \add The reason\add* that \bd I\bd* am \add here is\add* not ◄to condemn people/to say that I will punish people► \add for their sins\add*.
\v 16 But if I did judge \add people\add*, what I decided would be correct, because I am not the \add only\add* one \add who will decide those things\add*. I and the one who sent me will both decide.
\v 17 It is written {\add Moses\add* wrote} in your law that if \add at least\add* two people testify that \add some event has happened\add*, \add people should consider\add* that what they say is true.
\v 18 I am telling you about myself, and the other one who is telling you about me is \add my\add* Father who sent me. \add So you should believe that what we declare is true\add*.”
\v 19 Then they asked him, “\add If you have a\add* father whom \add we can question about you\add*, where is he?” Jesus replied, “You do not know \add who\add* I \add really am\add*. If you knew who I \add really am\add*, you would know who my Father is also.”
\v 20 He said these things when he was in the Temple \add courtyard\add*, near the place where the people put their offerings. \add This was also very close to the place where the Jewish council met\add*. But no one seized him to arrest him, because it was not yet time [MTY] \add for him to suffer and die\add*.
\s1 Jesus replied to the Pharisees' continued rejection of Jesus' claims about himself.
\sr John 8:21-30
\v 21 Jesus also said to them, “I \add will soon be\add* going away. Then \add at the end of your life\add* you will seek me, but you will die \add without God forgiving\add* your sins. Where I will go, you will not be able to come.”
\v 22 So the Jewish \add leaders\add* said among themselves, “Is he going to kill himself? Is that the reason that he said, ‘Where I go, you will not be able to come’?”
\v 23 But Jesus continued by saying to them, “You were born here in this world, but I came from heaven. You belong to those who are opposed to God [MTY]. I do not belong to them.
\v 24 I told you that you will die \add without God forgiving\add* your sins. If you do not believe that I am \add who I say that I am\add*, you will die \add without God forgiving\add* your sins.”
\v 25 So they said to him, “You! Who do you think you are?” Jesus said to them, “Ever since I began \add teaching\add*, I have been telling you who I am!
\v 26 I could judge you and say that \add you are guilty of\add* many things. But instead, \add I will say only\add* what the one who sent me tells me to say. \add What he says\add* is true, and I tell the people in the world [MTY] what I have heard from him.”
\v 27 They did not understand that he was talking about his Father \add in heaven\add*.
\v 28 So Jesus said, “I am the one who came down from heaven, but when you lift me up \add on a cross to kill me\add*, you will know who I am. You will also know that I do not do anything with my own \add authority\add*. Instead, I say just what \add my\add* Father has taught me.
\v 29 He is the one who sent me, and he helps me. Because I always do the things that please him, he has never abandoned me.”
\v 30 As Jesus was saying these things, many people believed that he \add was\add* ◄\add from God/the Messiah\add*►.
\s1 Jesus told his critics which people were true believers like Abraham and which ones really were serving Satan.
\sr John 8:31-59
\v 31 Then Jesus said to the Jews who now said they believed in him, “If you continue to \add live in accordance with\add* my message, you will truly be my disciples.
\v 32 Then you will know \add God's\add* truth, and as a result of \add your believing his\add* truth, he [PRS] will free you \add from being controlled by the one who has made you his slaves\add*.”
\v 33 They replied to him, “We are descendants of Abraham. We have never been anyone's slaves. So why do you say \add we will\add* be freed \add from being someone's slaves\add*?”
\v 34 Jesus replied, “Listen carefully to what I am going to tell you. All those who continue to sin are \add forced to obey\add* their sinful desires [MET], \add just like\add* a slave \add is forced to obey his master\add*.
\v 35 A slave is not a permanent member of a family. But a son is a member of a family forever. \add Similarly, you say you are members of God's family because you are descendants of Abraham, but really, because you are like slaves of your sinful desires, you are no longer permanent members of God's family\add*.
\v 36 So if you allow me to free you, you will truly be free.
\v 37 I know that you are Abraham's descendants. But you are trying to kill me because \add you are not\add* allowing [PRS] my message to continue \add to change\add* your inner being.
\v 38 I am telling you what I saw when I was with \add my\add* Father. But you do the things that you have heard from your father.”
\v 39 They replied to him, “Abraham is our ancestor.” Jesus said to them, “If you were Abraham's descendants, \add your character would be like Abraham's character, and\add* you would do \add good\add* things like Abraham did.
\v 40 I have been telling you the truth that I heard from God, but you are trying to kill me. Abraham did not do things like that.
\v 41 No! You are doing the things that your \add real\add* father does.”
\p They said to him, “\add We do not know about you, but\add* we are not illegitimate children. And \add spiritually\add*, we have only one Father. That is God, and you do not know who your father is!”
\v 42 Jesus said to them, “If God were your father, you would love me, because I came from God, and now I have come here \add to this world\add*. My coming was not ◄because I \add appointed\add* myself/with my own \add authority\add*►. He sent me.
\v 43 ◄And I will tell you why you do not understand what I say./Do you know why you do not understand what I say?► [RHQ] It is because you do not want to accept my message.
\v 44 You belong to your father, ◄the devil/Satan►, and you desire to do what he wants. He has \add caused people to become\add* murderers from the time when \add people\add* first \add sinned\add*. He has abandoned \add God's\add* truth because he is a liar by his nature. Whenever he lies, he is speaking according to his \add nature\add*, because he is a liar and is the one who originates [MET] all lies.
\v 45 But because I tell you the truth, you do not believe me!
\v 46 \add Since I have never sinned\add*, ◄none of you can show that I have sinned./can anyone among you show that I have sinned?► [RHQ] So, since I tell you the truth, ◄there is no good reason for your not believing me!/why is it that you do not believe me?► [RHQ]
\v 47 Those who belong to God habitually obey God's message. You do not belong to God, so you do not obey his message.”
\v 48 The Jewish \add leaders\add* [SYN] replied to him, “◄We are certainly right by saying that you \add believe what is false as\add* the Samaritans \add do\add*!/Are we not right by saying that you \add believe what is false as\add* the Samaritans \add do\add*?► [RHQ] And that ◄a demon/an evil spirit► \add controls\add* you!”
\v 49 Jesus replied, “A demon does not \add control\add* me! I honor my Father, and you do not honor me!
\v 50 I am not trying to honor myself. There is someone else who desires \add to honor me\add*, and he is the one who will judge \add whether it is I who am telling the truth or whether it is you who are telling the truth\add*.
\v 51 But the truth is that anyone who obeys what I say will never die!”
\v 52 Then the Jewish \add leaders\add* [SYN], \add thinking that he was talking about ordinary death and not about spiritual death\add*, said to him, “Now we are sure that a demon \add controls\add* you! Abraham and the prophets died \add long ago!\add* But you say that anyone who obeys what you teach will never die!
\v 53 ◄You are certainly not greater than our ancestor Abraham!/Do you think you are greater than our ancestor Abraham?► [RHQ] He died, and all the prophets died, so who do you think you are \add by saying something like that\add*?”
\v 54 Jesus replied, “If I were honoring myself, that would be worthless. My Father is the one who you say is your God. He is the one who honors me.
\v 55 Although you do not know him, I know him \add and have a close relationship with him\add*. If I said that I did not know him, I would be a liar like you are. But I know him, and I obey what he says.
\v 56 Your ancestor Abraham was happy when he thought about what I would \add do during\add* my life [MTY]. \add It was as though\add* he saw that, and was happy.”
\v 57 Then the Jewish \add leaders\add* [SYN] said to him, “You are not fifty years old yet! So ◄you certainly did not see him!/how could you have seen him?► [RHQ] \add Because he died long ago\add*!”
\v 58 Jesus said to them, “The truth is that I existed before Abraham was born!”
\v 59 So, \add because they were very angry about Jesus thus saying that he\add* ◄\add had eternally existed/was equal with God\add*►, they picked up stones to throw at him \add to kill him\add*. But \add Jesus\add* caused them not to be able to see him, and he left the Temple courtyard.
\c 9
\s1 Jesus healed a man who was born blind.
\sr John 9:1-12
\v 1 As Jesus walked along \add with us\add*, he saw a man who had been blind from the time he was born.
\v 2 We disciples asked him, “Teacher, was this man blind from when he was born because his parents sinned or because he himself sinned?”
\v 3 Jesus replied, “His being blind was not because he or his parents sinned. Instead, \add he has been blind\add* in order that \add people can\add* see the power of God {the power of God can be seen} as a result of \add what will now happen\add* to him.
\v 4 While there is still time, I must do the work that the one who sent me \add wants me to do. Just like daytime is followed by\add* nighttime when people do not work, \add at the end of our lives\add* [MET] \add it is too late for us to do what God wants\add*.
\v 5 While I am still \add living\add* in this world, I am the \add one who enables people to know about God, like\add* [MET] \add a\add* light enables the people in [MTY] this world \add to see what is in the darkness\add*.”
\v 6 After he said that, he spat on the ground. He made \add a little bit of\add* mud with the saliva, and put it on the man's eyes.
\v 7 Then he said to him, “Go and wash in Siloam pool!” (That name means ❛sent;❜ \add just like they sent the water by a channel into the pool, God sent Jesus\add*). So the man went and washed \add in the pool\add*, and when he went home he was able to see!
\v 8 His neighbors and others who previously had seen him when he was begging said, “He is the man who used to sit here and beg, isn't he?”
\v 9 Some said, “\add Yes\add*, he is.” Others said, “No, \add he is not\add*. It is \add just\add* a man who looks like him!” But the man himself said, “Yes, I am that man!”
\v 10 So they said to him, “How is it that now you can see?”
\v 11 He replied, “The man whose name is Jesus made some mud and put it on my eyes. Then he told me to go to Siloam \add pool\add* and wash. So I went there and washed, and then I could see.”
\v 12 They said to him, “Where is that man \add now\add*?” He said, “I do not know.”
\s1 The Pharisees investigated the healing of the blind man.
\sr John 9:13-41
\v 13 They took to the Pharisees the man who was previously blind.
\v 14 The day on which Jesus made the mud and enabled the man to see again was a ◄Sabbath/Jewish day of rest►. \add The Pharisees considered that healing someone was work, and their rules did not permit people to do any work\add* ◄\add on the Sabbath/on the Jewish rest day\add*►.
\v 15 So the Pharisees also asked him, “How did you become able to see?” He said to them, “The man put mud on my eyes. Then I washed, and now I can see!”
\v 16 So some of the Pharisees said, “Since this man \add Jesus\add* disobeys \add our rules about working\add* ◄on the Sabbath/on the Jewish rest day►, he is not from God.” But others said, “If he was a sinner, ◄he could certainly not do such miracles!/how could he do such miracles?► [RHQ]” So they were divided.
\v 17 So one of them said to the blind man again, “You are the man whom he enabled to see. What do you yourself say about him?” The man said, “\add I think\add* he is a prophet!” \add So they told him to go\add*.
\v 18 The Jewish \add leaders\add* [SYN] still did not believe that the man was blind when he was born, and that he was \add now\add* able to see. So they sent someone to bring the man's parents.
\v 19 \add When they got there\add*, one of \add the Jewish leaders\add* asked them, “Is that man your son? Do you say that he was blind when he was born? \add If that is true\add*, how is he now able to see?”
\v 20 His parents replied, “We know that he is our son. We know that he was blind when he was born.
\v 21 But we do not know how he is able to see now. We also do not know who enabled him to see. Ask our son! He is old enough \add to answer questions from authorities like you\add* He can tell you himself!”
\v 22 The Jewish \add leaders\add* [SYN] had previously declared that they would prevent anyone who declared that Jesus was the Messiah from \add entering\add* their synagogues. His parents \add knew that, so\add* they were afraid of the Jewish \add leaders\add* [SYN].
\v 23 That is the reason that they said, “He is old enough \add to answer questions\add*, so ask him!”
\v 24 So they sent someone to bring back to them the man who had been blind. \add When he got there\add*, the \add Jewish leaders\add* said to him, “Knowing that God \add is listening\add* [IDM], tell the truth! We know that the man who healed you is a sinner.”
\v 25 He replied, “I do not know if he is a sinner or not. But one thing I do know is that I was blind, but now I can see!”
\v 26 So they said to him, “What did he do to you? How did he enable you to see?”
\v 27 He replied, “I told you that already, but you did not [RHQ] pay attention! Why do you want to hear me tell you again? ◄Do you also want to become his disciples?/You talk as though [IRO] you also want to become his disciples [RHQ]►.”
\v 28 Then they insulted him angrily. They said, “You are that man's disciple, but we are Moses' disciples!
\v 29 We know that God spoke to Moses; but this man, we do not know where he is from or where he \add gets any authority\add* from!”
\v 30 The man replied, “That is very surprising! You \add say that\add* you do not know where he \add gets any authority\add*. But he enabled me to see!
\v 31 We know that God does not help sinners \add who ask God to help them\add*. Instead, he listens to \add and helps\add* godly people who pray. He listens to people who do what God wants.
\v 32 No one has ever enabled a man to see who was blind when he was born \add like I was\add*. That has never happened since the world began!
\v 33 So if this man had not come from God, he would not be able to do anything \add like that\add*!”
\v 34 They replied to him, “You ◄were born \add as a result of your parents'\add* sin [EUP]/bastard►! ◄Do you think you are qualified to teach us?/You are not qualified to teach us!► [RHQ]” Then they threw him out \add of the synagogue\add*.
\v 35 Jesus heard \add people say\add* that they had thrown that man out. He found the man and said to him, “Do you believe that the one who came down from heaven \add is the Messiah\add*?”
\v 36 The man answered, “Sir, who is he? \add Tell me\add*, in order that I may believe in him.”
\v 37 Jesus said to him, “You have seen him. \add In fact, it is I\add*, the one who am speaking to you.”
\v 38 The man said, “Lord, I believe that \add you are the Messiah\add*!” Then he \add knelt down before\add* Jesus and worshipped him.
\v 39 Jesus said, “I have come into this world to judge \add the people in the world\add*. The result will be that \add those who realize that they do not know God's truth will perceive it. That is like\add* [MET] \add enabling\add* those who are blind to see. But the result will also be that people who \add falsely think\add* [IRO] that \add they understand God's truth will never understand it. That is like\add* [MET] \add people\add* who are blind remaining blind permanently.”
\v 40 Some of the Pharisees who were with him heard him say that, and said to him, “You are not suggesting that we are \add like\add* blind people, are you?”
\v 41 Jesus said to them, “If you \add realized that you did not yet know God's truth, but you wanted to, then you would be like\add* blind people \add who wanted to see. God would be able to\add* forgive your sins. But you are now \add falsely\add* claiming that you \add know God's truth, so you are like people who are blind who claim that they\add* can see. \add Because of that, God is not able to\add* forgive your sins.”
\c 10
\s1 Jesus explained why he is like a good shepherd.
\sr John 10:1-21
\v 1 \add Jesus continued by saying to us\add*, “Listen carefully to what I say. Anyone who does not enter \add the sheep pen\add* through the gate, if he climbs in some other way, he is a thief or a bandit.
\v 2 The man who enters \add the pen\add* through the gate is the shepherd of the sheep.
\v 3 The man who watches the gate at \add night\add* opens the gate for him. The sheep recognize the shepherd's voice. He summons his own sheep by \add calling out\add* the names \add he has given\add* them. Then he leads them outside \add the pen\add*.
\v 4 After he has brought out all his own \add sheep\add*, he goes in front of them. His sheep follow him because they recognize \add and pay attention to\add* his voice.
\v 5 But they will never follow a stranger. Instead, they will run away from him, because they do not recognize a stranger's voice.”
\v 6 Jesus said that [MET] \add to illustrate the difference between himself and the Pharisees, who were deceiving the people\add*. But they did not understand what he was telling them.
\v 7 So Jesus spoke to them again. He said, “Listen carefully to what I am saying. I am \add like\add* [MET] a gate for the sheep \add to enter the sheepfold, because I am the one who allows people to enter God's presence\add*.
\v 8 All of \add your religious leaders\add* who have come previously \add without my authority\add* are \add like\add* [MET] thieves and bandits \add because they act violently and dishonestly for their own benefit\add*. But \add just like\add* sheep do not \add obey strangers, God's people do not\add* pay attention to them.
\v 9 I am \add like\add* a gate. Those will be saved {\add God\add* will save all those} who come \add to God\add* by \add trusting in\add* me. \add Just like sheep\add* go in and out \add through the gate safely\add* to find pasture [MET], \add I will provide for them and protect them\add*.
\v 10 Thieves come \add to a sheep pen\add* only to steal or kill or destroy \add sheep\add* [MET]. \add Similarly, your religious leaders injure God's people spiritually\add*. But I have come in order that people may have \add eternal/spiritual\add* life, and that they may have abundantly \add all they need to sustain them spiritually\add*.
\v 11 I am \add like\add* a good shepherd. A good shepherd \add is willing to\add* die to save the sheep [MET]. \add Similarly, I am ready to sacrifice myself to save those who belong to me\add*.
\v 12 A worker whom someone has hired \add to look after the sheep\add* is not \add like\add* the shepherd or the one who owns the sheep. So when he sees a wolf coming, he leaves the sheep and runs away. Then the wolf attacks the flock of sheep and \add seizes one sheep and\add* causes \add the others\add* to scatter.
\v 13 The worker runs away because he is \add only\add* a man whom someone has hired. He is not \add really\add* concerned about \add what happens to\add* the sheep [MET]. \add Similarly, your religious teachers do not really care what happens to you\add*.
\v 14 I am \add like\add* a good shepherd. \add Just like a good shepherd knows his\add* sheep [MET], I know those who belong to me, and they know me
\v 15 in the same way as \add my\add* Father knows me and I know \add my\add* Father. Furthermore, I am \add ready to\add* sacrifice myself for \add those who belong to me\add*.
\v 16 And I have other people \add who are not Jews\add* who \add will some day\add* belong to me. They will be \add like\add* [MET] sheep from another sheep pen. I must bring them \add to God/myself\add* also. They will pay attention to what I say, and eventually \add all those who belong to me\add* will be \add like\add* one flock, and \add I\add* will be \add like\add* [MET] their one shepherd.
\v 17 The reason \add my\add* Father loves me is that I will sacrifice my life. But \add after I do that\add*, I will become alive again.
\v 18 No one is causing me to die. Instead, I \add have chosen to\add* sacrifice myself. I have authority to sacrifice myself and I have authority to become alive again. That is what my Father has commanded me to do.”
\v 19 After hearing these words \add that Jesus said\add*, the Jews were divided again.
\v 20 Many of them said, “A demon is \add controlling\add* him and has caused him to become crazy. ◄It is useless to listen to him!/Why should we listen to him?► [RHQ]”
\v 21 But others said, “What he is saying is not something a man whom a demon is controlling would say. ◄No demon could enable a blind man to see \add like he did!/\add*How could a demon enable a blind man to see \add like he did\add*?► [RHQ]”
\s1 The Jewish leaders tried to kill or arrest Jesus for claiming that he was equal with God.
\sr John 10:22-42
\v 22 Then it was time for the celebration \add to remember when our ancestors\add* rededicated \add the Temple in Jerusalem\add*. It was in winter.
\v 23 Jesus was in the Temple \add courtyard\add*, walking in \add the place that people called King\add* Solomon's porch.
\v 24 The Jewish \add leaders\add* [SYN] gathered around him and said, “How long will you keep us from knowing for sure \add if you are the Messiah\add*? If you are the Messiah, tell us clearly!”
\v 25 Jesus answered them, “I have told you \add that I am the Messiah\add*, but you do not believe me! You should know who I am because of the miracles I do with my Father's authority [MTY].
\v 26 But instead, you do not believe in me because you do not belong to \add me. You are like\add* [MET] sheep \add who belong to a different shepherd\add*.
\v 27 \add Just like sheep\add* heed the voice \add of their true shepherd\add* [MET], my \add people pay attention to what I say\add*. I know them, and they have become my disciples.
\v 28 I will give them eternal life. No one will separate them from me, not ever. No one shall ever pull them away from belonging to me.
\v 29 \add Those\add* that my Father has given to me are more precious than anything else (OR, My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than anything that opposes them). So no one can pull them away from belonging to him [MTY].
\v 30 \add My\add* father and I are equal.”
\v 31 The Jewish \add leaders\add* [SYN] again picked up stones to throw at him \add and kill him because they were angry at his saying that he was equal with God\add*.
\v 32 But Jesus said to them, “You have seen me perform many miracles that my Father \add told me to do. You should realize from seeing them that I am equal with God\add*. So because of which of these miracles [IRO] are you wanting to \add kill me by\add* throwing stones at me?”
\v 33 The Jewish \add leaders\add* [SYN] replied, “We are \add wanting to\add* throw stones at you not because you performed a great miracle. Instead, \add we are wanting to do it\add* because you are dishonoring God. You are just a man, but you are saying that you are God!”
\v 34 Jesus replied to them, “In the Scriptures it is written {◄\add someone/the Psalmist\add*► has written} [RHQ] \add what God said to the rulers whom he had appointed\add*, ‘I have said that you are \add like\add* gods.’
\v 35 God said that \add to those leaders when he appointed them. No one objected to that\add*. And nothing that is in Scripture can be set aside {no one can set aside anything that is in Scripture}.
\v 36 But I am the one \add my\add* Father set apart to completely belong to him. He sent me here into this world. So ◄why are you angry with me for saying that \add I am equal with God when I say\add* that I am the Son of God?/you should not be angry with me for saying that \add I am equal with God when I say\add* that I am the person who is both God and man!► [RHQ]
\v 37 If I were not doing the miracles that my Father \add told me to do, I would not expect\add* you to believe in me.
\v 38 But because I perform these miracles, believe \add what\add* these miracles \add show about me\add*, even though you do not believe what I \add say\add*. If you do that, then you will know and understand that \add my\add* Father has a close relationship with me, and I have a close relationship with \add my\add* Father.”
\v 39 After they heard that, they tried to seize him again, but he got away from them.
\v 40 Then Jesus went, along \add with us\add*, back across \add to the east side of\add* the Jordan \add River\add*. We went to the place where John was previously baptizing \add people\add*. He/We stayed there \add for a few weeks\add*.
\v 41 Many people came to Jesus. They were saying, “John never performed a miracle, \add but this man has performed many miracles\add* Everything that John said about this man is true!”
\v 42 Many people \add who came\add* there believed ◄\add that Jesus was the Messiah/that Jesus truly had come from God\add*►. \c 11
\s1 Jesus' friend, Lazarus, died.
\sr John 11:1-16
\v 1 \add One time\add* there was a man whose name was Lazarus who was \add very\add* sick. He lived in Bethany \add village\add*, where his \add older\add* sisters Mary and Martha also lived. \v 2 Mary was the woman who \add later\add* poured perfume on the feet of the Lord \add Jesus\add*, and then wiped his feet with her hair.
\v 3 So the two sisters sent \add someone to tell\add* Jesus \add about Lazarus\add*, saying, “Lord, the one you love \add very much\add* is very sick.”
\v 4 \add They hoped that Jesus would come \add*, but when Jesus heard the message, he said, “His being sick will not end in his dying. Instead, it will result in \add people realizing\add* how great God is, and that I, God's son, may be honored {that people may honor me, God's son}, because of \add what I will do \add*.” \v 5 Jesus loved Martha and her \add younger\add* sister \add Mary\add* and Lazarus.
\v 6 But when Jesus heard that Lazarus was sick, he stayed \add where he was\add* for two more days.
\v 7 But Jesus \add wanted to see Lazarus\add*. So he said to us disciples, “Let's go back to Judea.”
\v 8 We said, “Teacher, just a short while ago the Jewish \add leaders\add* [SYN] wanted to \add kill you by\add* throwing stones at you. So ◄\add we think that you should not\add* go back there again!/\add are you sure that you want to\add* go back there again?► [RHQ]”
\v 9 \add To show us that nothing bad could happen to him until the time that God had chosen\add* [MET], Jesus replied, “There are [RHQ] twelve hours in the daytime, \add which is enough time to do what God wants us to do\add*. People who walk in the daytime will not stumble \add over things they cannot see\add*, because they see things by the light from the sun.
\v 10 It is when people walk in the nighttime that they stumble over things, because they have no light.”
\v 11 After he said that, he told us, “Our friend Lazarus has gone to sleep. But I will go there so that I can wake him up.”
\v 12 So we said to him, “Lord, if he is sleeping, he will get well. \add So you do not need to risk your life by going there\add*.”
\v 13 Jesus was speaking \add figuratively\add* about Lazarus' death, but we thought that he was talking about really being asleep.
\v 14 So then he told us plainly, “Lazarus is dead.
\v 15 But for your sake I am glad that I was not there \add when he died\add*, because I want you to believe \add more firmly that I\add* ◄\add am the Messiah/came from God\add*►. So now, \add instead of staying here\add*, let's go to him.”
\v 16 Then Thomas, who was {whom they} called ❛The Twin❜, said to the rest of us disciples, “Let's all go, so that we may die with him \add when his enemies kill him\add*.”
\s1 Lazarus' sisters expressed disappointment that Jesus did not come and heal Lazarus before he died.
\sr John 11:17-40
\v 17 When we arrived \add close to Bethany\add*, someone told Jesus that Lazarus \add had died and had been buried and his body had\add* been in the tomb for four days.
\v 18 Bethany is less than ◄two miles/three kilometers► from Jerusalem.
\v 19 Many Jews had come \add from Jerusalem\add* to console Martha and Mary concerning \add the death of\add* their \add younger\add* brother.
\v 20 When Martha heard \add someone say\add* that Jesus was coming, she went \add along the road\add* to meet him. But Mary stayed in the house.
\v 21 When Martha \add got to where Jesus was\add*, she said to him, “Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died \add because you would have healed him\add*
\v 22 But I know that even now God will do for you whatever you ask \add concerning my brother\add*.”
\v 23 Jesus said to her, “Your brother will become alive again!”
\v 24 Martha said to him, “I know that he will become alive again when all people become alive again on the \add Judgment\add* day.”
\v 25 Jesus said to her, “I am the one who \add enables people to\add* become alive again and who \add causes people to\add* live \add eternally\add*. Those who believe in me, even if they die, they will live \add again\add*.
\v 26 Furthermore, all those who believe in me while they are alive, \add their souls\add* will not die \add forever\add*. Do you believe that?”
\v 27 She said to him, “Yes, Lord! I believe that you are the Messiah, ◄the Son of God/the man who is also God►. You are the one \add God promised to send\add* into the world!”
\v 28 After she said that, she returned \add to the house\add* and took her \add younger\add* sister, Mary, aside and said to her, “The Teacher is close \add to our village\add*, and he wants to talk to you.”
\v 29 When Mary heard that, she got up quickly and went to him.
\v 30 Jesus had not yet entered the village; he was still at the place where Martha met him.
\v 31 The Jews who were in the house with Mary, consoling her, saw Mary get up quickly and go outside. So they followed her, thinking that she was going to the tomb \add where they had buried Lazarus\add*, in order to cry there.
\v 32 When Mary got to where Jesus was and saw him, she prostrated herself at his feet and said, “Lord, if you had been here, my \add younger\add* brother would not have died!”
\v 33 When Jesus saw her crying, and saw that the Jews who had come with her were also crying, he was very angry \add that Satan had caused Lazarus to die\add* (OR, very troubled) and disturbed in his spirit.
\v 34 He said, “Where have you buried ◄him/his body►?” They said to him, “Lord, come and see.”
\v 35 Jesus began to cry.
\v 36 Then \add some of\add* the Jews said, “Look how much he loved Lazarus!”
\v 37 But some others said, “He enabled a blind man to see. So ◄he should have been able to \add heal this man so that\add* he did not die!/why did he not \add heal this man so that\add* he did not die?► [RHQ]”
\v 38 Within himself Jesus was again very angry \add about Lazarus dying\add* (OR, very troubled). He came to the tomb. It was a cave. The entrance had been covered with a large stone.
\v 39 Jesus said, “Take away the stone!” Martha, \add who, as I mentioned before, was an older\add* sister of the man who had died, said, “Lord, his \add body\add* has been \add in the tomb\add* for four days, so now there will be a bad smell!”
\v 40 Jesus said to her, “I told [RHQ] you that if you believed \add in\add* ◄\add me/what I can do\add*►, you would see how great God is! Have \add you forgotten that\add*?”
\s1 Jesus caused Lazarus to be alive again.
\sr John 11:41-48
\v 41 So they took away the stone. Then Jesus looked up \add toward heaven\add* and said, “My Father, I thank you that you heard me \add when I prayed about this earlier\add*.
\v 42 I know that you always hear me \add when I pray\add*. But instead \add of just praying silently\add*, I said that for the sake of the people who are standing here. I want them to believe that you sent me.”
\v 43 After he said that, he shouted, “Lazarus, come out!”
\v 44 The man who \add had been\add* dead came out! The strips of cloth were still wrapped around his \add hands and feet\add*, and a cloth was still around his face, \add but he came out\add* Jesus said to them, “Take off the cloths so that he can walk easily!” \add So they did that\add*.
\v 45 As a result, many of the Jews who had come to \add see\add* Mary and who had seen what Jesus did, believed that he ◄\add was the Messiah/had come from God\add*►.
\v 46 But some of the \add others\add* went to the Pharisees and told them what Jesus had done.
\v 47 So the chief priests and the Pharisees gathered all the members of the \add Jewish\add* Council together. They started saying \add to each other\add*, “What are we going to do \add about Jesus\add*? He is performing many miracles!
\v 48 If we allow him to keep \add doing this\add*, everyone will believe ◄in him/that he \add is the Messiah\add*►, \add and they will make him their king\add*. Then the Roman \add army\add* will come and destroy our Temple and our whole nation of Israel!”
\s1 The Jewish leaders decided to kill Jesus.
\sr John 11:49-57
\v 49 One of the \add Jewish Council\add* members was Caiaphas. He was the Jewish high priest that year. \add Hinting that they should get rid of Jesus\add*, he said to them, “You \add talk as though you\add* do not know anything [HYP]!
\v 50 You do not realize that it would be much better for us if one man died for the sake of the people rather than that \add the Romans kill\add* all the \add people of our Jewish\add* nation.”
\v 51 He said that, not because he thought of it himself. Instead, since he was the high priest that year, he was prophesying that Jesus would die for the whole \add Jewish\add* nation.
\v 52 But he was also prophesying that Jesus would die, not just for the Jews, but for all the people living in other lands who \add would belong\add* to God, in order that he would unite \add all of them into\add* one \add group\add*.
\v 53 So from that day the \add Jewish leaders\add* started to make plans how they could kill Jesus.
\v 54 Because of that, Jesus no longer traveled around publicly among the Jewish people. Instead, he left \add Jerusalem, along\add* with us disciples, and went to a village called Ephraim, in an area near the desolate region. We stayed there \add for a while\add*.
\v 55 When it was almost time for the Jewish Passover \add celebration\add*, many \add Jews\add* went up to Jerusalem from other places in the country. They went there to perform the rituals to make themselves acceptable \add to God\add* before the Passover \add celebration started\add*.
\v 56-57 The Jewish chief priests and Pharisees issued an order that if anyone found out where Jesus was, that person should report it to them, in order that they could seize him. \add So the people thought that Jesus would\add* probably \add not dare to come to the celebration\add*. But they kept looking for him, and as they were standing in the Temple \add courtyard\add* they were saying to each other, “What do you think? He will not come to the celebration, will he?”
\c 12
\s1 A woman anointed Jesus with perfume
\v 1 Six days before the Passover \add celebration started\add*, Jesus arrived in Bethany \add village, along with us\add*. That was where Lazarus lived. He was the man Jesus \add previously\add* caused to be alive again after he died.
\v 2 There they gave a dinner to \add honor\add* Jesus. Martha served the meal. \add Her younger brother\add*, Lazarus, was among the people who were eating with Jesus. \v 3 Then Mary took \add a bottle\add* of expensive perfume \add called\add* nard and poured it on Jesus' feet \add to honor him\add*. Then she wiped his feet with her hair. The whole house was filled with the \add beautiful\add* smell of the perfume.
\v 4 But one of his disciples, Judas Iscariot, (OR, Judas, the man from Kerioth village) objected. He was the one who later enabled Jesus' enemies to seize him.
\v 5 He said, “◄We should have sold this perfume and given \add the money\add* to poor people!/Why did \add we\add* not sell this perfume and give \add the money for it\add* to the poor people?► [RHQ] We could have gotten three hundred days' wages for it!”
\v 6 He said that, not because he cared about the poor people, but instead, because he was a thief. He was the one who kept the bag \add of funds that people gave to help Jesus and us his disciples\add*, and he often stole some of the money that was {that \add people\add*} put into it.
\v 7 Then Jesus said, “Do not bother her! \add She bought this perfume\add* in order to save it until the day when they will bury me \add after I die\add*.
\v 8 There will always be poor people among you, \add so you can help them whenever you want to\add*. But I will not be with you much longer, \add so it is good that she showed right now how much she appreciates me\add*.”
\s1 The Jewish leaders decided to kill Lazarus, too.
\sr John 12:9-11
\v 9 A large crowd of Jews heard \add people say\add* that Jesus was there \add in Bethany\add*. So they came, not only \add to see\add* Jesus but also to see Lazarus, the man whom he had caused to become alive again after he died.
\v 10 So the chief priests decided to kill Lazarus also,
\v 11 because many of the Jews were \add deserting them and\add* going to Jesus and believing in him because of \add Jesus causing\add* Lazarus \add to be alive again\add*.
\s1 Jesus entered Jerusalem as a king, but a humble one.
\sr John 12:12-19
\v 12 The next day the huge crowd of people that had come \add to Jerusalem\add* for the \add Passover\add* celebration heard \add people say\add* that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem.
\v 13 So they \add cut\add* branches from some palm trees and took the branches out \add of the city\add* to \add wave them when they\add* met him. Some of them were shouting things like, “Hooray!” “May the Lord \add God\add* bless the one who is coming with his authority [MTY]!” Some other people were shouting, “\add May God bless\add* the King of Israel!”
\v 14 When Jesus \add came near to Jerusalem\add*, he got a young donkey and sat on it \add as he rode into the city\add*. By doing this, \add he fulfilled\add* what had been written {what \add a prophet\add* had written} \add in Scripture\add*,
\v 15 You people of Jerusalem,
\q do not be afraid!
\q Look! Your king is coming!
\q He is riding on a donkey's colt!
\v 16 At first \add we\add* disciples did not understand those things. But after Jesus had returned to heaven, we realized that those things had been written {that \add a prophet\add* had written those things} about him, and that \add by\add* doing those things for him \add the people had fulfilled what the prophet prophesied\add*.
\v 17 The crowd that was with him continued to tell other people that he called Lazarus to come out of the tomb, \add and that Lazarus had then become alive again\add*.
\v 18 Because of that, many people, because they heard \add others say\add* that he had performed this miracle, went to meet him.
\v 19 So the Pharisees said to each other, “It is obvious that we are making no progress \add in trying to stop him! It looks like\add* [HYP] everyone [MTY] is becoming his disciple!”
\s1 Jesus told some Greeks what people who wanted to be his disciples had to be ready to do.
\sr John 12:20-28a
\v 20 Among those who went up \add to Jerusalem\add* to worship \add God\add* during the \add Passover\add* celebration were some Greeks.
\v 21 They came to Philip, who was from Bethsaida \add town\add* in Galilee \add province\add*. They \add wanted him\add* to do something for them. They said, “Sir, we would like to talk with Jesus.”
\v 22 So after Philip went and told that to Andrew, they both went and told Jesus.
\v 23 Then, \add to show them that he must die in order to give eternal life to non-Jews like those Greeks\add*, Jesus replied to them, “It is time for \add God\add* to honor me, the one who came from heaven. \add That will happen when I die\add*.
\v 24 Listen to this carefully: \add My life is like a seed\add* [MET]. If \add someone\add* does not plant a kernel of grain in the ground, it does not change. It remains only one \add seed\add*. But if it changes \add after it is planted in the ground, it will grow and\add* produce many seeds.
\v 25 Anyone who strongly wants to keep on living \add here on earth\add* will surely lose his life forever. But anyone who is willing to die [HYP] \add for my sake\add* will surely gain eternal life.
\v 26 If \add any of these Greeks or\add* anyone \add else\add* wants to serve me, they must become my disciples. Then, \add after they die\add*, they will be where I am, \add in heaven\add*. My Father will honor all those who serve me.
\v 27 Now I am deeply disturbed. ◄I do not know what to say./What shall I say?► [RHQ] Should I say, ‘\add My\add* Father, save me from this time \add when I will suffer and die!’\add*? No, \add I should not say that, because\add* the reason I came ◄\add into this world/from heaven\add*► was that I would \add suffer\add* [MTY] now. \v 28 My Father, show how great you are!”
\s1 God encouraged Jesus about his coming death by a voice from heaven.
\sr John 12:28b-36a
\p Then \add God\add* spoke [EUP] from heaven, saying, “I have already shown how great \add I am\add*, and I will do it again!”
\v 29 The crowd that was there heard \add it but they did not understand the words. Some said\add* it was thunder. Others said an angel had spoken to him.
\v 30 Jesus replied to them, “The voice that you heard speaking \add was God's voice, but\add* it was not for my benefit. It was for your benefit!
\v 31 Now is the time for \add God\add* to judge \add the people in\add* [MTY] the world. Now is the time when \add I\add* will destroy \add the power of Satan\add*, the one who rules this world.
\v 32 But as for me, when I am lifted {when \add men\add* lift me} up from the ground \add on a cross, I will make a way for\add* gathering everyone to myself.”
\v 33 He said this to show us the way in which he was going to die.
\v 34 \add Someone in\add* the crowd answered him, “We understand from the Scriptures that the Messiah will live forever. So why do you say that the one who came from heaven, \add who is the Messiah\add*, will be lifted up {that \add men\add* will lift up the one who came from heaven, \add who is the Messiah\add*,} on a cross? What kind of man who came from heaven are you \add talking about\add*? (OR, That's not the \add kind\add* of Messiah \add we are expecting\add*!)”
\v 35 Then Jesus said to them, “\add My message is like\add* [MET] a light for you. \add I\add* will be with you for only a little while longer. Live and act \add as you should\add* while I am still with you, \add because suddenly you will have no more opportunity to hear my message! You do not want to be like\add* [MET] \add someone\add* who cannot see where he is going anymore \add when it suddenly\add* becomes dark!
\v 36 Believe in my message [MET] while you still have an opportunity to do it, in order that you may become people who have accepted my truth [MET]!”
\s1 Most of the Jewish leaders continued to reject Jesus' message.
\sr John 12:36b-43
\p After Jesus said those things, he left them and hid from them.
\v 37 Although he had done many miracles while people were watching, \add most of\add* them refused to believe that he \add is\add* ◄\add the Messiah/from God\add*►.
\v 38 \add Their stubbornness and refusal to believe was similar to the stubbornness of the people that\add* the prophet Isaiah wrote about long ago.
\q Lord, ◄hardly anyone has believed our message!/who has believed our message?► [RHQ]
\q Most people refused to accept it,
\q even though you showed them your power!
\v 39 That was the reason why they were unable to believe. \add It was like\add* Isaiah wrote somewhere else that God said:
\v 40 They have \add refused to understand; they acted as though they were\add* blind people!
\q They were insensible in their inner beings!
\q As a result, they have not perceived \add my truth\add*
\q1 They have not understood it in their inner beings!
\q1 They have not turned \add from their sinful lives\add*,
\q2 and because of that I cannot help them!
\v 41 Isaiah wrote that because \add it was as though\add* he saw \add ahead of time\add* how great Jesus would be, and he prophesied \add those things\add* about him.
\v 42 Although most of the Jewish \add leaders\add* [SYN] did not believe that Jesus is ◄\add the Messiah/from God\add*►, some of them believed in him. But they would not tell anyone that they believed in him, because \add they were afraid that if they said that\add*, the Pharisees would not let them worship in the synagogues.
\v 43 They wanted people to praise them more than they wanted God to praise them.
\s1 Jesus warned that God would condemn those who rejected his message.
\sr John 12:44-50
\v 44 \add Another day, when\add* Jesus \add was teaching the people, he\add* shouted, “Those who believe in me, they are not believing in \add me alone\add*. Instead, \add it is as though\add* they also believe in the one who sent me.
\v 45 When they see me \add and what I am doing, it is as though\add* they are seeing the one who sent me.
\v 46 I have come into the world \add to show people God's truth\add*, as a light \add shows people what is around them\add*. I have come in order that people who believe in me will not remain \add ignorant of God's truth\add* [MET], \add as those who are\add* in the darkness \add are ignorant of what is around them\add*.
\v 47 As for those who hear my message but do not obey \add its commands\add*, I am not \add the one who\add* judges them. \add The main reason\add* that I came ◄\add into the world/from heaven\add*► was not to judge \add the people of\add* [MTY] the world. Instead, I came to save them \add from being punished for their sins\add*.
\v 48 There is something that will judge those who reject me and do not accept my message. On the judgment day \add God\add* will condemn them \add because they rejected\add* the message that I have told them.
\v 49 I have not said things from my own \add authority\add*. Instead, \add my\add* Father, the one who sent me, instructed me what to say and how I should say it.
\v 50 I know that \add paying attention to\add* what he has instructed us \add leads to\add* eternal life. So whatever I say is exactly (OR, only) what \add my\add* Father has told me to say.” \c 13
\s1 Jesus washed the disciples' feet as an example of humble service to each other.
\sr John 13:1-17
\v 1 When it was the evening before the Passover celebration, Jesus knew that it was time for him to leave this world and \add to return\add* to \add his\add* Father \add in heaven\add*. He loved us who \add were his disciples\add*. He knew \add we would continue to live here\add* in this world, so now he \add showed us\add* how completely he loved us.
\v 2 We were eating \add the Passover meal\add*. ◄The devil/Satan► had already suggested to Judas ◄Iscariot/the man from Kerioth \add village\add*►, the son of Simon, that he should ◄betray Jesus/enable Jesus' enemies to seize him►.
\v 3 But Jesus knew that his Father had given to him complete authority \add to control the situation\add*. He knew that he had come from God and would soon return to God.
\v 4 \add But before he left us, he wanted to show us how we should love each other\add*. \add So\add* he got up from where he was eating. He took off his \add outer\add* cloak and wrapped a \add long\add* towel around his waist, \add as a slave would do\add*.
\v 5 Then he poured some water in a basin. He began to wash our feet, and then dry them with the towel that he had wrapped around himself.
\v 6 When he came to Simon Peter, Peter said to him, “Lord, it is not right for you [RHQ] to \add humble yourself by\add* washing my feet!”
\v 7 Jesus replied to him, “Now you do not understand \add the meaning of\add* what I am doing, but you will understand later.”
\v 8 Peter said, “I will never, ever, \add allow you to\add* wash my feet!” Jesus replied to him, “If I do not wash you, you cannot continue ◄to be my \add disciple/to belong to\add* me►.”
\v 9 So Simon Peter said to him, “Lord, \add in that case\add*, do not wash only my feet. Wash my hands and my head, \add too\add*!”
\v 10 \add Then, to show him that after God had cleansed people from being guilty for sin, they needed only for God to forgive their daily sins\add* [MET], Jesus said to him, “Those who have recently bathed need only to have their feet washed, \add because they get dirty very quickly on the dusty roads\add*. The \add rest of their bodies are\add* clean. Similarly, I have made you \add disciples\add* free/clean \add from the guilt of your sins\add*, although not all of you are free from guilt.”
\v 11 He knew which one \add of us\add* was going to betray him. That is the reason he said, “Not all of you are free from guilt.”
\v 12 After he finished washing our feet, he put his cloak back on. Then he sat down and said to us, “Do you understand what I have done for you?
\v 13 You \add show that you respect me by\add* calling me ‘Teacher’ and ‘Lord’. You are right to say that, because I am your teacher and your Lord.
\v 14 But if I, who am your teacher and your Lord, have washed your feet, you ought to \add serve each other by doing things like\add* washing each other's feet.
\v 15 I have made myself an example for you in order that you should \add humbly serve each other\add* as I have done for you.
\v 16 Listen to this carefully: A servant is not greater than his master. A messenger is not greater than the one who has sent him. \add So, since you are not greater than I am, you should not be proud and unwilling to serve each other\add*.
\v 17 Since you now know these things, \add God will\add* be pleased with you if you do them.”
\s1 Jesus predicted that one of them would betray him to his enemies.
\sr John 13:18-30
\v 18 “I am not saying that \add God will bless\add* all of you. I knew \add what all of you were like when\add* I chose you. But \add I also chose the one who will betray me\add*, in order that what is written in Scripture might be fulfilled {to fulfill what someone/the psalmist wrote in Scripture}, ‘The one who is \add acting like he is my friend by\add* eating with me has become my enemy [IDM].’
\v 19 I am telling you \add about someone betraying me\add* before it happens, in order that when it happens, you may continue to believe that I am ◄\add the Messiah/who I say I am\add*►.
\v 20 Listen to this carefully: Those who accept any one of you whom I am sending out, \add God will consider that\add* they are accepting me. And those who accept me, \add God will consider that\add* they are accepting \add my Father\add*, who sent me.”
\v 21 After Jesus said this, he was very troubled within himself. He solemnly declared, “Listen to this carefully: One of you is going to enable \add my enemies\add* to seize me.”
\v 22 We looked at each other. We had no way \add to know\add* whom he was talking about.
\v 23 \add I\add*, the \add man other people call\add* ❛the one Jesus loved❜, was sitting very close to Jesus.
\v 24 Simon Peter motioned to me to indicate that I should ask Jesus whom he was talking about.
\v 25 So I leaned close to Jesus and asked him, “Lord, who is it?”
\v 26 Jesus answered, “It is the one to whom I will give this piece of bread after I dip it \add in the sauce in the dish\add*.” Then, \add to show us that he knew who would enable his enemies to seize him\add*, after he dipped the bread \add in the sauce\add*, he gave it to Judas ◄Iscariot/the man from Kerioth \add village\add*►.
\v 27 As soon as \add Judas ate\add* the bread, Satan took control of him. Then Jesus said to him, “What you are going to do, do quickly.”
\v 28 But none of the rest of us who were sitting there knew why Jesus said that to him.
\v 29 Since Judas took care of the money \add people gave us to help us\add*, some thought Jesus was telling him to \add go and\add* buy some things we needed for the \add Passover\add* celebration. \add Some thought he was telling him\add* to give some money to poor people.
\v 30 As soon as Judas had eaten the bread, he left. It was dark \add outside\add*, and it was dark [MET] \add in his soul, too\add*.
\s1 Jesus commanded his disciples that they should love each other.
\sr John 13:31-35
\v 31 After Judas left, Jesus said, “Now it will be shown {\add my Father\add* will show} how wonderful I, the one who came from heaven, am. And by what I do it will be seen {people will see} how great God is.
\v 32 Since by what I do people will see how awesome God is, God himself will show people how awesome I am. And he will do that very soon.
\v 33 \add You whom I love as though you were\add* my children, I will continue with you only a short time longer. Then you will look for me, but I will not be here. Just like I told the Jewish \add leaders\add* [SYN], I am telling you now, that where I am going, you cannot come \add yet\add*.
\v 34 Now I am giving you a new commandment: You must love each other. You must love each other in the way that I have loved you.
\v 35 If you keep loving each other, everyone \add who is aware of that\add* [HYP] will know that you are my disciples.”
\s1 Jesus also prophesied that Peter would deny that he knew Jesus.
\sr John 13:36-38
\v 36 Simon Peter said to him, “Lord, where are you going?” Jesus replied, “The place where I am going, you cannot come with me now, but you will come there later.”
\v 37 Peter said, “Lord, why can I not come with you now? I \add am ready\add* to die for you!”
\v 38 Jesus answered, “\add You say\add* [RHQ] that you \add are ready\add* to die for me. But the truth is that before the rooster crows \add early tomorrow morning\add*, you will say three times that you do not \add know\add* me!”
\c 14
\s1 Jesus encouraged his disciples and told them that he is the only way to the Father.
\sr John 14:1-14
\v 1 \add Jesus continued by saying to us\add*, “Stop being anxious/worried. Keep on trusting in God (OR, You are trusting in God); also keep trusting in me.
\v 2 Where my Father is \add in heaven\add* there is plenty of room! If that were not true, I would have told you. I am about to go \add there\add* to prepare a place for you.
\v 3 And because I will go \add there\add* and prepare a place for you, I will return and take you there to be with me. I will do that so that you may also be where I am. \v 4 You know the road to the place where I am going.”
\v 5 Thomas said to him, “Lord, we do not know where you are going. \add So\add* how can we know the road?”
\v 6 Jesus said to him, “I am the road [MET] \add to where my Father is\add*. I am the \add one who reveals\add* [MET] the truth \add about God\add* and the \add one who gives eternal\add* life \add to people\add*. I am the only one who can \add enable people\add* to come to \add my\add* Father. There is no other way.
\v 7 If you \add really\add* knew who I was, you would have known my Father also. From now on, you know him, and \add it is as though\add* you have seen him.”
\v 8 Philip said to him, “Lord, show us your Father and that will be enough for us!”
\v 9 Jesus said to him, “Philip, I have been with you for a long time. So ◄surely you should know who I \add really am\add*!/why have you not come to know who I \add really am\add*?► [RHQ] Those who have seen me, \add it is as though\add* they have seen \add my\add* Father. So ◄why do you say ‘Show us \add your\add* Father’?/you should not say ‘Show us \add your\add* Father’!► [RHQ]
\v 10 Do you not [RHQ] believe that I have a close relationship with \add my\add* Father, and that \add my\add* Father has a close relationship with me? The messages that I tell you do not come from me. They come from my Father, who has a close relationship with me. He is enabling me to \add teach these things, and\add* to perform the miracles that he \add wants me to do\add*. \v 11 Believe that I have a close relationship with \add my\add* Father and that \add my\add* Father has a close relationship with me. If you do not believe that just because of what I say, believe it because of the miracles themselves \add that I have done\add*.
\v 12 Listen to this carefully: \add You\add* who trust in me will do the \add kinds of\add* miracles \add that I have done\add*. \add Because of what I will do for you\add* (OR, \add Because I will send God's Spirit to you\add*) after I go to my Father, you will be able to do \add miracles\add* that will be greater than \add the ones I have done\add*.
\v 13 And whatever you, using my authority, ask me to do, I will do it, in order that I can show \add you\add* how great \add my\add* Father is.
\v 14 Anything that you ask \add my Father to do, \bd anything\bd* that you ask \add with my \add authority \add* [MTY], I will do.” \s1 Jesus promised to send the Holy Spirit to them. \sr John 14:15-31 \p \v 15 “If you love me, you will do what I have commanded you.
\v 16 Then I myself will request \add my\add* Father, and he will send you someone else who will ◄encourage/be like a legal counsel for► you.
\v 17 \add I am talking about\add* the Spirit, who \add will teach you God's\add* truth. He will be with you forever. Those who are opposed to God [MTY] cannot receive him, because they cannot understand what he \add does\add*, and they cannot know who he is. But you know who he is, because he is with you and he will be inside you.
\v 18 \add When I leave you\add*, I will not let you be alone/helpless [MET]. \add When I send the Spirit, it will be like\add* I am coming back to you (OR, \add When I rise from the dead\add*, I will come back to you.)
\v 19 Soon those who do not belong to God [MTY] will not see me anymore. But \add when the Spirit comes to you, it will be as though\add* you will be seeing me again (OR, But \add after I become alive again\add*, you will see me again.) Because I will be alive again, you also will have \add eternal\add* life.
\v 20 At that time you will know that I have a close relationship with my Father, and you will have a close relationship with me, and I will have a close relationship with you.
\v 21 Those who have accepted my commands and obey them are the people who love me. My Father will love those who love me. I also will love them, and I will fully reveal to them \add what I am like\add*.”
\v 22 Then Judas spoke to him. He was not Judas Iscariot, \add but instead a disciple whose other name was Thaddeus\add*. He said, “Lord, what has happened so that you can fully reveal to us what you are like, and not reveal that to those who do not belong to God [MTY]?”
\v 23 Jesus replied to him, “Those who love me will obey what I have told them. My Father will \add also\add* love them. It is those people whom my Father and I will \add be able to\add* come to and ◄live with/have a personal relationship with►.
\v 24 But those who do not love me will not obey what I have told them. \add So I cannot reveal to them what I am really like\add*.
\p These words that I am telling you have not come just from me. They came from \add my\add* Father, the one who sent me.
\v 25 I have told you all these things while I am still with you.
\v 26 But \add my\add* Father will send the Holy Spirit. He is the one who will ◄encourage/be like a legal counsel for► you. He will come with my authority [MTY]. He will teach you all of \add God's truth that you need to know\add*. He will also cause you to remember all the things that I have told you.
\v 27 As I leave you, I am causing you to have \add inner\add* peace. This \add inner\add* peace comes from me. I am not causing you to have something that those who do not belong to God [MTY] can give you. \add So\add* stop being anxious/worried, and do not be afraid.
\v 28 You heard me say to you, ‘I am going away, but \add later\add* I will come back to you.’ If you loved me, you would be glad that I am going back to \add my\add* Father, because \add my\add* Father is greater than I am, \add and there he will honor me and will send the Spirit to you\add*.
\v 29 I have told you \add these things now\add* before they happen, so that when they happen you will believe \add that what I said is true\add*.
\v 30 I will not \add be able to\add* talk to you much longer, because what happens to me will be as though \add Satan\add*, the ruler of this world, is coming \add to attack me\add*. But he has no \add control over what happens to\add* me.
\v 31 Instead, the people who do not belong to God [MTY] must learn \add from what happens to me\add* that I love \add my\add* Father, and I am doing the things that he has commanded me to do. Now, let's get up and leave here.”
\c 15
\s1 Jesus taught them that they needed to remain closely united to him in order to live in a way that would please God.
\sr John 15:1-17
\v 1 \add Jesus talked to us as we were walking along. Speaking figuratively of the need for us to live in a way that God wants us to, he said\add*, “I am like [MET] a genuine vine, \add not like those Jewish leaders who do not teach the truth\add*. My father is like [MET] a gardener who \add works to\add* take care of a vineyard.
\v 2 \add Just like a gardener\add* cuts off the branches that bear no grapes [MET], \add God gets rid of those who do not please him even though they say that they belong to him\add*. Those branches that bear fruit, \add the gardener\add* trims so that they may bear more grapes. \add Similarly, my Father disciplines/corrects those who live as he wants them to live\add*.
\v 3 You are already \add like\add* the branches \add that a gardener\add* trims because \add you have believed\add* the message that I have told you.
\v 4 Remain having a close relationship with me. \add If you do that\add*, I will remain having a close relationship with you. A branch \add of a vine\add* cannot bear fruit \add if it is cut off and left\add* by itself. To bear fruit, it must remain attached to the vine. Similarly, you cannot \add live the way that God wants you to\add* if you do not remain united to me [MET].
\v 5 I am \add like\add* [MET] a vine. You are \add like\add* [MET] the branches. All those who have a close relationship with me and with whom I have a close relationship will \add do much that pleases God, like\add* [MET] \add a vine that\add* bears much fruit. \add Remember that\add* you can do nothing [HYP] \add that truly pleases God\add* without my \add help\add*.
\v 6 \add A gardener cuts off and\add* throws away useless branches. Then, after they dry up, \add he\add* picks them up and throws them into a fire and burns them [SIM]. Similarly, everyone who does not remain having a close relationship with me, \add God\add* will get rid of.
\v 7 If you remain having a close relationship with me and you keep \add living in accordance with\add* my message, you can ask \add God to do\add* anything for you, and he will do it.
\v 8 The way my Father is honored is by your {The way you honor my Father is by} doing much that pleases him [MET], and by doing that you will show that you are my disciples.
\v 9 I have loved you just as \add my\add* Father has loved me. Now keep living in \add a way that is appropriate for those whom\add* I love.
\v 10 If you obey what I have commanded you, you will be acting in \add a way that is appropriate for those whom\add* I love, just like I have obeyed what my Father has commanded me and I act \add in a way that is appropriate for someone\add* whom he loves.
\v 11 I have told you these things so that you may be joyful as I \add am joyful\add*, and that you may be completely joyful.
\v 12 What I am commanding you is this: Love each other just like I have loved you.
\v 13 The best way that people can show that they love someone is to die for that person. There is no way that you can love someone in a greater way than that.
\v 14 You \add show that you\add* are my friends if you keep doing what I have commanded you.
\v 15 I will no longer call you my servants, because servants do not know \add why\add* their masters \add want them to\add* do things. Instead, I have said that you are my friends, because I, \add acting like a friend\add*, have revealed to you everything that my Father told me.
\v 16 You did not decide to become my \add disciples\add*. Instead, I chose you, so that you would do many things that please him [MET]. The results of what you do will last \add forever\add*. I also chose you so that \add my\add* Father will do for you whatever you, using my authority, ask him to do [MTY].
\v 17 \add I repeat what\add* I have commanded you: Love each other.”
\s1 Jesus taught them that those who were opposed to God would hate them, too.
\sr John 15:18—16:4
\v 18 “The people who are opposed to God will hate you. When that happens, remember that they hated me first.
\v 19 If you belonged to those who are opposed to God [MTY], they would love \add you like they love\add* those who belong to them. But you do not belong to those who are opposed to God [MTY]. Instead, I chose you so that you would separate yourselves from [MTY] them. That is why those who are opposed to God [MTY] hate you.
\v 20 Remember these words that I told you: ‘No servant is greater than his master.’ \add That means that you, who are like my servants, cannot expect people to treat you better than they treat me\add*. So, since they have ◄persecuted me/caused me to suffer►, they will ◄persecute you/cause you to suffer► also. If they had paid attention to the things I taught them, they would pay attention to what you teach them.
\v 21 They will treat you like that because you \add belong to\add* me [MTY], and because they do not know the one who sent me.
\v 22 If I had not come and spoken \add God's message\add* to them, they would not be guilty \add of rejecting me and my message\add*. But now \add I have come and told them God's message, so\add* they will have no excuse \add when God judges them\add* for their sin.
\v 23 All those who hate me, \add it is as though\add* they hate my Father as well.
\v 24 If I had not done among them the \add miracles\add* that no one else ever did, they would not be guilty of the sin \add of rejecting me\add*. But now, \add although\add* they have seen \add those miracles\add*, they have hated both me and my Father.
\v 25 But this has happened in order that these words that have been written in their Scriptures might be fulfilled {to fulfill this that \add ◄someone/the Psalmist\add*► wrote in their Scriptures}: ‘They hated me for no reason.’
\v 26 \add Later\add* I will send to you from \add my\add* Father the one who will ◄encourage/be like a legal counsel for► you. He is the Spirit \add who will teach you God's\add* truth. He will come from my Father. He will tell people about me.
\v 27 But you \add disciples\add* must also tell people \add about me\add*, because you have been with me from the time when I started \add my ministry\add* [MTY].”
\c 16
\v 1 \add Jesus continued by saying to us\add*, “I have told you these things in order that you will not stop trusting in me \add when people\add* ◄\add cause you to suffer/persecute you\add*►.
\v 2 They will not allow you to worship in ◄synagogues/\add their\add* meeting places►. In fact, there will be a time when anyone who kills you will think that he is serving God \add by doing that\add*.
\v 3 They will do such things because they have never known who I \add really am\add*, nor who \add my\add* Father \add is\add*.
\v 4 I have told you these things in order that when \add they start\add* ◄\add to cause you to suffer\add*/to \add persecute you\add*► [MTY], you will remember that I warned you. I did not tell you these things when you first started \add to accompany me\add* [MTY] because I was with you, \add and they were causing trouble for me, not for you\add*.”
\s1 Jesus told them some things that the Holy Spirit would do.
\sr John 16:5-15
\v 5 “Now I am \add about to\add* return to the one who sent me. But \add I am disappointed that\add* none of you is asking me, ‘Where are you going?’
\v 6 Instead, because I have told you these things, you are very sad.
\v 7 But the truth is that it is good for you that I am going away, because if I do not go away, the \add Holy Spirit\add*, who will ◄encourage/be like a legal counsel for► you will not come to you. But when I go, I will send him to you.
\v 8 When he comes, he will prove that those who do not belong to God [MTY] \add are wrong about what is\add* sinful and about who is really righteous and about whom \add God will\add* judge \add and condemn for their sin\add*.
\v 9 \add He will tell people that their greatest\add* sin is that they do not believe in me.
\v 10 \add He will tell people that\add* because I am going \add back\add* to my Father, and you will no longer see me, \add you will know that I am the one who was truly\add* righteous.
\v 11 \add He will tell people that the fact\add* that \add God\add* has already determined that \add he\add* will punish \add Satan\add*, the one who rules this world, shows that \add some day God\add* will also punish \add those who do not belong to him\add*.
\v 12 I have many more things that \add I would like\add* to tell you, but you are not able to accept them now.
\v 13 But \add God's\add* Spirit is the one who will teach you \add God's\add* truth. When he comes, he will guide you so that you \add understand\add* all \add spiritual\add* truth. He will not speak from his own \add authority\add*. Instead, it is the things that he hears \add my Father say\add* that he will tell you. He will also tell you about things that will happen \add later\add*.
\v 14 He will honor me by revealing my \add truth\add* to you.
\v 15 Everything that \add my\add* Father has is mine. That is why I said that the Spirit is able to reveal my truth to you.”
\s1 Jesus told them that after he left they would be sad, but that they would later be joyful when they saw him again.
\sr John 16:16-33
\p \v 16 “After a short time \add I will leave you, and\add* you will not see me. Then a short time \add after that\add* you will see me \add again\add*.”
\v 17 \add So\add* some of us said to each other, “What does he mean by saying ‘After a short time you will not see me,’ and ‘A short time after that you will see me again’? And \add what does he mean by\add* ‘Because I am going back to \add my\add* Father’?”
\v 18 We kept asking each other, “What \add does he mean by\add* saying ‘After a little while’? We do not understand what he is saying.”
\v 19 Jesus realized that we wanted to ask him \add about that\add*. So he said to us, “You are asking [RHQ] each other \add what I meant\add* when I said, ‘After a short time you will not see me, and then a short time \add after that\add* you will see me \add again\add*.’
\v 20 Listen to this carefully: \add After I\add* ◄\add leave you/die\add*►, those who oppose God [MTY] will be happy, but you will be sad. But \add later\add* you will stop being sad and you will become joyful.
\v 21 A woman who is about to bear a child feels pain, because that is \add what happens\add* [MTY] \add at\add* that time. But after her baby is born, she forgets that pain, because she is very joyful that her child has been born.
\v 22 It will be the same with you. \add I will soon die and\add* you will be sad. But after that, I will see you again. Then you will be joyful, and no one will be able to stop you from being joyful. \v 23 When that happens, you will not ask me any questions \add about anything\add*. Listen to this carefully: \add After that happens, my\add* Father will do for you anything you ask, because of his relationship with me [MTY].
\v 24 Up to the present time, using my authority you have not asked \add God to do\add* anything for you [MTY]. Now keep asking \add him for things that you need. If you do that\add*, you will receive them, and then you will be completely joyful.
\p \v 25 Although I have been speaking these things using figurative language, there will soon be a time when I will no longer use that kind of language. Instead, I will tell you plainly ◄about my Father/what my Father \add wants\add*►.
\v 26 At that time, you will ask \add him for things\add* ◄because you belong to me/with my authority► [MTY]. I will not \add need to\add* ask \add my\add* Father to do what you ask.
\v 27 \add My\add* Father himself loves you because you have loved me and because you have believed that I came from God \add my Father\add*, \add so he wants you to ask\add* him (OR, \add so he does not need anyone to persuade\add* him \add to help you\add*)
\v 28 I came from \add my\add* Father into this world. Very soon I will be leaving this world and going \add back\add* to my Father.”
\p \v 29 Then \add we\add*, his disciples, said, “Now you are speaking plainly, without using figurative language.
\v 30 Now we understand that you know everything. You do not need anyone to ask you questions \add about anything, because you know what we want to ask before we ask you\add*. That \add also\add* leads us to believe that you came from God.”
\v 31 Jesus replied, “Now you [RHQ] say that you believe \add that I came from God\add*. \v 32 But listen! There will soon be a time, and that time is already here, when you will all run away! Each of you will run away to your own home. You will leave me, and I will be alone. But I will not \add really\add* be alone \add at that time\add*, because \add my\add* Father is always with me.
\v 33 I have told you these things in order that you may have \add inner\add* peace because of your relationship with me. In this world you will have trouble. But be courageous! I have defeated those who are opposed to me [MTY], and \add you can defeat them, too\add*!”
\c 17
\s1 Jesus prayed that God would honor him.
\sr John 17:1-5
\v 1 After Jesus said those things, he looked \add up\add* toward heaven. Then he prayed, “\add My\add* Father, it is now the time [MTY] \add for me to suffer and die\add*. Honor me \add as I do that\add*, in order that I may honor you.
\v 2 You gave me authority over all people, in order that I might enable all those whom you chose \add to come\add* to me to live eternally.
\v 3 \add The way for people\add* to live eternally is for them to know that you are the only true God, and to know that \add I\add*, Jesus, am the Messiah, the one you have sent.
\v 4 I have honored you here on this earth by completing all the work that you gave me to do.
\v 5 \add My\add* Father, now honor me when I am with you \add again\add*, by causing me to have the greatness I had when I was with you before the world began.”
\s1 Jesus prayed that God would protect his disciples.
\sr John 17:6-19
\v 6 “I have revealed \add what\add* you \add are like\add* to the people whom you brought to me from among those who do not belong to you [MTY]. Those \add who came to me\add* belonged to you, and you brought them to me. Now they have obeyed your message.
\v 7 Now they know that everything you have given me, \add your message and your work\add*, comes from you.
\v 8 I gave them the message that you gave me, and they have accepted it. They now know for certain that I came from you. They now believe that you sent me.
\v 9 I am praying for them. I am not praying for those \add who do not belong to you\add* [MTY]. Instead, \add I am praying\add* for those whom you have brought to me, because they belong to you.
\v 10 All \add the disciples\add* that I have belong to you, and all those who belong to you also belong to me. They have shown how great I am.
\v 11 I will not be \add staying\add* in the world any longer. I will be coming back to you. They, however, will be \add here\add* in the world \add among those who are opposed to you\add*. \add My\add* Holy Father, protect them from spiritual harm by your power [MTY], the power that you gave me, in order that they may be united as we are united.
\v 12 While I have been with them, I have \add completely\add* protected them by the power [MTY] that you gave me. As a result, only one of them will be eternally separated from you. He is the one who was doomed to be eternally separated from you. \add That has happened\add* to fulfill \add what a prophet wrote\add* in the Scriptures \add would happen\add*.
\v 13 \add Father\add*, now I am about to return to you. I have said these things while I am still \add here\add* in the world in order that my \add disciples\add* may fully experience being joyful, as I have been joyful.
\v 14 I have given them your message. As a result, those who are opposed to you [MTY] have hated them, because \add my disciples\add* do not belong to those who oppose you [MTY], just like I do not belong to those who oppose you [MTY].
\v 15 I am asking you, not that you take them out of this world, but instead that you protect them from \add Satan\add*, the evil one.
\v 16 They do not belong to those who are opposed to you [MTY], just like I also do not belong to them.
\v 17 Set \add my disciples\add* apart so that they may ◄completely belong to/serve► you, by \add enabling them to live in accordance with\add* what is true. Your message is true.
\v 18 Just like you sent me here into this world, now I surely will be sending them \add to other places\add* in [MTY] the world.
\v 19 I dedicate myself to completely belong to you, in order that they also may truly be dedicated {dedicate themselves} completely to you.”
\s1 Jesus prayed for future believers.
\sr John 17:20-26
\v 20 “I am praying not only for these \add eleven disciples\add*. I am praying also for those who \add will\add* believe in me as a result of \add hearing\add* their message.
\v 21 \add My\add* Father, \add I want\add* all of them to be united, just like I am united with you because of my relationship with you and as you are united with me because of your relationship with me. I also want them to be united with us. \add I want that to happen\add* so that those who do not know you [MTY] may know that you sent me.
\v 22 I have honored my disciples just like you honored me, in order that they may be united, as we are united.
\v 23 I want them to be united just like they are united with me and as you are united with me. May they be completely united, in order that those who do not belong to you [MTY] may know that you sent me and that you have loved them just like you have loved me.
\v 24 \add My\add* Father, I want \add the disciples\add* you have brought to me to \add some day\add* be with me \add in heaven\add*, where I will be. I want them to see my greatness. I want them to see the greatness you gave me because you loved me. You gave me that greatness before you created the world.
\v 25 \add My\add* righteous Father, although the people who do not belong to you [MTY] do not know what you \add are like\add*, I know what you \add are like\add*, and my disciples know that you sent me.
\v 26 I have revealed to them \add what\add* you \add are like\add*, and I will continue to reveal to them \add what\add* you \add are like\add*. I will do that in order that they may love \add others\add* just like you love me, and in order that I may be in them \add by my Spirit\add*.” \c 18
\s1 They seized Jesus in a grove of olive trees.
\sr John 18:1-11
\v 1 After Jesus finished praying, he went across the Kidron Brook, along with \add us\add* disciples, to a grove \add of olive trees\add*.
\v 2 Judas, who was \add about to\add* enable Jesus' enemies to seize him, knew that \add he would probably be\add* there. \add He knew that because\add* Jesus often gathered there with us.
\v 3 So Judas came to that grove. He was leading a troop of Roman \add soldiers\add* and some Temple guards who had been sent by the Pharisees and chief priests. They were carrying torches and lamps and weapons.
\v 4 Jesus knew everything that was about to happen to him. So \add as they approached\add*, he stepped forward and asked them, “Who are you looking for?”
\v 5 They replied to him, “Jesus, the man from Nazareth.” He replied, “That is who I am.” Judas, the one who was enabling his enemies to seize him, was with them.
\v 6 When Jesus told them, “That is who I am,” they lurched backward and fell down on the ground \add because of his power\add*.
\v 7 He asked them again, “Who are you looking for?” They said, “Jesus, \add the man\add* from Nazareth.”
\v 8 Jesus replied, “I told you that I am Jesus. So since I am the one you are looking for, allow these \add disciples of mine\add* to go.”
\v 9 \add This happened\add* in order that \add when they did what he asked them to do\add*, the words would be fulfilled that he had prayed, “I will never lose any of those whom God has brought to me.”
\v 10 Simon Peter had a \add long\add* dagger. So he drew it and \add tried to kill\add* the high priest's servant, \add but he only\add* cut off the man's right ear. The servant's name was Malchus.
\v 11 Jesus said to Peter, “Put your sword \add back\add* into its sheath! ◄I must endure what \add my\add* Father wants me to suffer./Do you not think that I must endure what \add my\add* Father wants me to suffer?► [MET, RHQ]”
\s1 They took Jesus to be questioned by Annas, the former high priest.
\sr John 18:12-14
\v 12 Then the troop of soldiers, along with their commander and the Jewish Temple guards, seized Jesus. They tied his hands \add behind his back\add*.
\v 13 Then they took him first to Annas, \add who was previously the high priest\add*. He was the father-in-law of Caiaphas. Caiaphas was the high priest that year.
\v 14 He was the one who \add previously\add* advised the Jewish \add Council\add* that it would be better if one man died for the sake of the people \add than for all the people of the Jewish nation to die\add*.
\s1 Peter denied that he was Jesus' disciple.
\sr John 18:15-18
\v 15 Simon Peter and \add I\add* were following Jesus. Because the high priest knew \add me\add*, \add his doorkeeper permitted me\add* to enter the courtyard.
\v 16 But Peter \add had to\add* wait outside near the doorway. However, since I knew the high priest, I went back to the doorway and spoke to the girl who was guarding the entrance. Then \add she allowed\add* Peter to come in.
\v 17 The servant girl who was guarding the doorway said to Peter, “Surely you are not another disciple of that man \add they have arrested\add*, are you?” He said, “I am not.”
\v 18 It was cold, so the high priest's slaves and Temple guards made a charcoal fire and were standing around it to keep warm. Peter was also standing near it, warming himself.
\s1 The High Priest questioned Jesus.
\sr John 18:19-24
\v 19 \add While Peter was doing that\add*, the high priest asked Jesus about his disciples and about what he was teaching people.
\v 20 Jesus replied, “I have always spoken where many people [MTY, HYP] could hear me. I have taught them in ◄the synagogues/their meeting places► and in the Temple courtyard, in places where many [HYP] Jews come together. I have spoken nothing secretly.
\v 21 \add So\add* ◄why are you asking me questions \add like this illegally\add*?/you should not be asking me questions \add like this illegally\add*!► [RHQ] Ask the people who heard what I taught! They certainly know what I said!”
\v 22 After Jesus said that, one of the Temple guards standing near him slapped him on his face. He said, “◄That is not the way you should answer the high priest!/Is that the way you should answer the high priest?► [RHQ]”
\v 23 Jesus replied to him, “If I said something that was contrary \add to your laws\add*, you could tell \add me that what I said that\add* was wrong. But because I said only what was right, ◄you should not be striking me!/why are you striking me?► [RHQ]” \v 24 Then after Jesus' hands were tied {after they tied Jesus hands} \add again\add*, Annas sent him to Caiaphas, the high priest.
\s1 Peter denied two more times that he knew Jesus.
\sr John 18:25-27
\v 25 As Simon Peter was standing warming himself \add at the fire\add*, someone else said to him, “You are not one of that man's disciples, are you?” He denied \add that he was\add*, and said, “I am not.”
\v 26 \add Later\add* one of the high priest's servants, a man who was a relative of the man whose ear Peter had cut off \add before\add*, said to him, “I saw you with that man in the grove \add of olive trees\add*, did I not?”
\v 27 Peter again denied it. Immediately a rooster crowed, \add as Jesus had said would happen\add*.
\s1 Pilate the governor questioned Jesus.
\sr John 18:28-40
\v 28 Then the \add Jewish leaders\add* [SYN] led Jesus from the \add home of\add* Caiaphas to the headquarters \add of Pilate, the Roman governor\add*. It was before dawn. \add Pilate was a non-Jew\add*, \add and they thought that if they entered his headquarters\add*, they would become unacceptable to God {God would reject them}, \add and as a result\add* they would not be able to eat \add the food during\add* the Passover \add celebration\add*. \add Because of that, they did not want to enter Pilate's headquarters\add*.
\v 29 So Pilate came out to \add talk to\add* them. He said, “What law do you say that this man has disobeyed?”
\v 30 \add They knew that Jesus had not disobeyed any Roman law, so they did not want to answer him. Instead\add*, they said, “If this man were not a criminal, we would not have brought him to you!”
\v 31 Then Pilate said to them, “Take him yourselves, and judge him according to your own laws!” Then the Jewish \add leaders\add* [SYN] said, “\add No! We want him executed, but we want you Romans to execute him, because\add* we Jews have no right to execute anyone!”
\v 32 \add The Romans executed people by nailing them to a cross\add*. \add So\add*, as a result of what \add the Jewish leaders said\add*, it was fulfilled {\add the Romans\add* would fulfill} what Jesus had said previously about the way he was going to die.
\v 33 Pilate then went back inside his headquarters. He summoned Jesus. \add Because the Jewish leaders had said that Jesus claimed to be a king\add*, Pilate said to Jesus \add scornfully\add*, “Are you the king of the Jews?” \v 34 Jesus replied, “Are you asking that because you yourself \add want to know if I claim to be a king\add*, or because ◄someone else/Caiaphas► said \add that I claim to be their king\add*?”
\v 35 Pilate replied, “I am not a Jew, \add so\add* ◄\add I cannot understand these matters!/how can I understand these matters\add*?► [RHQ] It was your fellow Jews and your chief priests who brought you to me! What have you done \add to make them want to execute you\add*?”
\v 36 Jesus replied, “It is not people in [MTY] this world who are \add making me\add* king. If it was people in this world who were making me a king, my disciples would have fought in order that the Jewish \add leaders\add* [SYN] would be prevented {to prevent the Jewish \add leaders\add* [SYN]} from seizing me. But it is not \add someone here in\add* this world who is making me a king.”
\v 37 Then Pilate said to him, “So \add are you saying that\add* you are a king?” Jesus replied, “\add Yes\add*, what you have said about my being a king \add is correct\add*. I was born to become a king, and I came into this world to tell people the truth \add about God\add*. Everyone who \add believes\add* the truth pays attention to what I say.”
\v 38 Pilate said to him, “\add How can anyone know\add* what the truth is?”
\p After he said that, he went outside and talked to the Jewish \add leaders\add* [SYN] again. He said to them, “I do not find that he has done anything at all for which I should punish him.
\v 39 But you \add Jews\add* customarily, \add every year\add* during the Passover \add celebration\add*, ask me to release for you \add someone who is in prison\add*. So would you like for me to release for you the \add man who you\add* Jews \add say is your\add* king?”
\v 40 They shouted again, “No, do not \add release\add* this man! Instead, \add release\add* Barrabas!” But Barrabas was \add in prison because he was\add* a revolutionist!
\c 19
\s1 Pilate finally permitted them to crucify Jesus.
\sr John 19:1-16a
\v 1 Then Pilate took Jesus \add inside and had soldiers\add* ◄scourge Jesus/hit Jesus with a whip that had pieces of metal or bone fastened to it►.
\v 2 The soldiers also took \add some branches with\add* thorns and wove them to make \add something like\add* a crown. Then they put it on his head. They also put a purple robe on him. \add They did these things to ridicule him by pretending that he was a king\add*.
\v 3 Then they kept coming to him and saying, “Hooray for the King of the Jews [IRO]!” and slapping him \add on his face\add*.
\v 4 Once more Pilate came outside and said to the crowd, “Look! I am bringing him out to you so that you may know that I do not find that he has done anything for which we should punish him \add anymore\add*.”
\v 5 When Jesus came out, wearing the crown of thorns and the purple robe, Pilate said to them, “Look at this \add wretched\add* man!”
\v 6 When the chief priests and Temple guards saw him, they shouted, “Command your soldiers to kill him by nailing him to a cross! Crucify him!” Pilate, \add knowing that they could not legally do it themselves\add*, said to them, “You yourselves take him and nail him to a cross! As for me, I do not find that he has done anything for which we should punish him.”
\v 7 The Jewish \add leaders\add* [SYN] replied, “\add Our ancestor Moses gave us\add* the law that says we must kill anyone \add who claims to be God\add*. This man claims that he is ◄the Son of/the man who is also► God, \add so you must have him killed\add* {\add command your soldiers to kill him\add*}.”
\v 8 When Pilate heard that, he was more afraid \add of what would happen to himself if he commanded the soldiers to kill Jesus\add*.
\v 9 So he \add took Jesus\add* back inside the headquarters. He said to Jesus, “Where do you \add really\add* come from?” But Jesus did not answer him.
\v 10 So Pilate said to him, “Are you refusing to answer me? Do you not know that I have authority to release you, and I \add also\add* have authority to \add have\add* you crucified {command my soldiers to crucify you}?”
\v 11 Jesus replied, “The only authority you have is what has been given to you by God [MTY] {what God [MTY] has given you}. The \add high priest\add* put me into your hands. \add He has done to me what he wanted to do, and you do not really want to do it\add*. So he is guilty of committing a greater sin than you are.”
\v 12 Because of that, Pilate kept trying to release Jesus. But the Jewish \add leaders \add*[SYN], \add threatening to report to the Emperor that Pilate was not going to punish a man who claimed he was a king\add*, continued to shout, “Anyone who claims that he is a king is opposing the Emperor! So if you release this man, \add we will make sure that\add* the Emperor \add learns about it, and then he will not consider you as\add* his friend!”
\v 13 When Pilate heard that, he brought Jesus out again. He sat down at the place where he made decisions \add about punishing people\add*. The place was called {People called it} The Stone Pavement. In the Aramaic language its name was Gabbatha.
\v 14 It was almost noontime, on the day that they prepared \add things for\add* the Passover \add celebration\add* (OR, the day before the \add Sabbath during\add* the Passover \add celebration\add*).
\p Pilate said to the Jewish \add leaders\add* [SYN], \add ridiculing them\add*, “Look at your king!”
\v 15 They shouted, “Take him away! Take him away! \add Have\add* him crucified {Command your soldiers to nail him to a cross}!” Pilate said to them, “\add He is\add* your king! Do you really want me to \add tell my soldiers to\add* nail him to a cross?” The chief priests replied, “The Emperor is our king! We do not have any other king!”
\v 16 Then \add at last\add* Pilate agreed to do \add what they wanted, and he told the soldiers\add* to crucify Jesus.
\s1 They nailed Jesus to a cross.
\sr John 19:16b-24
\p Then the soldiers took Jesus away.
\v 17 \add As they left\add*, he himself was carrying the cross \add on which they were going to nail him\add*. They went to a place called The Place of a Skull. In the Aramaic language it is called {they call it} Golgotha.
\v 18 There, \add after removing most of his clothes\add*, the soldiers nailed him to the cross. They also \add nailed\add* two other \add criminals to crosses\add*. There was one on each side, and Jesus was in the middle.
\v 19 Pilate also \add had them\add* write \add on a board\add* a notice \add that stated why they were executing him\add*, and fasten it to the cross. But all they wrote was ❛Jesus from Nazareth, the King of the Jews❜.
\v 20 Many Jews were \add able to\add* read this sign, because the place where Jesus was nailed {where they nailed Jesus} to the cross was very close to \add Jerusalem, where many people had come for the celebration\add*, and because it was written {they wrote it} in three languages: Hebrew, Latin, and Greek.
\v 21 So the Jewish priests went back to Pilate and protested, saying to him, “Change what they have written from ‘The King of the Jews’ to ‘This man said that he is the King of the Jews’!”
\v 22 Pilate replied, “What I \add told them to\add* write is what they have written, \add and I\add* will not \add change it\add*.”
\pi1 \v 23 After the soldiers nailed Jesus to the cross, they took his clothes and divided them into four parts, one part for each soldier. But they kept his cloak \add separate\add*. This cloak had been woven \add from top to bottom\add* from one piece of cloth.
\v 24 So they said to each other, “Let's not tear it. Instead, let's \add decide\add* ◄\add by\add* throwing lots/\add by\add* gambling► who will get it.” So that is what the soldiers did. As a result, these words were fulfilled {they fulfilled these words} that \add the Psalmist had written\add* in Scripture,
\q They divided \add most of\add* my clothes among themselves.
\q They cast lots for \add one piece of\add* my clothing.
\s1 Jesus entrusted his mother to John's care.
\sr John 19:25-27
\v 25 Near the cross where \add they had nailed\add* Jesus stood his mother, his mother's sister, Mary the \add wife\add* of Clopas, and \add another\add* Mary, the woman from Magdala \add village\add*.
\v 26 Jesus saw his mother standing there. He also saw me standing nearby. Then he said to his mother, “This man \add will now be like\add* your son.”
\v 27 And he said to me, “\add Treat this\add* woman as [MET] your mother.” So from that time I took her to my home \add and took care of her\add*.
\s1 Jesus died.
\sr John 19:28-37
\v 28 Later, Jesus knew that everything \add that God sent him to do\add* had now been completed {that he had now completed everything \add that God sent him to do\add*}, \add but he knew that something else that was written in\add* the Scriptures \add had\add* to be fulfilled {\add that he had\add* to fulfill \add something else that they had written in\add* the Scriptures}. So he said, “I am thirsty!”
\v 29 There was a jar of sour wine there. So \add someone took\add* a stalk of \add a plant called\add* hyssop and \add fastened\add* a sponge \add to it. Then\add* he dipped \add the sponge into the wine and\add* lifted it up to Jesus' lips.
\v 30 When Jesus tasted the sour wine, he shouted, “\add I\add* have finished \add all that I came to do\add*!” Then he bowed his head and ◄died/handed over his spirit \add to God\add*►.
\v 31 That was the day that they prepared \add everything for their\add* ◄\add Sabbath/day of rest\add*►. The next day was a special day of rest, \add because it was the day of rest during the Passover celebration\add*. The Jewish \add leaders\add* [SYN] did not want the bodies \add of the three men\add* to remain on the cross during their ◄Sabbath/day of rest► \add because leaving bodies hanging overnight would be contrary to their Jewish laws\add*. So they went to Pilate and asked him \add to command that\add* the legs \add of the three men on the crosses\add* be broken {the \add soldiers\add* to break the legs \add of the three men on the crosses\add*}, \add so that they would die quickly\add*. Then their \add bodies\add* could be taken down \add and buried\add* {someone could take down their bodies \add and bury them\add*}.
\v 32 So, \add after Pilate agreed\add*, the soldiers went and broke the legs of the first man whom they had nailed on a cross near Jesus. Then they broke the legs of the second man.
\v 33 But when they came to Jesus, they saw that he was dead already. So they did not break his legs.
\v 34 Instead, one of the soldiers pierced Jesus' side with a spear \add to make sure that Jesus was dead\add*. Immediately blood \add clots\add* and \add other\add* liquid flowed out, \add which showed that Jesus was really dead\add*.
\v 35 I, \add John\add*, saw this myself, and what I am writing is true. I \add know that\add* I am telling the truth, and I am saying this in order that you may believe \add in\add* (OR, \add my testimony about\add*) \add Jesus\add*.
\v 36 These things happened in order that these words would be fulfilled {to fulfill these words} \add that are written in\add* Scripture: “Not one of his bones will be broken {No one will break any of his bones}.”
\v 37 And \add they fulfilled\add* another Scripture passage \add that has these words\add*: ❛They will look on the one whom they have pierced❜.
\s1 Joseph and others put Jesus' body in a cave.
\sr John 19:38-42
\v 38 Later, Joseph, from Arimathea \add town, went to Pilate and\add* asked Pilate to \add allow him\add* to take Jesus' body \add down from the cross\add*. Joseph was a disciple of Jesus, but he did not tell anyone that, because he was afraid of the \add other\add* Jewish \add leaders\add* [SYN]. Pilate permitted him to take Jesus' body, so he went, along \add with others\add*, and took Jesus' body \add down from the cross\add*.
\v 39 Nicodemus was one of them. He was the man who previously went to visit Jesus at night. Nicodemus bought an \add expensive\add* mixture of myrrh and aloe \add spices to put on the body\add*. It weighed about ◄75 pounds/35 kilograms►.
\v 40 They took the body of Jesus and wrapped strips of linen cloth around it, putting the spices in with the strips of cloth. They did this according to the Jewish customs \add about burying bodies in tombs\add*.
\v 41 Close to the place where Jesus was crucified {where they nailed Jesus to the cross} there was a grove \add of trees\add*, and \add at the edge of\add* that grove was a new burial cave. Nobody had ever been put in that cave \add previously\add*.
\v 42 The Jewish day of rest would start \add at sunset, and they had to finish burying his body before then\add*. So, since that cave was nearby, they laid Jesus' body there \add and rolled a huge stone in front of the entrance\add*.
\c 20
\s1 On Sunday morning they discovered that Jesus' tomb was empty.
\sr John 20:1-9
\v 1 Early on Sunday morning, while it was still dark, Mary, the woman from Magdala \add village\add*, went to the \add burial\add* cave \add with some other women\add*. She saw that the stone had been removed {that someone had removed the stone} from the \add entrance to the\add* cave.
\v 2 So she ran to where Simon Peter and I \add were staying in Jerusalem\add*. She said to us, “They have taken the Lord's \add body\add* out of the burial cave, and we do not know where they have put it!”
\v 3 So Peter and I started going to the cave.
\v 4 We were both running, but I ran faster than Peter and got there first.
\v 5 I stooped down \add at the entrance\add* and looked inside. I saw the strips of linen cloth lying there \add where his body had been laid\add*, but I did not go inside.
\v 6 Then Simon Peter, who was running behind me, arrived. He went inside the cave. He, too, saw the strips of linen cloth lying there.
\v 7 He also \add saw the\add* cloth that they had \add wrapped\add* around Jesus' head. It had been folded and put {Someone had folded it and put it} aside, separate from the linen strips.
\v 8 Then I also went inside. I saw \add those things\add* and I believed \add that Jesus had truly become alive again\add*.
\v 9 Before this happened, we did not understand from \add what the prophets had written in\add* the Scriptures, that he had to become alive again after he died.
\s1 Jesus appeared to Mary from Magdala.
\sr John 20:10-18
\v 10 Then \add we two\add* disciples went back to where we were staying. \add In the meantime\add*, Mary \add returned to the cave\add*.
\v 11 As she stood outside the cave crying, she stooped down to look inside the cave.
\v 12 She saw two angels in very white \add clothing\add*, sitting at the place where Jesus' body had been laid. One was where his head had been, and the other was where his feet had been.
\v 13 They said to her, “Woman, why are you crying?” She said to them, “They have taken away \add the body of\add* my Lord, and I do not know where they have put it!”
\v 14 After she said that, she turned around and saw Jesus standing \add there\add*, but she did not know that it was Jesus.
\v 15 He said to her, “Woman, why are you crying? Who are you looking for?” Thinking that he was the gardener, she said to him, “Sir, if you have taken his \add body\add* away, tell me where you have put it. Then I will get it \add and bury it properly\add*.”
\v 16 Jesus said to her, “Mary!” She turned toward him \add again and recognized him\add*. Then she exclaimed in Aramaic, “Rabboni!” which means ❛Teacher❜.
\v 17 Jesus said to her, “Stop clinging to me, because I have not yet returned to my Father. Go to my disciples and tell them, ‘I am about to return to my Father and your Father, to the one who is my God and your God’.”
\v 18 So Mary went to where \add we\add* disciples were and told us that she had seen the Lord \add alive again\add*. She also told us what Jesus said that she \add should tell us\add*.
\s1 Jesus appeared to many of his disciples.
\sr John 20:19-25
\v 19 On that Sunday evening \add we\add* disciples gathered together. The doors were locked {\add We\add* locked the doors} because we were afraid that \add the Jewish leaders\add* [SYN] \add might arrest us. Suddenly\add* Jesus appeared \add miraculously\add* and stood among us! He said to us, “May God give you \add inner\add* peace!”
\v 20 After he said that, he showed us \add the wounds in\add* his hands and his side. We were very happy when we saw the Lord!
\v 21 Jesus said to us again, “May God give you peace! Just like \add my\add* Father sent me, now I am sending you \add to proclaim my message\add*.”
\v 22 After saying that, he breathed on us and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit!
\v 23 If you forgive people for their having sinned, \add God will already\add* have forgiven them. If you do not forgive them, \add God\add* has not forgiven them.”
\v 24 One of us disciples, Thomas, the one whom we called The Twin, was not with us when Jesus appeared to us.
\v 25 When the rest of us told him that we had seen the Lord, he said to us, “If I do not see the marks of the nails in his hands and put my fingers in the place where the nails were, and put my hands into the place in his side \add where the soldier thrust the spear\add*, I will certainly not believe \add that he was the one you saw\add*!”
\s1 Jesus appeared to all of his disciples, including Thomas.
\sr John 20:26-29
\v 26 A week later we were in \add the house\add* again. This time Thomas was with us. Although the doors had been locked {\add we\add* had locked the doors}, Jesus \add again\add* appeared \add miraculously\add* and stood among us. He said, “May God give peace to you!”
\v 27 Then he \add showed\add* Thomas \add his hands\add* and said to him, “Put your finger here! Look at \add the wounds in\add* my hands! Reach out your hand and put it in \add the wound in\add* my side! Stop doubting [LIT/DOU]! Instead, believe \add that I am alive again\add*!”
\v 28 Thomas answered him, “\add You are truly\add* my Lord and my God!”
\v 29 Jesus said to him, “Because you have seen me, you have believed \add that about me\add*. But God \add is truly\add* pleased with those who have believed \add that about me\add*, even though they have not seen me!”
\s1 John stated the purpose of this book.
\sr John 20:30-31
\v 30 \add We\add* disciples saw Jesus perform many other miracles, but \add I\add* have not written about them in this book.
\v 31 But these \add that I have written about, I\add* have written about them in order that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, ◄the Son of God/the man who is also God►, and in order that you may have \add eternal\add* life \add by trusting\add* ◄in him\add /\add*in what he \add has done for you\add*► [MTY].
\c 21
\s1 Jesus appeared to seven disciples and enabled them miraculously to catch a lot of fish.
\sr John 21:1-14
\v 1 After that, Jesus showed himself to \add us\add* disciples when we were at Tiberias Lake, \add which is another name for Galilee Lake\add*. This is what happened:
\v 2 Simon Peter, Thomas who was called {whom \add we\add* called} The Twin, Nathaniel from Cana \add town\add* in Galilee, my older brother and I, and two other disciples were together.
\v 3 Simon Peter said to us, “\add I\add* am going to \add try to\add* catch some fish.” We said, “We will go with you.” So we went down \add to the lake\add* and got into the boat. But that night we caught nothing.
\v 4 Early the next morning, Jesus stood on the shore, but we did not know that it was Jesus.
\v 5 He called out to us, “My friends, you have not \add caught\add* any fish, have you?” We answered, “You are correct, \add we have not caught any\add*.”
\v 6 He said to us, “Throw your net out from the right-hand side of the boat! Then you will find some!” We did that, and we caught so many fish \add in the net\add* that we were unable to pull the net into \add the boat\add*
\v 7 \add But I knew that it was Jesus\add*, \add so\add* I said to Peter, “It is the Lord!” Peter had taken off his cloak \add while he was working\add*, but as soon as he heard \add me say\add* “It is the Lord!” he wrapped his cloak around himself and jumped into the water \add and swam to shore\add*.
\v 8 The rest of us came \add to the shore\add* in the boat, pulling the net full of fish. We were not far from shore, only about a hundred yards/meters.
\v 9 When \add we\add* got to the shore, we saw that there was a fire of burning coals there, with a \add large\add* fish on the fire, and \add some\add* buns.
\v 10 Jesus said to us, “Bring some of the fish that you have just caught!”
\v 11 Simon Peter got in \add the boat\add* and dragged the net to the shore. It was full of large fish. There were 153 of them! But in spite of there being so many fish, the net was not torn.
\v 12 Jesus said to us, “Come and eat some breakfast!” None of us dared to ask him, “Who are you?” because we knew that it was the Lord.
\v 13 Jesus took the buns and gave them to us. He did the same with the fish.
\v 14 That was the third time that Jesus appeared to \add us\add* disciples after \add God\add* caused him to become alive again after he died.
\s1 Jesus asked Peter three times if he really loved Jesus. Then Jesus told Peter how Peter would die.
\sr John 21:15-19
\v 15 When we had finished eating, Jesus said to Simon Peter, “John's \add son\add* Simon, do you love me more than these \add other disciples do\add*?” Peter said to him, “Yes, Lord, you know that you are dear to me (OR, that I love you).” Jesus said, “Give to \add those who belong to\add* me \add what they need spiritually, like\add* [MET] \add a shepherd provides\add* food for his lambs.”
\v 16 Jesus said to him again, “John's \add son\add* Simon, do you love me?” He replied, “Yes, Lord, you know that you are dear to me (OR, that I love you).” Jesus said to him, “Take care of \add those who belong to\add* me, \add like\add* [MET] a \add shepherd takes care of his\add* sheep.”
\v 17 Jesus said to him a third time, “John's son Simon, am I really dear to you (OR, do you really love me)?” Peter was grieved because Jesus asked him this three times, \add and because the third time he changed the question\add*. He said, “Lord, you know everything. You know that you are dear to me (OR, that I love you).” Jesus said, “Give to \add those who belong to\add* me \add what they need spiritually, as\add* [MET] \add a shepherd provides\add* food for \add his\add* sheep.
\v 18 Now listen to this carefully: When you were young, you put your clothes on by yourself, and you went wherever you wanted to go. But when you are old, you will stretch out your arms, and someone will fasten them \add with a rope\add* and will lead you to a place where you do not want to \add go\add*.”
\v 19 Jesus said this to indicate how Peter would die ◄\add violently/on a cross\add*► in order to honor God. Then Jesus said to him, “Keep being my faithful disciple \add until you die\add*.”
\s1 Peter asked Jesus what would happen to John.
\sr John 21:20-23
\v 20 Peter turned around and saw that I was following them. I was the one who leaned close to Jesus during the \add Passover\add* meal and said, “Lord, who is going to enable your enemies to seize you?”
\v 21 When Peter saw me, he asked, “Lord, what \add is going to happen\add* to him?”
\v 22 Jesus said to him, “If I want him to remain \add alive\add* until I return, ◄that is not your concern!/what is that to you?► [RHQ] You be my \add faithful\add* disciple!”
\v 23 Some of the other believers heard \add a report of\add* what Jesus had said about me, and \add they thought that Jesus meant\add* that I would not die. But Jesus did not say that I would not die. He said only, “If I want him to remain \add alive\add* until I return, ◄that is not your concern!/what is that to you?► [RHQ]”
\s1 A statement about the truth and accuracy of this document.
\sr John 21:24-25
\v 24 \add I, John\add*, am the disciple who has seen all these things and I have written them down.
\p We \add elders of the congregation at Ephesus\add* know that what \add John has written\add* is true.
\v 25 Jesus did many other things. If they would \add all\add* be written {If people would write them \add all\add*} down \add in detail\add*, I suppose that the whole world would not have enough space [HYP] to contain the books that would be written {that they would write} \add about what he did\add*.