
2.1 KiB

Story 9: God Calls Moses

Comprehension Questions and Answers

  1. Why were the Egyptians afraid of the Israelites? *Because there were so many Israelites. [09-02]
  2. What did Pharaoh do to the Israelites because he was afraid of them? *He made them slaves to the Egyptians. [09-02]
  3. How did Pharaoh try to keep the Israelites from increasing in number? *He ordered all Israelite baby boys to be thrown into the Nile River. [09-04]
  4. What happened to the baby boy in the basket in the river? *A daughter of Pharaoh saw him, took him as her own son, and named him Moses. [09-06], [09-07]
  5. What did Moses do in order to save a fellow Israelite? *He killed an Egyptian who was beating him, and buried the Egyptian's body. [09-08], [09-09]
  6. Why did Moses have to flee from Egypt? *When Pharaoh found out that he killed the Egyptian, he wanted to kill Moses. [09-10]
  7. Where did Moses go to escape from Pharaoh? *He went to the wilderness. [09-10]
  8. What unusual thing did Moses see while taking care of his sheep in the wilderness? *He saw a bush that was on fire, but it did not burn up. [09-12]
  9. What did God tell Moses as he approached the burning bush? *God said, "Moses, take off your shoes. You are standing on holy ground." [09-12]
  10. How do we know God cared about the Israelites in Egypt? *God said to Moses, "I have seen the suffering of my people." [09-13]
  11. What did God send Moses to do for the Israelites? *God told him to go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of their slavery in Egypt. [09-13]
  12. What land did God say he would give to the Israelites? *The land of Canaan, the land God had promised to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. [09-13]
  13. What name did God say would be his forever? *Yahweh. [09-14]
  14. Who did God send to help Moses? *God sent Moses' brother, Aaron, to help him. [09-15]
  15. How did God say Pharaoh would react to Moses and Aaron? *Pharaoh would be stubborn. [09-15]

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