315 lines
6.3 KiB
315 lines
6.3 KiB
conformsto: 'rc0.2'
- 'Jesse Griffin (BA Biblical Studies, Liberty University; MA Biblical Languages, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary)'
- 'Perry Oakes (BA Biblical Studies, Taylor University; MA Theology, Fuller Seminary; MA Linguistics, University of Texas at Arlington; PhD Old Testament, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary)'
- 'Larry Sallee (Th.M Dallas Theological Seminary, D.Min. Columbia Biblical Seminary)'
- 'Joel D. Ruark (M.A.Th. Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary; Th.M., Ph.D. Old Testament, Stellenbosch University)'
- 'Aaron M. Valdizan (M.Div., Th.M., Ph.D. Candidate Old Testament, The Master’s Seminary)'
- 'Benjamin Wright (M.A. Applied Linguistics Dallas International University)'
- 'Johan de Joode'
- 'Door43 World Missions Community'
creator: 'unfoldingWord'
description: 'An open-licensed, lexically tagged, morphologically parsed Hebrew Old Testament. It enables the global Church to have access to the original texts of the Old Testament.'
format: 'text/usfm3'
identifier: 'uhb'
issued: '2024-07-23'
direction: 'rtl'
identifier: 'hbo'
title: 'Ancient Hebrew'
modified: '2024-07-23'
publisher: 'unfoldingWord'
- 'en/ult?v=83'
- 'en/ust?v=83'
rights: 'CC BY-SA 4.0'
- identifier: 'oshb'
language: 'hbo'
version: '2.1'
subject: 'Hebrew Old Testament'
title: 'unfoldingWord® Hebrew Bible'
type: 'bundle'
version: '2.1.31'
- 'unfoldingWord'
checking_level: '3'
- title: 'Genesis'
versification: 'ufw'
identifier: 'gen'
sort: 1
path: './01-GEN.usfm'
categories: ['bible-ot']
- title: 'Exodus'
versification: 'ufw'
identifier: 'exo'
sort: 2
path: './02-EXO.usfm'
categories: ['bible-ot']
- title: 'Leviticus'
versification: 'ufw'
identifier: 'lev'
sort: 3
path: './03-LEV.usfm'
categories: ['bible-ot']
- title: 'Numbers'
versification: 'ufw'
identifier: 'num'
sort: 4
path: './04-NUM.usfm'
categories: ['bible-ot']
- title: 'Deuteronomy'
versification: 'ufw'
identifier: 'deu'
sort: 5
path: './05-DEU.usfm'
categories: ['bible-ot']
- title: 'Joshua'
versification: 'ufw'
identifier: 'jos'
sort: 6
path: './06-JOS.usfm'
categories: ['bible-ot']
- title: 'Judges'
versification: 'ufw'
identifier: 'jdg'
sort: 7
path: './07-JDG.usfm'
categories: ['bible-ot']
- title: 'Ruth'
versification: 'ufw'
identifier: 'rut'
sort: 8
path: './08-RUT.usfm'
categories: ['bible-ot']
- title: '1 Samuel'
versification: 'ufw'
identifier: '1sa'
sort: 9
path: './09-1SA.usfm'
categories: ['bible-ot']
- title: '2 Samuel'
versification: 'ufw'
identifier: '2sa'
sort: 10
path: './10-2SA.usfm'
categories: ['bible-ot']
- title: '1 Kings'
versification: 'ufw'
identifier: '1ki'
sort: 11
path: './11-1KI.usfm'
categories: ['bible-ot']
- title: '2 Kings'
versification: 'ufw'
identifier: '2ki'
sort: 12
path: './12-2KI.usfm'
categories: ['bible-ot']
- title: '1 Chronicles'
versification: 'ufw'
identifier: '1ch'
sort: 13
path: './13-1CH.usfm'
categories: ['bible-ot']
- title: '2 Chronicles'
versification: 'ufw'
identifier: '2ch'
sort: 14
path: './14-2CH.usfm'
categories: ['bible-ot']
- title: 'Ezra'
versification: 'ufw'
identifier: 'ezr'
sort: 15
path: './15-EZR.usfm'
categories: ['bible-ot']
- title: 'Nehemiah'
versification: 'ufw'
identifier: 'neh'
sort: 16
path: './16-NEH.usfm'
categories: ['bible-ot']
- title: 'Esther'
versification: 'ufw'
identifier: 'est'
sort: 17
path: './17-EST.usfm'
categories: ['bible-ot']
- title: 'Job'
versification: 'ufw'
identifier: 'job'
sort: 18
path: './18-JOB.usfm'
categories: ['bible-ot']
- title: 'Psalms'
versification: 'ufw'
identifier: 'psa'
sort: 19
path: './19-PSA.usfm'
categories: ['bible-ot']
- title: 'Proverbs'
versification: 'ufw'
identifier: 'pro'
sort: 20
path: './20-PRO.usfm'
categories: ['bible-ot']
- title: 'Ecclesiastes'
versification: 'ufw'
identifier: 'ecc'
sort: 21
path: './21-ECC.usfm'
categories: ['bible-ot']
- title: 'Song of Solomon'
versification: 'ufw'
identifier: 'sng'
sort: 22
path: './22-SNG.usfm'
categories: ['bible-ot']
- title: 'Isaiah'
versification: 'ufw'
identifier: 'isa'
sort: 23
path: './23-ISA.usfm'
categories: ['bible-ot']
- title: 'Jeremiah'
versification: 'ufw'
identifier: 'jer'
sort: 24
path: './24-JER.usfm'
categories: ['bible-ot']
- title: 'Lamentations'
versification: 'ufw'
identifier: 'lam'
sort: 25
path: './25-LAM.usfm'
categories: ['bible-ot']
- title: 'Ezekiel'
versification: 'ufw'
identifier: 'ezk'
sort: 26
path: './26-EZK.usfm'
categories: ['bible-ot']
- title: 'Daniel'
versification: 'ufw'
identifier: 'dan'
sort: 27
path: './27-DAN.usfm'
categories: ['bible-ot']
- title: 'Hosea'
versification: 'ufw'
identifier: 'hos'
sort: 28
path: './28-HOS.usfm'
categories: ['bible-ot']
- title: 'Joel'
versification: 'ufw'
identifier: 'jol'
sort: 29
path: './29-JOL.usfm'
categories: ['bible-ot']
- title: 'Amos'
versification: 'ufw'
identifier: 'amo'
sort: 30
path: './30-AMO.usfm'
categories: ['bible-ot']
- title: 'Obadiah'
versification: 'ufw'
identifier: 'oba'
sort: 31
path: './31-OBA.usfm'
categories: ['bible-ot']
- title: 'Jonah'
versification: 'ufw'
identifier: 'jon'
sort: 32
path: './32-JON.usfm'
categories: ['bible-ot']
- title: 'Micah'
versification: 'ufw'
identifier: 'mic'
sort: 33
path: './33-MIC.usfm'
categories: ['bible-ot']
- title: 'Nahum'
versification: 'ufw'
identifier: 'nam'
sort: 34
path: './34-NAM.usfm'
categories: ['bible-ot']
- title: 'Habakkuk'
versification: 'ufw'
identifier: 'hab'
sort: 35
path: './35-HAB.usfm'
categories: ['bible-ot']
- title: 'Zephaniah'
versification: 'ufw'
identifier: 'zep'
sort: 36
path: './36-ZEP.usfm'
categories: ['bible-ot']
- title: 'Haggai'
versification: 'ufw'
identifier: 'hag'
sort: 37
path: './37-HAG.usfm'
categories: ['bible-ot']
- title: 'Zechariah'
versification: 'ufw'
identifier: 'zec'
sort: 38
path: './38-ZEC.usfm'
categories: ['bible-ot']
- title: 'Malachi'
versification: 'ufw'
identifier: 'mal'
sort: 39
path: './39-MAL.usfm'
categories: ['bible-ot']