Open Bible Stories
an unrestricted visual mini-Bible in any language
Open Bible Stories is 50 key stories of the Bible, from Creation to Revelation, for evangelism & discipleship, in text, audio, and video, on any mobile phone, in any language, for free.
Open Bible Stories is developed by Distant Shores Media, Wycliffe Associates, and the Door43 World Missions Community. The illustrations are © Sweet Publishing and the entire project—text and illustrations—is made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, see the LICENSE file for more information.
Below are some download links for various building blocks for Open Bible Stories if you want to use them for your project. For the officially release version, you should check the English Open Bible Stories page on unfoldingWord.
- Medium Resolution (360px, about 35 MB).
- High Resolution (2160px, about 755 MB).
- Layered Source Images (PSD files, about 62.2 GB)
Video Clips
- Medium Resolution (360p, about 2.2GB)
- High Resolution (1080p, about 15.4GB)
Source Text
We recommend that you use translatioStudio to translate Open Bible Stories. However, you may also fork this repository or download a zip archive of the latest version on the Releases page.
If you would like to see the original Open Bible Stories pages in DokuWiki, you may visit